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205 - 216 of 1088 for "robert robertsamp;field=content"

205 - 216 of 1088 for "robert robertsamp;field=content"

  • EVANS, EVAN (1804 - 1886), Independent minister and author Rise and Fall of Papacy, Robert Fleming the younger, 1849; Social Religion exemplify'd, Matthias Maurice 1862; he also published a translation by W. Williams, Talgarth, of The privie Key of Heaven, Thomas Brooks, 1845. He edited a periodical, Cyfaill Plentyn, which commenced in 1835 and contributed 'Atgofion Pedwar Ugain Mlynedd' to Cyfaill yr Aelwyd (vi and vii). [ Evans was a prominent participator
  • EVANS, GEORGE EWART (1909 - 1988), writer and oral historian Children, extracts of which first appeared in the Welsh Review in 1945, prior to its publication by Gwyn Jones ' Penmark Press in 1947; it was reprinted by the Library of Wales in 2008. He attended the local primary school, Abertâf Elementary, and went on to Mountain Ash County School where he was moderately successful academically and shone on the sports field. The pattern repeated itself when he
  • EVANS, GRIFFITH (1835 - 1935), microscopist, bacteriologist, and pioneer of protozoon pathology Born 7 August 1835 at Ty-mawr, Towyn, Meironnydd, the third child and only son of Evan Evans (1801 - 1882) by Mary (1809 - 1877), daughter of William Jones of Tyddyn y Berllan, Towyn. His father claimed descent from Merioneth families which have a distinguished record in Welsh history, numbering among his ancestors Lewis Owen, slain 1555 and Robert Vaughan of Hengwrt, antiquary. Griffith Evans
  • EVANS, JOHN (1723 - 1795), cartographer Ordnance Survey; it was dedicated to Sir Watkin Williams Wynn and engraved by Robert Baugh of Llandysilio. Evans prepared an edition on a reduced scale (about three miles to the inch) also engraved by Baugh, but it was not published until 1797, two years after his death. The maps were, for the time, of unusually high merit on account of their pleasing appearance and the amount and accuracy of the details
  • EVANS, JOHN (1756 - 1846), surgeon : ROBERT WILSON EVANS (1789 - 1866), cleric, Fellow and tutor of Trinity College, Cambridge, a prolific author who became archdeacon of Westmorland; THOMAS EVANS (1791 - 1853), a naval officer who saw active service in the Napoleonic wars; and WILLIAM EDWARD EVANS (1801 - 1869), cleric, who became canon of Hereford. They are all commemorated in Williams, Montgomeryshire worthies, and Robert Wilson Evans
  • EVANS, JOHN (d. 1779), Evangelical cleric, translator, and commentator sef Didwyll Air Duw, 1773 (a translation of Gastrel's Christian Institutes). As a commentator he was earlier in the field than Peter Williams, his chief work being Cyssondeb y Pedair Efengyl; Gyd ag Agoriad Byrr a Nodau Athrawus (Bristol, 1765) - the first regular commentary to appear in Welsh. He died in 1779 at Portsmouth.
  • EVANS, JOHN YOUNG (1865 - 1941), minister (Presb.), professor at Trefeca College and afterwards at the Theological College, Aberystwyth . He was a man of extraordinary knowledge in more than one field, but his ability to impart his learning was not commensurate with his knowledge, though no one was more ready to help students who sought his advice. He was an entertaining conversationalist, with a story and an apt saying constantly at his command and many of the characteristics of the old scholars were represented in him; he was fond
  • EVANS, LEWIS (c. 1700 - 1756), cartographer , but he died 12 June 1756 before completing the task; he was at the time in custody in New York on a charge of libel against the governor Robert Hunter Morris. His map was used unacknowledged many times between 1755 and 1814 by London map publishers. In 1776 it was published in America by Thomas Pownall with his Topographical Description of North America to aid Evans' family which was in straightened
  • EVANS, ROBERT (fl. c. 1750), poet
  • EVANS, ROBERT (Cybi; 1871 - 1956), poet, writer, and bookseller ) and Gwaith Barddonol Cybi (1912). He was a regular competitor at local as well as provincial and national eisteddfodau, and he won many prizes including both chairs and crowns. His special interest lay in the poets of Eifionydd and he did useful service in publishing their works, particularly in Lloffion yr ardd (1911), the unpublished poetry of Robert ap Gwilym Ddu (Robert Williams, 1766 - 1850
  • EVANS, ROBERT TROGWY (1824 - 1901), Congregational minister and author States of America. He succeeded Morris Roberts (1799 - 1878) as pastor of a church in Remsen, New York State, and, after eleven years, went (1881) to Oskosh, Wisconsin, to minister to another church. He published Myvyrdodydd Ieuanc, a book on temperance; Y Ddiwioleg (Utica, 1873) - a very long poem; Marwnadau … Robert Everrett … a Morris Roberts (Remsen, c. 1878); Y Bedydd Cristionogol. He was a keen
  • EVANS, ROBERT WILSON (1789 - 1866), archdeacon - see EVANS, JOHN