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721 - 732 of 906 for "Rhydderch ap Iestyn"

721 - 732 of 906 for "Rhydderch ap Iestyn"

  • RHISIERDYN (fl. latter half of the 14th century) Gwynedd, poet His canon has not been fixed, and there are textual confusions. In the Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies, vol. i, part 2, 123-33, Dr. Henry Lewis published a study of the poems attributed to him in the R. B. H. Poetry and in The Myvyrian Archaiology of Wales Rhisierdyn sang panegyric awdlau to Gronwy (Fychan) ap Tudur (died 1382; see Ednyfed Fychan) and to Myfanwy his wife, and an elegiac
  • RHIWALLON ap CYNFYN (d. 1070), king of Powys Second son of Cynfyn ap Gwerstan by Angharad, daughter of Maredudd ap Owen, and brother of Bleddyn. Co-ruler of Powys from 1063, he was killed at the battle of Mechain. His son Meilyr died in 1081, and his daughter, Gwladus, married Rhys ap Tewdwr.
  • RHOBERT AP DAFYDD LLWYD (fl. c. 1550-1590), poet
  • RHODRI ap GRUFFYDD (d. c. 1315), prince of Gwynedd third son of Gruffydd ap Llywelyn and Senana, and brother of Owain Goch, Llywelyn ap Gruffydd, and Dafydd ap Gruffydd. His first appearance is as a child hostage in the hands of Henry III in 1241. Probably released in 1248, he returned to Wales when Owain and Llywelyn went surety for his loyalty to the king. He later became a victim of Llywelyn's drive against the custom of partible succession
  • RHODRI MAWR (d. 877), king of Gwynedd, Powys, and Deheubarth Son of Merfyn Frych by Nest, daughter of Cadell ap Brochwel of Powys. He succeeded his father as king of Gwynedd in 844. In 855, on the death of his uncle, Cyngen, he became king of Powys, and in 872, when Gwgon, king Seisyllwg (Ceredigion and Ystrad Tywi) and brother to his wife, Angharad, died, the southern realm came under his rule. There was thus created for the first time a loose union of at
  • RHUN ap MAELGWN GWYNEDD (fl. 550), ruler of north-west Wales Rhun, the son of Maelgwn Gwynedd, succeeded his father as ruler of north-west Wales. If we can trust the story in the Venedotian version of the Welsh Laws, only one historical episode is connected with him. When Clydno Eiddin and Rhydderch Hael returned to the north after despoiling Arfon in revenge for the death of Elidyr, Rhun is said to have retaliated by leading an army as far as the river
  • RHYDDERCH AB IEUAN LLWYD (c. 1325 - before 1399?), lawman and literary patron Rhydderch was the son of Ieuan Llwyd ab Ieuan ap Gruffudd Foel of Glyn Aeron, near Llangeitho, and Angharad Hael, daughter of Richard ab Einion of Buellt (Builth). His family were descended from the royal line of Ceredigion and, through his paternal grandmother and her mother, from Rhys ap Gruffydd (died 1197), Lord of Deheubarth and chief patron of Strata Florida Abbey. The family had long been
  • RHYDDERCH HAEL (or HEN), king of Alclyde (Dumbarton, near Glasgow) Son of Tudwal Tudclyd ap Clynnog ap Dyfnwal Hen (Harl. MS. 3859; Cymm., ix, 173). According to the Saxon genealogies, Rhydderch Hen fought along with Urien (Rheged), Gwallawg, and Morgant against Hussa, king of Northumbria, c. 590. Adamnan (624 - 704) in his ' Life of S. Columba ' states that he was king of Alclyde (Dumbarton, near Glasgow) and that he was a friend of S. Columba (521 - 597