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1105 - 1116 of 1116 for "maredudd ap rhys"

1105 - 1116 of 1116 for "maredudd ap rhys"

  • WYNN family Maesyneuadd, Llandecwyn This family, like others in western Merioneth, traced its descent from Osbwrn Wyddel, in this instance through Dafydd ap Ieuan ab Einion, constable of Harlech castle, and his wife, Margaret (Puleston). THOMAS, the son of Dafydd and Margaret, married Gwerfyl, daughter of HOWEL AP RHYS, of Bron-y-foel - see Ellis family of Bron-y-foel and Ystumllyn - and had a son, DAFYDD, who married Lowry
  • WYNN family Gwydir, Wyrion Gruffydd ' in Penyfed. The descendants of this union are found at Gesail Gyfarch, Ystumcegid, Clenennau, and Brynkir. During the revolt of Owain Glyndwr, Ieuan ap Maredudd ap Hywel ap Dafydd ap Gruffydd of Cefn-y-fan (later called Ystumcegid) and Gesail Gyfarch supported the crown and died in 1403 while defending Caernarvon castle against Glyndwr's forces; his brother, Robert, was one of Glyndwr
  • WYNN family Bodewryd, The Wynns of Bodewryd in Twrcelyn, Anglesey, were descended from GWEIRYDD AP RHYS who is reputed to have fl. in the commote of Talybolion about 1170 and is considered to have been the father of one of the Fifteen Tribes. His eldest son was TRAHAEARN, who was also called Cadhaearn, after whom an ancient mill in Caerdegog, ' Melin Cathayran,' is supposed to have been called. His son, MEYRICK, gave
  • WYNN family Ynysmaengwyn, Dolau Gwyn, castle, continued the line. Humphrey married Annes, daughter of Sir Richard Herbert, Montgomery, and was, by her, the father of JOHN WYNN AP HUMPHREY, who married Ann, daughter of Rhys Vaughan of Corsygedol, and was succeeded by his son, HUMPHREY WYNN (living in 1571). Humphrey Wynn, to whom Siôn Phylip addressed a cywydd asking him to give a harp to Siôn ap Richard, Pennal, married Jane (Hughes, of
  • WYNN family Berth-ddu, Bodysgallen, This family was a younger branch of the Wynn family of Gwydir, founded through the marriage of Griffith Wynn (son of John Wynn ap Meredydd, died 1559, and uncle of Sir John Wynn of Gwydir) with the heiress of Robert Salusbury of Berth-ddu. OWEN GWYNN (GWYNNE, GWYN or WYN) (died 1633), Master of S. John's, Cambridge Education, was the third son of this Griffith Wynn. Nominated in 1584 to one of
  • WYNN, EDWARD (1618 - 1669), chancellor of Bangor cathedral , Jane, daughter of John ap Rhys Wyn. According to Moses Williams, F.R.S., Dr. John Davies left his lady in very good circumstances, but her second husband squandered her riches and abused her sufficiently besides. He was confirmed in the rectory of Llan-ym-Mawddwy by the Committee for the Propagation of the Gospel in Wales, 27 November 1649, but in 1650 he was ejected for some irregularity. He seems
  • WYNNE family Voelas, This family, settled in Rhufoniog for several centuries, claimed descent from Marchweithian. There are alabaster effigies of RHYS AP MEREDYDD, also called RHYS FAWR, of Plas Iolyn, standard-bearer in the battle of Bosworth Field, and of his wife Lowry, in Ysbyty Ifan church (Syr Robert ap Rhys, son of Rhys Fawr and Lowry, is also represented by an alabaster effigy in Ysbyty Ifan church; a
  • WYNNE family Peniarth, , LLEWELYN AP KENRIC, also of Corsygedol, who married NEST (NESTA), daughter and heiress of GRIFFITH AB ADDA, of Dôl Goch and Ynysmaengwyn, Towyn (the tomb of Griffith ab Adda can be seen in Towyn church). From this marriage there descended - to take only the main line - EINION AP GRUFFYDD AP LLEWELYN, IEUAN AB EINION, RHYS AP IEUAN AB EINION (Rhys had a better-known brother, Dafydd ab Ifan ab Einion), and
  • WYNNE, DAVID (1900 - 1983), composer composer Béla Bartók in 1927 - he studied this work carefully, as he did the Five pieces for orchestra by Arnold Schoenberg. No doubt Bartók was the strongest influence on him, but he developed his own style as a composer, becoming interested in the complex patterns of cynghanedd in poetry, especially in the work of Dafydd ap Gwilym, which he tried to convey in his music. He would work on his
  • WYNNE, JOHN (1650 - 1714), industrial pioneer The son of the squire of Copa'rleni (the name has several forms - see Ellis Davies, Prehistoric and Roman Remains of Flintshire, 159-60; the old mansion is now a farmhouse, known as ' Y Gop'), Trelawnyd ('Newmarket'), Flintshire. His father, grandfather, and great-grandfather were all named John Wynne; the great-grandfather was the son of Edward ap John Wynne ap Robert ap Ieuan ap Cynwrig ap
  • WYNNE, OWEN (1652 - ?), civil servant The second son of Hugh Gwyn (alias Hugh ap John Owen) of Gwaenfynydd, Llechylched, Anglesey, who claimed descent from Hwfa ap Cynddelw, the 12th century lord of Llifon, and of Elin, daughter of Robert ap John ap William of Tre'rddolphin. He entered Jesus College, Oxford (matriculated 10 July) in 1668, and graduated B.A. in 1672. At some subsequent date he qualified as a doctor of laws, and
  • YORKE, PHILIP (1743 - 1804) Erddig, Erthig,, antiquary and on correspondence with Gwallter Mechain (Walter Davies, 1761 - 1849), and other scholars, and including an account of the descendants of Bleddyn ap Cynfyn, a refutation of Polydore Virgil's strictures on the ancient Britons, some notes on crown lordships in Powys, and some letters of Goronwy Owen and Lewis Morris. This was expanded four years later into his classic Royal Tribes of Wales, printed