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901 - 912 of 1267 for "Sir Joseph Bradney"

901 - 912 of 1267 for "Sir Joseph Bradney"

  • PRYS, THOMAS (1564? - 1634) Plas Iolyn,, poet and adventurer , and (2) to Jane, daughter of Hugh Gwynn of Berth-ddu and Bodysgallen. He had three children by the first wife, and ten by his second. After his father's death Thomas Prys held the manor of Ysbyty Ifan, Denbighshire, with the livings held by his father; in 1599 he was sheriff of Denbighshire. He fought in the wars of the Netherlands at the end of the 16th century under Sir Robert Dudley, earl of
  • PRYSE family Gogerddan, Council of the Marches, and represented Cardiganshire in Parliament at various times between 1553 and 1572. His will was proved on 7 December 1584. He had married Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Thomas Perrot, of Haroldston, Pembrokeshire - see ' Cywydd i Siôn Prys o Gogerddan ' (with a reference to Elizabeth) by Owain Gwynedd in - and by her was the father of Sir RICHARD PRYSE (knighted 1603), who had been
  • PUGH family Mathafarn, magistrate between 1553 and 1566. His wife was Catherine, daughter of Sir Richard Herbert, Montgomery. Their son, ROWLAND PUGH, served as a magistrate, and in 1572, and in 1588-9, represented the borough of Montgomery in Parliament. In 1576 he was commissioner of taxes for the county. His grandson, also ROWLAND PUGH, was a barrister and was entered a member of the Inner Temple in 1598. He held the office
  • PUGH, Sir IDWAL VAUGHAN (1918 - 2010), civil servant, Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration (Ombudsman) (1976-79)
  • PUGH, JOHN (1744 - 1799), Evangelical cleric Born at Dolgelley, second son of Hugh and Jane Pugh, and brother to David Pugh and Robert Pugh. He was educated at Hertford College, Oxford, 1767, graduating in 1771. He was vicar of Rauceby and Cranwell, Lincs, from 1771 until his death. His friend, Joseph Jane, the Evangelical cleric of Iron Acton (1795), left him the greater part of his wealth; much of this Pugh himself bequeathed to
  • PUGH, WILLIAM JOHN (1892 - 1974), Director of Geological Survey of Great Britain contributions to the advancement, teaching and organization of geological sciences he was elected Fellow of the Royal Society (FRS) in 1951, and knighted in 1956. He married in London during summer 1919 Manon Clayton Davies Bryan (died 1973), second daughter of Joseph Davies Bryan, Alexandria, Egypt; they had four sons. He died 18 March 1974 at 171 Oakwood Court, Kensington, London.
  • PUGHE, WILLIAM OWEN (1759 - 1835), lexicographer, grammarian, editor, antiquary, and poet corresponded with some of the principal writers in England and that scholars sought his opinion. But in the latter half of the last century the position was completely changed and he was looked upon by Sir John Rhys and his followers as a pretentious quack. Both views were incorrect - he was the child of his age. As did so many of his contemporaries, Owen Pughe thought that Welsh was closely related to the
  • PULESTON family Emral, Plas-ym-mers, Hafod-y-wern, Llwynycnotiau, (1) The Puleston family derived their name from the vill or manor of Pilston or Puleston, near Newport, Salop, where they were settled in the reign of Henry III, and continued to hold land at least until 1433. Sir ROGER DE PULESTON (died 1294) is believed to have been the first to establish himself at Emral in Maelor Saesneg; he is described as ' de Embers-hall ' in 1283; and the following year
  • PULESTON, JOHN (c. 1583 - 1659), judge was the eldest son of the Rev. Richard Puleston (born at Allington, Denbighshire, 1548), who was the fourth son of Sir Roger Puleston of Emral (died 1587). He was born at Kingsworthy, Hants, where his father (who also held the sinecure rectories of Llaneugrad, Anglesey, 1592-6, and Hope, Flintshire, from 1597) had been rector since 1596, on resigning the rectory of Astbury, Cheshire, which he had
  • PULESTON, Sir JOHN HENRY (1829 - 1908), banker and Member of Parliament Wilson in the Civil War. After returning to England he became Member of Parliament for Devonport, 1874-92; in 1892 he unsuccessfully opposed David Lloyd George in the Caernarvonshire election. He was knighted in 1887, and was at one time lord-lieutenant of the city of London and constable of Caernarvon castle. Sir John was a leading Churchman, a conscientious Conservative, and, an ardent Welshman, who
  • PUW family, prominent Roman Catholic family Penrhyn Creuddyn, Five of its members will be noticed: ROBERT PUW (died c. 1629), Roman Catholic recusant Religion Second son of Huw ap Reinallt ab Ieuan of Penrhyn Creuddyn, Caernarfonshire. He married Jane, daughter of Sir Richard Bulkeley. His grandson, Gwilym Puw (below), states that he was educated at Oxford. He entered the Middle Temple, 30 November 1567 (Register of Admissions to the Middle Temple, I, 32
  • RATHBONE, WILLIAM (1819 - 1902), philanthropist nationalism of his fellow-members for Wales. He took a leading part in the inception of the University College of North Wales (1884); it is true that he felt at first that Aberystwyth College should have been recognized as the college for North Wales, but as soon as Bangor was fixed upon, it was Rathbone who asked Sir Henry Jones to draft its charter (pp. 350-5 of the biography), and he contributed and