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637 - 648 of 965 for "Gruffydd ap Gwenwynwyn"

637 - 648 of 965 for "Gruffydd ap Gwenwynwyn"

  • MEURUG ab IORWERTH (fl. c. 1320-1370), one of the last of the 'Gogynfeirdd' bards One example of his work is preserved in the ' Red Book of Hergest ' and some other MSS., this being an awdl addressed to Hopcyn ap Tomas of Ynys Dawy (Ynystawe) in Glamorgan.
  • MEYRICK family Bodorgan, This family is descended from Cadafael, lord of Cedewain in Powys, but it was in the Tudor period that it first came into prominence. LLEWELYN AP HEILYN fought under Henry Tudor at the battle of Bosworth; his son MEURIG AP LLEWELYN served under Henry VIII, was promoted to be captain of the bodyguard, and was given the Crown Lease of the manor of Aberffraw. Meurig was succeeded at Bodorgan by five
  • MORGAN (fl. 1294), rebel He was the leader of the Glamorgan insurgents during the rising of Madog ap Llywelyn in 1294-5. Owing to personal grievances against the De Clares, he claimed to be at war only against the lords of Glamorgan. He may, therefore, have been Morgan ap Maredudd, a direct descendant of Rhydderch ap Iestyn; his father, Maredudd, the last native lord of Caerleon, had been deprived twenty years earlier by
  • MORGAN family Tredegar Park, from Bledri was LLYWELYN AB IFOR, lord of S. Clears and Gwynfe, who married Angharad, the daughter and sole heir of Sir Morgan ap Maredydd, said to be descended from the Welsh lords of Caerleon and, in her right, acquired the estates of Tredegar and Cyfoeth Feredydd. Of this union there were three children, MORGAN of Tredegar and S. Clears, Ifor Hael, the ancestor of the branch of the family at Gwern
  • MORGAN, JOHN (d. 1504), clerk of parliament, and bishop , who was the son of Morgan ap Jenkin ap Philip, grandson of Llywelyn ap Morgan of Tredegar (Dwnn, Heraldic Visitations, I, 21; H. T. Evans, Wales and Wars of Roses, 216-8). He was sometimes called 'Young' to distinguish him from another brother called John (Catal. MSS. in B.M. 248). If John Morgan the bishop was indeed the son of Morgan ap Jenkin he was linked through his mother, Joan, daughter of
  • MORGAN ap CARADOG ap IESTYN (d. c. 1208), lord of the Welsh barony of Avan Wallia (or Nedd-Avan) in the honour of Glamorgan son of Caradog and Gwladus, daughter of Gruffydd ap Rhys ap Tewdwr. Always an unwilling vassal of the Norman lords of Glamorgan, he was closely identified with the policy of his cousin, the 'lord' Rhys, and was probably the leader of the Glamorgan rising of 1183 (?). He was twice married: (1) to Gwenllian, daughter of Ifor Bach; (2) to Gwerful, daughter of Idnerth ap Cadwgan. He had at least four
  • MORGAN ap HUW LEWYS (fl. c. 1550-1600), poet Of Hafod-y-wern in the parish of Llanwnda, Caernarfonshire; son of the chief constable of the commote of Uwch Gwyrfai in 1548 (and not the son of Huw Lewys of Plas-yn-Bont, translator of Perl Mewn Adfyd, as some people have thought). Apparently Tryfan and its surrounds were the homes of Huw ap Lewys and his children, and it was probably through marriage that Morgan became resident at Hafod-y-Wern
  • MORGAN ap HYWEL (fl. 1210-1248), Welsh lord of Gwynllwg or Caerleon under the earls of Gloucester (lords of Glamorgan), a descendant of Rhydderch ap Iestyn ap Gwrgant. It may be useful to enter under his name a note on his family, compiled from Lloyd, A History of Wales (see the genealogy on p. 771 of that work). Caradog ap Gruffudd, grandson of Rhydderch ap Iestyn, was killed in the battle of Mynydd Cam (1081). By 1140 we hear of Caradog's son, OWAIN AP CARADOG
  • MORGAN GAM (d. 1241), lord of the Welsh barony of Avan Wallia (or Nedd-Afan) in the honour of Glamorgan son of Morgan ap Caradog ap Iestyn, probably by Gwenllian, daughter of Ifor Bach. He succeeded his elder brother, Lleision, c. 1213, and, reverting to his father's policy of alliance with the Welsh princes, well served the interests of Llywelyn ap Iorwerth by harassing the Clare lords of Glamorgan. He married, according to the pedigrees, (1) Janet, daughter of Elidyr Ddu, (2) Ellen, daughter of
  • MORGAN HEN ab OWAIN (d. 975), king of Morgannwg grandson of Hywel ap Rhys, founder of a new dynasty in western Glamorgan at the close of the 9th century. Morgan, who succeeded his father, Owain, about 930, was closely associated with the policy of friendship with the West-Saxon monarchy pursued by Hywel Dda, and continued on good terms with the English for at least a few years after the latter's death. In his day Morgannwg once more embraced
  • MORGAN MWYNFAWR (fl. 730), king of Morgannwg from whom the old kingdom of Glamorgan, embracing Glywysing and Gwent, probably took its name. He was the grandson and no doubt the successor of king Meurig ap Tewdrig, the reputed husband of Onbraus, daughter of Gwrgant Mawr, last king of Erging (south Herefordshire). Morgan's realm actually extended beyond the Wye into part of Erging, and westwards as far as the Towy. He was succeeded by his