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865 - 876 of 906 for "Rhydderch ap Iestyn"

865 - 876 of 906 for "Rhydderch ap Iestyn"

  • WADE-EVANS, ARTHUR WADE (1875 - 1964), clergyman and historian English hymnody, and his MS of a proposed hymnal, ' Proper hymns for the Christian year ', is in the National Library of Wales with his other MSS and annotated volumes from his library. JOHN THOMAS EVANS ('Tomos ap Titus', 1 August 1869-10 May 1940), rector History and Culture Religion His elder brother, was educated at Llandovery, London College of Divinity and St. John's College, Cambridge, was rector
  • WATKIN, MORGAN (1878 - 1970), scholar, university professor Liber Landavensis on the basis of their Old French graphical phenomena', National Library of Wales Journal (1960); La civilisation française dan les Mabinogion (1962); 'The chronology of the White Book of Rhydderch on the basis of its Old French graphical phenomena', National Library of Wales Journal, (1964); 'The Book of Aneirin, its Old French remanients, their chronology on the basis of the Old
  • WILFRE, bishop by Arnulf of Montgomery. The fact is that Wilfre could not hope to challenge the foreign Church successfully after the death of Rhys ap Tewdwr (1093), and he made his peace with Anselm, archbishop of Canterbury, who had previously excommunicated him; Anselm defended the rights of S. Davids against the Norman barons of South Wales. It is not clear whether this means that Wilfre had made his
  • WILIAM LLYN (1534 or 1535 - 1580) Llŷn, poet separated as those of Caehywel, Salop; Penmynydd, Anglesey; Madryn and Bodwrda, Llŷn; Golden Grove and Abermarlais in the vale of Towy; and Aberbrân, Brecknock. He also sang the praises of a number of clergymen, among them those of Wiliam Hughes, bishop of St Asaph, and Richard Davies, bishop of S. Davids, whose palace at Abergwili he said he had visited. In his elegy on his friend Owain ap Gwilym, the
  • WILIAM PENLLYN (fl. c. 1550-1570), chief harpist harpists and players of the crwth - Huw Dai, Robert ap Siôn Llwyd, Wiliam Penfro, Wiliam Goch Grythor, Wmffre Grythor, Morus Grythor, Tomas Grythor of Cegidfa, and Hywel Gethin. He wrote englynion to Lewis Gwynn, constable of Bishop's Castle (died 1552) (Peniarth MS 114 (109)) and Gruffudd Dwnn of Kidwelly (Llanstephan MS 133 (881)). A transcript of his music-book in the hand of Robert ab Huw is extant
  • WILIEMS, THOMAS (1545 or 1546 - 1622?) Trefriw, priest, scribe, lexicographer, and physician Referred to by contemporaries as 'Sir' Thomas Williams and 'Sir' Thomas ap William, he generally styles himself 'Thomas Wiliems, physician.' Little is known about him, apart from his work. According to his own testimony, he was born 'at Ardhe'r Meneich, at the foot of Eryri, in the commote of Llechwedd (i.e. Arllechwedd) Isaf, Caernarvonshire,' but he does not mention the year of his birth. His
  • WILLIAM ALAW (fl. c. 1535), poet Among his few extant poems there is an elegy on the death of Llywelyn ap Ieuan ap Hywel (died 1534) of Moelyrch recorded in the manuscript of cywyddau compiled at Llywelyn's home (Peniarth MS 103: Llyfr Moelyrch (17)). He was one of the poets who wrote an elegy on the death of Rhys Llwyd ab Einion Fychan of Gydros, and Angharad his wife (NLW MS 3051D (128)). He also addressed a soliciting poem to
  • WILLIAMS family Aberpergwm, This family was descended from Morgan Fychan, second son of Morgan Gam, who in his early days was connected with the area round Baglan; poets of distinction (see D. R. Phillips, below) wrote in honour of various members of this family during the Middle Ages. The surname was adopted by the descendants of William ap Jenkin ap Hopkin of Blaen Baglan; it was his second son, Jenkin William, who first
  • WILLIAMS family Marl, A branch of the Cochwillan family (J. E. Griffith, Pedigrees, 186-7) and so of the Penrhyn family. The surname 'Williams' was adopted by William ap William ap Gruffydd of Cochwillan whose will was proved in 1559; the wills of his son and grandson (of the same name) were proved in 1610 and 1622 respectively. The last of these disinherited his heir, and the estate passed to a younger son, EDMUND
  • WILLIAMS family Gwernyfed, There were two Williams families at that place: (1) The name is first linked with Gwernyfed in the person of Sir DAVID WILLIAMS (1536? - 1613), judge, the youngest son of Gwilym ap John Vychan, of Blaen Newydd (= Blaen Nedd ?), Ystradfellte, who was the cousin of Sir John Price of Brecon. David Williams was called to the Bar from the Middle Temple in 1576. His career, which is given in the D.N.B
  • WILLIAMS family Cochwillan, Descended from the same stock as Griffith of Penrhyn, the founder of the family was ROBIN AP GRIFFITH (died c.1445) Brother of the Gwilym ap Griffith who established the Penrhyn fortunes on a firm foundation. Robin may have been settled in Bodfeio as early as 1389. He married (1) Angharad, daughter of Rhys ap Griffith and (2) Lowry, daughter of Grono ap Ifan. He supported Owain Glyndwr in the
  • WILLIAMS, DAVID JOHN (1886 - 1950), schoolmaster and author Born at Corris 22 August 1886, son of H. Williams ('Ap Idris') and Sarah, his wife. Educated at Corris Board School, Towyn County School, Hull Municipal Training College (1913-15), ' D.J. ' started teaching at Corris as monitor, afterwards pupil-teacher. He taught as Uncertificated Assistant at Newbridge, Monmouth 1905-08, Uncertificated Head at Cwm Abergeirw (1908-10), Bronaber (1910-13), as