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925 - 936 of 1135 for "robert roberts"

925 - 936 of 1135 for "robert roberts"

  • SALISBURY, ENOCH ROBERT GIBBON (1819 - 1890), lawyer and bibliophile
  • SALUSBURY, Sir CHARLES JOHN (1792 - 1868), cleric and antiquary Born in 1792, son of Robert Salusbury (afterwards, in 1795, Sir Robert Salusbury, bt.) of Cotton Hall, Denbigh, and Catherine Vaun, heiress of Llan-wern, Monmouth. On the paternal side he was therefore a descendant of Katheryn of Berain by her second marriage. He succeeded his brother Sir Thomas Robert Salusbury, 2nd bt., as 3rd bt., and to the Llan-wern property in 1835. He has been described as
  • SALUSBURY, JOHN (1575 - 1625), Jesuit and scholar Born in Merionethshire, 1575, a member possibly of the Salusbury of Rug family. He went to the Jesuit College at Valladolid, 22 June 1595, was ordained priest 21 November 1600, and was sent in May 1603 to England where, in 1605, he joined the Society of Jesus. When Fr. Robert Jones died in 1615, Salusbury succeeded him as Superior of the North and South Wales District and went to live at Raglan
  • SALUSBURY, ROBERT Rûg (fl. c. 1549) - see WYNN
  • SALUSBURY family Rug, Bachymbyd, the greater part of the family's estates was always in Denbighshire, around Ruthin. It should be noted that this branch of the Salusburies adopted the spelling ' Salesbury ', and, throughout the 16th and 17th centuries at least, rarely used any other. The eldest of Piers ' seven sons was ROBERT SALUSBURY, sheriff of Merionethshire in 1544 and 1549 and of Denbighshire in 1546; he married Catrin
  • SALUSBURY family Lleweni, Bachygraig, , Robert Salusbury at Plas Isa, Llanrwst, and John Salusbury at Bachymbyd. The eldest son and heir was THOMAS SALUSBURY (died 1505), who fought at the battle of Blackheath (1497) and was, in consequence, knighted by Henry VII - the first of a stream of honours and officers which the family earned by their support of the Tudor dynasty. Thomas was succeeded by his son Sir ROGER SALUSBURY (died 1530). The
  • SAMUEL, EDWARD (1674 - 1748), cleric, poet, and author examples see (a) Blodeu-gerdd Cymry, 1759; (b) Llu o Ganiadau, neu Gasgliad o Garolau a Cherddi … o Gasgliad W. Jones, Bettws Gwerfil Goch (Oswestry, 1798); (c) Eos Ceiriog, 1823; and (d) B.M. Add. MS. 14961. Sermons by him were published (Pregeth ynghylch gofalon bydol a bregethwyd yn Eglwys Llangywer, yr ail dydd o fis Mai, 1720. Ar gladdedigaeth Mr. Robert Wynne, diweddar Vicar Gwyddelwern, 1731 and
  • SAMUEL, WILLIAM THOMAS (1852 - 1917), musician Parry. He composed hymn-tunes, anthems, and other pieces. His ' Storm the Fort of Sin,' the quartette ' Y Deigryn,' and his two anthems ' Mor hawddgar yw Dy bebyll ' and ' O'r dyfnder y llefais,' became popular. With J. H. Roberts (Pencerdd Gwynedd), he edited Llawlyfr Moliant, the Baptist hymn and tune-book, and produced the Sol-fa version of the collection of hymn-tunes edited by Ellis Roberts (Elis
  • SAUNDERS, SARA MARIA (1864 - 1939), evangelist and author Sara Maria Saunders was born in March 1864 in Cwrt Mawr, Llangeitho, Ceredigion, the eldest of the ten children born to landowners Robert Joseph Davies (1839-1892) and his wife Frances (née Humphreys, 1836-1918). She had three sisters, Mary (1869-1918), Annie Jane (1873-1942) an international peace campaigner, and Eliza ('Lily', 1876-1939), and six brothers, Bertie (1865-1879), David Charles
  • SAUNDERSON, ROBERT (1780 - 1863), printer and publisher cholera at New Orleans, 24 October 1832 (Seren Gomer, 1833, 94), in his twenty-third year. His literary remains, Gweddillion o Waith Barddonol Charles Saunderson, were published by his father in 1845 (extracts in Beirdd y Bala, ed. O. M. Edwards); there is an elegy upon him by Tegidon (John Phillips, 1810 - 1877) who had been one of his father's apprentices. Another son was ROBERT SAUNDERSON (1814
  • SAUNDERSON, ROBERT (1814), printer and publisher - see SAUNDERSON, ROBERT
  • SHANKLAND, THOMAS (1858 - 1927), bibliophile and historian 1910. Among his best work was chapter x (on the early works of Morgan John Rhys) contributed to the Cofiant by Dr. J. T. Griffith, and chapter xxxvi on the age of John Richard Jones, written for the Cofiant by David Williams. Shankland's sympathies, however, were catholic and comprehensive, not in any way bound in by the fences of denominations, as witness his Cofiadur article on Evan Roberts of