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697 - 700 of 700 for "bangor"

697 - 700 of 700 for "bangor"

  • WYNNE, SARAH EDITH (Eos Cymru; 1842 - 1897), vocalist Born 11 March 1842 in Panton Place, Holywell, Flintshire, the daughter of Robert and Harriet Wynne - (her name in the baptismal register is given as Sarah Wynne). She showed a special talent as a singer when a child - she was only 9 when she joined the Holywell choral society. When she was 12 she went on a concert tour to various parts of Wales with a Mr. Hulse, Bangor, her special contribution
  • WYNNE, WILLIAM (1671? - 1704), historian He came of the family of Wynne of Garthewin, Llanfair Talhaiarn (see J. E. Griffith, Pedigrees, 167), a cadet branch of the Wynne of Melai family (ibid. 376); a Robert Wynne (died 1682), younger son of John Wynne of Melai, married Margaret Price, heiress of Garthewin; their son, Robert Wynne (1636 - 1680), rector of Llan-ddeiniolen and of Llaniestyn, and canon of Bangor, married Catherine Madryn
  • YALE family Plâs yn Iâl, Plas Grono, career by becoming LL.D. (1557) and advocate of the court of Canterbury (1559) - in time to take a prominent part in legal arrangements for the appointment to Canterbury of Matthew Parker, who made him his chancellor, vicar-general, and judge of the court of audience, and used him as his right-hand man, sending him on many visitations, including two of Bangor (1566 and 1576) - the latter with Nicholas
  • YOUNG, GRUFFYDD (c. 1370 - c. 1435), cleric, and supporter of Owain Glyndŵr Of illegitimate birth, he appears to have won the favour of Anne of Bohemia, queen of Richard II (Cal. Pap. Letters, iv, 445; v, 239), and between 1391 and 1403 held numerous benefices in the dioceses of Bangor and S. Davids - Llanynys, Llanbadarn-fawr, prebends of Garthbrengy, Boughrood, Lampeter, Bangor (Cal. Pat. R., 1388-92, 355; ibid., 1391-6, 16; (Cal. Pap. Letters, v, 239, 412, 521), vicar