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85 - 96 of 2427 for "john"

85 - 96 of 2427 for "john"

  • BODWRDA family Bodwrda, An old Caernarvonshire family, descended from Trahaearn Goch, lord of Cymydmaen. The surname was adopted by HUGH GWYN, sheriff of Caernarvonshire, 1605 (son of John Wyn, sheriff 1584). Of his twelve children, the eldest, JOHN BODWRDA (died 1648?), was sheriff in 1629, and may have been the John Bodwrda 'secured' by the then sheriff (Sir T. Cheadle) for supposed Roundhead sympathies on the
  • BOLD, HUGH (1731 - 1809), lawyer The Bold's appear to have been blacksmiths who lived and worked in a village outside Brecon, and the father of Hugh Bold was ' trumpeter to the Corporation of Brecon.' Hugh Bold became a lawyer's clerk at the Brecon office of John Philipps (of Tre-gaer near Llanfrynach - see Theophilus Jones, IV, 37), married his employer's daughter, and eventually succeeded him in the business. In this way he
  • BOOTS, JOHN GEORGE (1874 - 1928), Wales and Newport Rugby forward
  • BOSANQUET family Professor Henry Lewis in 1942 under the title Brut Dingestow. The collection had been originally formed by Sir JOHN BERNARD BOSANQUET (1773 - 1847), judge and man of letters, but passed to his nephew; it was acquired in 1916 by the N.L.W. One of the sons of S. R. Bosanquet (1800 - 1882) was Sir FREDERICK ALBERT BOSANQUET (1837 - 1923), judge of the Central Criminal Court from 1917. A member of the
  • BOSSE-GRIFFITHS, KATE (1910 - 1998), Egyptologist and author in 1936. Her journey led her to Scotland, where she became assistant to the famous biologist, mathematician and classical scholar, Sir D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson, then to the Petrie Museum, London, and from there to the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, where she became a Senior Fellow of Somerville College. It was here that she met her husband, John Gwynedd Griffiths (1911-2004) who shared her interests in
  • BOWEN family Llwyn-gwair, John Griffith, son of Sir William Griffith, Penrhyn, Caernarfonshire. Thomas Nicholas gives some details of the pedigree of the family in his Annals of the…County Families of Wales, 1872, see also similar works on ancient families of Wales, etc. GEORGE BOWEN (1722 - 1810) comes into the pages of Methodist history because of his friendship with John Wesley, David Jones (Llan-gan), and others. He was
  • BOWEN, D.E. (fl. 1840-80), editor, author and Baptist minister in U.S.A. published The Berean; or Miscellaneous Writings of the Reverend D.E. Bowen, Carbondale, Pa. (Carbondale, n.d.); a Lecture on the Life and Genius of the Reverend John Williams, Senior Pastor of the Oliver Street Baptist Church, New York (New York, n.d.).
  • BOWEN, IVOR (1862 - 1934), K.C., county court judge . His publications include The Statutes of Wales, 1908, The Great Enclosures of Common Lands in Wales, 1914, ' John Williams of Gloddaeth, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England ' (The Transactions of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion 1927-8) and ' Grand Juries, Justices of the Peace and Quarter Sessions in Wales ' (The Transactions of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion 1933-4). He left in
  • BOWEN, JOHN (1815 - 1859), bishop of Sierra Leone , from his uncle, William Bowen. His career, of quite exceptional interest, is sketched in the D.N.B., on the basis of his sister's Memorials of John Bowen, 1862. After farming in Canada from 1835 to 1842, he set his mind on holy orders, took his degree at Trinity College, Dublin, in 1847 (LL.D., 1857), was ordained in 1846, and was preferred to a living in 1853, but devoted himself and his
  • BOWEN, THOMAS (1756 - 1827), Independent minister Born 1756 in the Capel Isaac neighbourhood, of humble parents. He was compelled to earn his living from a very early age, but the farmer for whom he worked encouraged him to get lessons from John Griffiths (1731 - 1811) of Glandŵr, and in 1777 he went to the Abergavenny Academy. In 1781 he was called to Maes-yr-onnen where he was responsible for a considerable increase in the vitality of the
  • BOWND, WILLIAM, Arminian Baptist He lived at Garth Fawr in the parish of Llandinam, Montgomeryshire, but worshipped with the Arminian Baptists of Radnorshire. There is no record of his having received a stipend for his ministry after 1658. He debated publicly with Alexander Parker and John Moon, the Quakers, at Scurwy, a farm near Rhayader (see the article on HUGH EVANS (? - 1656). After his early death his widow married William
  • BOWYER, GWILYM (1906 - 1965), minister (Congl.) and college principal . Powell Griffiths, minister of the English Baptist church, Grenville Williams, a teacher at the Council School, and especially R.J. Pritchard, his minister at Mynydd Seion Congl. church, Ponciau, where he began to preach in 1923. Gwilym Bowyer entered Bala-Bangor College, where his elder brother Frederick had already been a student for three years and where John Morgan Jones and J.E. Daniel were