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805 - 816 of 1116 for "maredudd ap rhys"

805 - 816 of 1116 for "maredudd ap rhys"

  • PHILLIPS, DAVID RHYS (1862 - 1952), librarian Association diploma, and was responsible for cataloguing the Welsh section (including the collection of Robert Jones, Rotherhithe,). He was elected F.L.A. in 1913 and F.S.A. (Scotland) in 1920-21. He was promoted Borough Welsh and Celtic librarian and subsequently in 1923 joint-librarian with W.J. Salter until his retirement in 1939. D. Rhys Phillips was nurtured in the literary and cultural societies of
  • PHILLIPS, THOMAS (1772 - 1842), Congregational minister, and master of Neuadd-lwyd school, Cardiganshire . Among his pupils were J. Rhys Kilsby Jones, and the two first missionaries who went to Madagascar - David Jones and Thomas Bevan. Sermons by Phillips were published in 1803, 1808, 1811. Besides these he published a Catechism, 1812; Natur Cyfamod Eglwys, 1815; Sypiau Grawnwin …, 1818; Ychydig o Hymnau Efengylaidd, 1821 (2nd ed., 1842); and - his more important work - a short commentary (in Welsh) on
  • PHYLIP family, poets Ardudwy ) 'Marwnad William Phylip Hendre fechan.' WILLIAM PHYLIP (1579/80? - 1669/70) The son of Phylip ap Siôn ap Thomas ap Robert of Hendre Fechan, in the parish of Llanddwywe, Meironnydd, who died 25 February 1625/6, and was buried at Llanddwywe. William's mother, Catrin, died in 1651, and was also buried at Llanddwywe. His wife, Ann, died in 1653, and his daughter Elizabeth, about the same time. Wife and
  • PHYLIP BRYDYDD (fl. 1222), court poet His extant works are an awdl and intercessionary englynion addressed to Rhys Gryg, a chain of englynion and an elegiac awdl to Rhys Ieuanc ap Gruffudd (son of the 'lord' Rhys) (died 1222), and two other interesting poems in which he claims priority over poets of lower degree. One of these last-mentioned was sung in the court of Rhys Ieuanc in Llanbadarn-fawr. Gwilym Ddu associates Phylip with
  • PIERCE, ELLIS (Elis o'r Nant; 1841 - 1912), author of historical romances and bookseller Rhobert (Dolyddelen, 1880); Yr Ymfudwr Cymreig (Blaenau Ffestiniog, 1883); A Guide to Nant Conway (Blaenau Ffestiniog, 1884); Rhamant Hanesyddol: Gruffydd ab Cynan (Dolyddelen and Blaenau Ffestiniog, 1885); Gwilym Morgan (Bala, 1890); Syr Williams o Benamnen (Caernarvon, 1894); Teulu'r Gilfach (Caernarvon, 1897); and Dafydd ab Siencyn yr Herwr, a Rhys yr Arian Daear (Caernarvon, 1905). He contributed
  • POWEL, DAVID (c.1540 - 1598), cleric and historian Prof. Melville Richards, on the basis of a deed of transfer of land dated 26 October 1558 at N.L.W., (Eriviat Estate Records, File 35), concludes that the year of birth of Dr. Powel should be at least as early as 1540. He was the son of Hywel ap Dafydd ap Gruffudd of Llantysilio and Bryneglwys, Denbighshire - the pedigree, stretching back to Edwin ap Gronw (died 1073), is printed in Powys Fadog
  • POWEL, JOHN (d. 1767), weaver-poet ., these being ten cywyddau and one awdl. They include a poem on Christ's passion, one complaining of the contemporary neglect of old poetry, an elegy to a greyhound, poems addressed to Siôn ap Rhisiart of Bryniog, Ieuan Owain of Dyffryn Aur, Rhobert Burchinshaw, two to Ieuan Brydydd Hir, and one to Dafydd Jones, Trefriw, requesting a copy of Y Cydymaith Diddan. This last cywydd and the letter, written
  • POWEL, MORGAN (fl. c. 1563), poet, one of the Glamorgan writers of cwndidau, a cleric of Llanhari probably one of the Powel family of Tir Iarll (see under Anthony Powel). Apparently he was cleric at Laleston, near Bridgend, c. 1563. Some of his work still exists, including a poem addressed to Wiliam Prys of Briton Ferry, another to reconcile Siôn Mawddwy with Tomas ap Wiliam ap Hywel. He also participated in two bardic controversies or ymrysonau with Llywelyn Siôn and Tomas Llywelyn.
  • POWELL family Nanteos, Llechwedd-dyrus, This family claims descent from Edwin ap Gronow of Tegeingl. Dafydd ap Philip ap Hywel is said to have been the first 'ap Hywel (whence Powell) connected with Llechwedd-dyrus, the first seat of the family; his wife, according to Peniarth MS 156 (see West Wales Historical Records, i), was daughter of John ap Edward of Nanteos. Their grandson, Sir THOMAS POWELL, Serjeant-at-law (1688), a Baron of
  • POWELL, GRIFFITH (1561 - 1620), principal of Jesus College, Oxford Born 1561, son of John ap Hywel, Llansawel, Carmarthenshire. He matriculated at Jesus College in 1581, and graduated M.A. in 1589; he proceeded to the degree of D.C.L. in 1599. Powell was elected a Fellow of the college in 1589, and he became principal in 1613. His published work comprises two volumes on Aristotelian philosophy, which appeared in 1594 and 1598. As a Fellow of the college, Powell
  • POWELL, PHILIP (1594 - 1646), O.S.B. Born at Trallwng (Trallwng Cynfyn), Brecknockshire, 2 February 1594, the son of Roger ap Rosser Powell and Catherine Morgan. He was sent to Abergavenny grammar school where the headmaster, Morgan Lewis, father of Fr. David Lewis, S.J., recommended him to Dom David Augustine Baker, O.S.B. saying: ' O, Saint o vaighgen y'e, ' The latter supervised his law studies from 1610 to 1614, and then sent
  • POWYS, JOHN COWPER (1872 - 1963), novelist, poet, literary critic and popular philosopher lecturing at several girls' schools at Hove, Sussex. His first publication, 1896, was Odes and Other Poems. In the same year he married Margaret Alice Lyon; they had one son; both wife and son predeceased him. In 1899, after a preliminary lecture on Sir John Rhys he was appointed peripatetic lecturer for Oxford University Extension and began his life of wandering, first in England and to pioneer courses