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829 - 840 of 906 for "Rhydderch ap Iestyn"

829 - 840 of 906 for "Rhydderch ap Iestyn"

  • THOMAS, JOHN (Pencerdd Gwalia; 1826 - 1913), musician . The N.L.W. possesses a large collection of his papers. THOMAS AP THOMAS (1829 - 1913), musician Music His brother, learned to play the harp when he was quite young and, like his brother, became well known as a harpist in various parts of the world. He visited several European towns and, in 1872, took part in one of the concerts held at the Gewandhaus, Leipzig. He composed a cantata, 'The Pilgrim's
  • THOMAS, NICHOLAS (d. 1741), printer and publisher In 1714 John Rogers printed at Shrewsbury, Dirgelwch …, sef Llyfr y Tri Aderyn, by Morgan Lloyd (Morgan Llwyd o Wynedd) for Nicholas Thomas and Lewis Thomas, the latter a travelling bookseller, of Llangrannog, Cardiganshire A little later, viz. in 1718, Nicholas Thomas was himself at Shrewsbury learning the craft of printing either at the office of John Rogers or that of John Rhydderch; a year
  • THOMAS, ROBERT (Ap Vychan; 1809 - 1880), Independent minister and tutor, poet and man of letters Born at Tŷ Coch, Pennantlliw-bach, Llanuwchllyn, 11 August 1809, the third of ten children, his father, DAFYDD THOMAS (Dewi ap Didymus; 1782 - 1863) being from the parish of Llangower and his mother having been born at Tŷ Coch. Dafydd Thomas was a man of culture and had educated himself far above the average; hymns written by him will be found in the Independent Caniedydd; some of his work
  • THOMAS, THOMAS ap (1829 - 1913), musician - see THOMAS, JOHN
  • THOMAS, WILLIAM (Gwilym Mai; 1807 - 1872), poet and printer for poets to afford the Drych Barddonol and the grammars of Robert Davies, Nantglyn, and Siôn Rhydderch. He was an Oddfellow for thirty-five years, and published a treatise on the subject, Traethawd ar Odyddiaeth; ynghyd a nifer Cyfrinfaoedd Cymru. He also wrote an awdl to Oddfellowship (Meillion Mai, 18). He was a deacon at Lammas Street chapel, Carmarthen. At one time he worked with William
  • THOMAS, WILLIAM (d. 1554), Italian scholar and clerk of the Privy Council to king Edward VI Llanigon, Brecknock, may have been the eldest son of Thomas ap Philip ap Bleddyn or that he may have been the William, only son of Thomas Cromwell's faithful servant, Walter Thomas of Crickhowell, Brecknock, and Writtle in Essex, who was described as living in the Temple in August 1536. Lleufer Thomas had already suggested that he was the William Thomas who, along with two other commissioners, had
  • THOMPSON, DAVID (1770 - 1857), colonial surveyor and explorer in British North America Born 30 April 1770 in Westminster, and christened as ' Thompson,' but his father (David) and mother (Ann) had borne the surname 'Ap Thomas ' until they moved to London. The father died when the boy was three. David was educated at the Grey-coat school, until, in 1784, he was apprenticed to the Hudson Bay Company. After serving for five years as clerk and fur-trader, he came, in 1789-90, under the
  • TOMAS ap IEUAN ap RHYS (c. 1510 - 1617), writer of cwndidau (short religious songs or carols) grandson of Rhys Brydydd and cousin of Lewis Morgannwg. Although the home of this bardic family was in Tir Iarll and although Rhys Brydydd lived at Llanharan, yet it is said in Llanover MS. E4 (written c. 1613-4) that Tomas ab Ieuan ap Rhys lived at Llandudwg (Tythegston). Nevertheless, he and his family were closely connected with Llangynwyd. Little is known of his life. He says in one of his
  • TOY, HUMFREY (d. 1575), merchant owned much property in the town itself and outside it. He is mentioned in official documents as early as 1542/3, and his will, dated 1 March 1575, was proved by his son Robert on 2 May the same year. His wife, by whom he had a large family, was Jane, daughter of David ap David, who was mayor of Carmarthen in 1523. Toy was mayor in 1557. He would naturally come to know Richard Davies, bishop of S
  • TRAHAEARN ap CARADOG (d. 1081), king of Gwynedd He is said to have been the son of one Caradog ap Gwyn ap Collwyn and a cousin of Bleddyn ap Cynfyn. By natural right ruler of Arwystli, his career between 1075 and 1081 is one of the foremost illustrations in Welsh history of how a bold and ambitious personality among the minor lords of Wales could usurp regal powers over an extensive area at moments when the fortunes of the major dynasties were