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181 - 192 of 1088 for "robert robertsamp;field=content"

181 - 192 of 1088 for "robert robertsamp;field=content"

  • ELLIS, ROBERT (Llyfnwy; 1805 - 1872), parish clerk (1829-72) and poet
  • ELLIS, ROBERT MORTON STANLEY (1898 - 1966), minister (Presb.), and author
  • ELLIS, ROWLAND (1650 - 1731), Welsh-American Quaker Born at Bryn Mawr in the parish of Dolgelley, Meironnydd, 1650, son of Ellis ap Rees. He married twice: (1) c. 1692, Margaret, daughter of Ellis Morris, (2) Margaret, daughter of Robert ab Owen. He joined the Society of Friends c. 1672 and because he was steadfast in his new faith he suffered persecution and imprisonment. After the founding of Pennsylvania on Indigenous land, he sent Thomas Owen
  • ELLIS, SAMUEL (1803 - 1852), engineer dissolved in 1838 and Ellis purchased a large iron-foundry - the Irwell works, Salford. In June 1843 he obtained a patent for improved railway turntables and weighing machines. He was thus brought to the notice of Robert Stephenson who introduced him to the capitalist Kennard. In 1847 he perfected an invention for better adapting travelling cranes for general use on railways. In 1848 he bought the Palace
  • ELLIS, THOMAS (1625 - 1673), cleric and antiquary practically went into retirement. Following the death of John Ellis (died 1665), usually referred to as his kinsman, he was made rector of Dolgelley in 1666, and held the living till his death in 1673. As an antiquary, Ellis had a high reputation enhanced by his friendship and co-operation with Robert Vaughan of Hengwrt, but this reputation was somewhat diminished in his own lifetime by his unconvincing
  • ELLIS-GRIFFITH, Sir ELLIS (JONES) (1860 - 1926), barrister and M.P. 1924, and his parliamentary career came to an end. He died very suddenly, 30 November 1926, while attending the assizes at Swansea, and was buried in Llanidan churchyard, Brynsiencyn. He married in 1892 Mary, daughter of Robert Owen, Ty Draw, Mold. There were two sons and one daughter of this marriage, of whom only one son, Ellis Arundel, who succeeded to the title, survived him. Sir Arundel died in
  • EMANUEL, HYWEL DAVID (1921 - 1970), librarian and Medieval Latin scholar textual and lexicographical study ', and in 1960 received a Ph.D. of the same university for his study of Latin texts of the Welsh laws. Further research in this field led to the publication in 1967 of his volume The Latin texts of the Welsh laws. His other publications include a chapter on these laws in Celtic studies in Wales (1963), and contributions to various works dealing with aspects of medieval
  • EMERY, FRANK VIVIAN (1930 - 1987), historical geographer itself, Emery felt a strong affinity with these men who were, like himself, 'moved by their sense of locality and a zeal for making things known', as he described Robert Gordon and Robert Sibbald in 1958. After gaining a First Class honours degree in Geography in 1952, when he already had two publications to his name, Emery began work on his postgraduate thesis on British regionalism in the seventeenth
  • EMRYS-ROBERTS, EDWARD (1878 - 1924), first professor of pathology and bacteriology at the Welsh National School of Medicine student, he joined the Welsh Military Hospital of the South African Field Force and served as a dresser with great credit, gaining the medal with three clasps. In 1904 he was awarded the MB ChB of the University of Liverpool. From 1903 to 1906 Emrys-Roberts held the prestigious Ethel Boyce Fellowship in gynaecological pathology at the University of Liverpool, publishing in the Proceedings of the Royal
  • ENDERBIE, PERCY (c. 1606 - 1670), historian and antiquary Author of Cambria Triumphans; second son, according to Lincolnshire Pedigrees (Harleian Society), of Thomas Enderby, attorney, of Lincoln, and his wife, Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Rusforth, Coley Hall, Yorkshire. Percy Enderbie's wife was Winifred, sister of Sir Edward Morgan of Llantarnam, Monmouth, daughter of lady Frances, daughter of the 4th earl of Worcester. Enderbie lived many years in
  • EVANS family Tan-y-bwlch, Maentwrog The family of Tan-y-bwlch (or Bwlch Coed y Dyffryn), Maentwrog, Meironnydd, claimed descent from Collwyn ap Tangno. According to the pedigrees, ROBERT AB IFAN, whose will was dated 24 August 1541, was twelfth in descent from Collwyn. As with other families in west Merioneth there was a connection with Osbwrn Wyddel - through the marriage of Robert ab Ifan with Annes, daughter of Nicholas ap