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853 - 864 of 906 for "Rhydderch ap Iestyn"

853 - 864 of 906 for "Rhydderch ap Iestyn"

  • VAUGHAN family Pant Glas, the mansion disappeared a long time ago but the 'chapel of Pant Glas ' in the parish church retains its name). The family belongs to the same stock as those of Plas Iolyn, Voelas, Cernioge, and Rhiwlas; the genealogy is to be found in J. E. Griffith, Pedigrees, 44, where, however, it is incomplete and incorrect. THOMAS VAUGHAN (I) was the grandson of Rhys ap Meredydd of Ysbyty Ifan, and was the
  • VAUGHAN family Golden Grove, The Vaughans of Golden Grove claimed descent from Bleddyn ap Cynfyn, prince of Powys. The first member of the family to settle at Golden Grove was JOHN VAUGHAN. His son, WALTER VAUGHAN married (1) Katherine, second daughter of Gruffydd ap Rhys of Dinefwr (see Rice family), and (2) Letitia, daughter of Sir John Perrot. He was succeeded by his eldest son JOHN VAUGHAN (1572 - 1634), M.P. Politics
  • VAUGHAN family Corsygedol, of the house, and (in that year) high sheriff of Merioneth. This Griffith Vaughan rebuilt Corsygedol in 1592/3, added the Corsygedol chapel to Llanddwywe church, and died 9 November 1616, being buried at Llanddwywe. An earlier GRIFFITH VAUGHAN was associated with Dafydd ap Ieuan ab Einion, his cousin, in the defence of Harlech castle against the Yorkists; it was this Griffith Vaughan who is said to
  • VAUGHAN family Bredwardine, This was the main branch of the Vaughans who traced their descent, through WALTER SEYS, to MOREIDDIG WARWYN (to whom the origin of the family's coat of arms, three boys' heads with a snake entwined about their necks, was ascribed), and thence to DRYMBENOG AP MAENARCH, lord of Brycheiniog. The family had accumulated property at Llechryd in Elvael and Cwm Du before Walter Seys had won renown and
  • VAUGHAN family Porthaml, This branch of the Vaughan family was founded by ROGER VAUGHAN, second son of Sir Roger Vaughan of Tretower. He was possibly the Roger Vaughan of Tyle-glas who was pardoned on 9 July 1491, and figures again in Henry VIII's pardon roll (1509) as Roger ap Roger of Tyle-glas, or Roger Vaughan of Talgarth. He was granted the offices of steward and receiver of the lordship of Dinas, 17 January 1509
  • VAUGHAN family Tretower Court, Sir ROGER VAUGHAN, third son of ROGER VAUGHAN of Bredwardine - see Vaughan family of Bredwardine - by Gwladys, daughter of Dafydd Gam, was the first of the Vaughans to reside at Tretower. It is said that the residence was a gift to him from his half-brother William Herbert, earl of Pembroke, to whom the castle and manor of Tretower had descended by the marriage of his father, Sir William ap
  • VAUGHAN family Hergest, Kington The first of the Vaughans to reside here was THOMAS AP ROGER VAUGHAN, son of Roger Vaughan of Bredwardine, who was killed at Agincourt. His mother was Gwladys, daughter of Dafydd Gam. He was, therefore, a full brother of Watkin Vaughan of Bredwardine, and Sir Roger Vaughan of Tretower, and a uterine brother of Sir William Herbert, earl of Pembroke, and of Sir Richard Herbert. His wife was Ellen
  • VAUGHAN, EDWARD (d. 1661), Master of the Bench of the Inner Temple A fairly exhaustive account of his career is given by Rees L. Lloyd; what follows here is only a summary. He was the fourth son of Owen Vaughan, Llwydiarth, Montgomeryshire and Catherine, sole heiress of Maurice ap Robert, Llangedwyn. Like his three brothers, John Vaughan, Sir Robert Vaughan, and Roger Vaughan, he became a member of the Inner Temple, being admitted 12 November 1618 (but was not
  • VAUGHAN, Sir GRUFFUDD (d. 1447), soldier Of Broniarth and Trelydan, parish of Guilsfield, Montgomeryshire; He was the son of Gruffudd ap Ieuan ap Madoc ap Gwenwys by Maud, daughter of Griffri ap Rhys Vongam. The Gwenwys clan traced its ancestry from Brochwel Ysgythrog. Their principal houses lay in the parish of Guilsfield, in the commote of Strata Marcella. The family, including Gruffudd ap Ieuan, took a prominent part on the side of
  • VAUGHAN, RICHARD (1550? - 1607), bishop Born c. 1550, second son of Thomas ap Robert Fychan of Nyffryn, Llyn, Caernarfonshire. He was educated at S. John's College, Cambridge (B.A. 1574, M.A. 1577, D.D. 1589). Shortly after 1577, he was appointed chaplain to John Aylmer, bishop of London, who is said to have been related to him (Baker, Hist. of St. John's College, Cambridge, 235). He received numerous preferments, including a canonry
  • VAUGHAN, ROBERT (1592? - 1667), antiquary, collector of the famous Hengwrt library Only legitimate son of Howell Vaughan (died 1639), of Gwengraig, in the township of Garthgynfor and parish of Dolgelley on the eastern slope of Cader Idris, who traced his ancestry from Cadwgan, lord of Nannau, son of Bleddyn ap Cynfyn, prince of Powys. His mother was Margaret, daughter of Edward Owen of Hengwrt, parish of Llanelltyd, and granddaughter of Lewis Owen, baron of the Exchequer of
  • VAUGHAN, Sir THOMAS (d. 1483), soldier, court official, ambassador, chamberlain to the prince of Wales children of his are recorded: Ann, who married Sir John Wogan of Wiston, Pembrokeshire, and Henry Vaughan, father of Sir Thomas ap Harry (died 1560), who was comptroller of the household to queen Elizabeth.