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1033 - 1044 of 1926 for "david lloyd george"

1033 - 1044 of 1926 for "david lloyd george"

  • LIVSEY, GEORGE FREDERICK (1834 - 1923), bandmaster George Livsey was born in Alnwick, Northumberland in 1834, the son of Ralph Livsey (1804-1863), an itinerant circus musician, and his wife Margaret (1808-1887). Ralph Livsey was a brilliant keyed bugle player, a skill he probably learned in a militia band because this relatively new instrument was developed for the improvement of military music. He became a soloist with Wombwell's Travelling
  • LLEWELLYN, Sir DAVID RICHARD (1879 - 1940), coalowner
  • LLEWELLYN, DAVID TREHARNE (1916 - 1992), Conservative politician participated in debates. His maiden speech was, characteristically, on the needs of pensioners. Cardiff always remained central to his political outlook. He took an especial pride in putting down the question to Gwilym Lloyd-George which brought the confirmation that Cardiff was to be granted 'Welsh capital city' status in 1955. Harold Macmillan recommended him for a knighthood in his dissolution honours
  • LLEWELYN, THOMAS DAVID (Llewelyn Alaw; 1828 - 1879), musician Born 25 June 1828 at Llwydcoed, Aberdare, Glamorganshire, the son of David and Martha Llewelyn. He had learnt to play the harp by the time he was 8. At 11 he started work with his father, a collier, but left the coalmine in 1851 and devoted his whole time to music, poetry, and literature. He became the official harpist to the Williams family of Aberpergwm, in the valley of the river Neath, and to
  • LLEWELYN, WILLIAM CRAVEN (1892 - 1966), colliery owner, companies director, agriculturalist and specialist in forestry Born 4 June 1892 in Clydach, Swansea Valley, Glamorganshire, son of T. David Llewelyn. He married Doris Mary Bell in 1932. There were no children of the marriage. He was educated at Arnold College, Swansea, and the Technical College, Swansea, and subsequently graduated at the University College of North Wales, Bangor. Initially he was particularly interested in a mining career and to this end
  • LLOYD family Maesyfelin, Sir MARMADUKE LLOYD (1585 - 1651?) The first of his line to settle at Maesyfelin or Millfield, near Lampeter, Cardiganshire, was born 1585, the son and heir of Thomas Lloyd, precentor and treasurer of S. Davids cathedral, and nephew of Marmaduke Middleton, bishop of S. Davids. He went to Oriel College, Oxford, 1599 (B.A. 1603), and entered the Middle Temple 26 March 1604, becoming a barrister-at
  • LLOYD family Leighton, Moel-y-garth, The family of Lloyd of Leighton was founded by DAVID LLOYD (died 1497), son of the Sir Gruffydd Vychan who fought at Agincourt and was executed in 1447 at the instance of Henry Gray, lord of Powys, and descended through Brochwel ab Aeddan from Elise, prince of Powys. On David Lloyd's death his wide estates were divided between the children of his two marriages, who founded numerous families of
  • LLOYD family Peterwell, WALTER LLOYD (died 1747), barrister-at-law Law Son of Walter Lloyd of Voelallt, Cardiganshire. He married, probably in 1713, Elizabeth, daughter and heiress of Daniel Evans of Peterwell (high sheriff of Cardiganshire, 1692). He was mayor of Cardigan, 1710, 1711, 1714, 1718, 1721, attorney-general for South Wales (the counties of Cardigan, Carmarthen, and Pembroke), and judge of equity in North
  • LLOYD family Bodidris, This was an ancient Denbighshire family which rose into prominence under the Tudors, largely as a result of successful marriages into neighbouring houses, one of which made them heirs to Glyndyfrdwy, the patrimony of Owain Glyn Dŵr. JOHN LLOYD became sheriff of Denbighshire in 1551; his son, Sir EVAN LLOYD (died 1586), succeeded him in the office in 1583, and was elected M.P. for the county in
  • LLOYD family Dolobran, Owain Glyn Dŵr. His widow, Lucy, daughter of Griffith ab Ednyfed Lloyd of Bromfield, was then alive. His third son, DEIO AP LLYWELYN, was the first to be associated with Dolobran. (The Vaughan family of Llwydiarth, issued from the eldest son, Jenkin). Deio's first wife was Mary, daughter of Griffith Goch of Ruyton xi Towns or of Knockyn. The Vaughans of Glasgoed issued from this marriage, and David ap
  • LLOYD family Rhiwaedog, Rhiwedog, from the ancient and once powerful family of Lloyd, of Rhiwaedog '; his nephew, GEORGE PRICE LLOYD, of Plasyndre, Bala, served for 1840-1; whilst EDWARD EVANS –LLOYD, of Moelygarnedd, near Bala, nephew of the latter, served the office in 1887-8. And, finally, the sheriff for 1939-40 was ARTHUR CAMPBELL LLOYD JONES -LLOYD, of Moel-y-garnedd and Chester. To the pedigree compilers, including many of the
  • LLOYD, Hafodunos, Wigfair - see LLOYD, JOHN