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589 - 600 of 906 for "Rhydderch ap Iestyn"

589 - 600 of 906 for "Rhydderch ap Iestyn"

  • MEREDITH, JOHN ELLIS (1904 - 1981), minister (Presbyterian Church of Wales) and author in philosophy in 1928 and then proceeded to study theology at Oxford University in 1928, where he was a member of Jesus College, sharing rooms with T. Rowland Hughes, who became a lifelong friend. J. E. Meredith served as Secretary of the Dafydd ap Gwilym Society and he made an important contribution to the Welsh life of the University and the city. He graduated in 1930 with Distinction and took
  • MEREDITH, RICHARD (d. 1597), bishop of Leighlin, Ireland Born in Denbighshire, son, it is said, of one Robert Meredith ap Gronw and Margaret, daughter of William John ap Gronw. It is possible that he was of the same stock as the Merediths of Stansty. He was probably the Richard Meredith who graduated B.A. at Jesus College, 4 March 1572/3, but it is quite certain that he became M.A. of the same college in 1575. He became chaplain to Sir John Perrot
  • MEREDUDD ap RHYS (fl. 1450-1485), gentleman, cleric, and poet His name is certainly that which is found in the books of pedigrees of Robert Vaughan of Hengwrt and Edward ap Roger of Ruabon - Meredudd ap Rhys married Angharad, daughter of Madog ap Robert of Cristionydd in the parish of Ruabon. His pedigree is traced back to Rhys Sais and Tudur Trefor, who were the ancestors of many of the gentle families in the Maelors and the Marches : Meredudd ap Rhys ap
  • MERFYN FRYCH (d. 844), king of Gwynedd son of Gwriad, probably a Manx chieftain and a reputed descendant of Llywarch Hen, by Ethyllt, a princess of Gwynedd. On the death, in 825, of Hywel ap Rhodri Molwynog, his mother's uncle, he became king in Anglesey, and later, on the death of Hywel ap Caradog, appears to have acquired the kingship of the adjacent mainland cantrefs. Thus were united the inheritances of the last direct descendants
  • MERRICK, RICE (d. 1586-7), landed gentleman, genealogist, and historian He lived at Cottrell in the parish of S. Nicholas in the Vale of Glamorgan. According to his contemporary, Dafydd Benwyn, he was the son of Meurug ap Hywel ap Phylip ap Dafydd ap Phylip Hir, of the line of Caradog Freichfras. He was appointed by the earl of Pembroke as Clerk of the Peace in Glamorgan. He died in 1 March 1586/7 and was buried in Cowbridge church. Two elegies to him were sung, the
  • MEURIG ab IDWAL FOEL (d. 986), nobleman of Gwynedd Youngest son of Idwal Foel. Since he died in the same year as his nephew, Cadwallon, king of Gwynedd, he was never apparently king himself. But the lineage of Rhodri Fawr was preserved in Gwynedd through his descendants - see Idwal ap Meurig.
  • MEURUG ab IORWERTH (fl. c. 1320-1370), one of the last of the 'Gogynfeirdd' bards One example of his work is preserved in the ' Red Book of Hergest ' and some other MSS., this being an awdl addressed to Hopcyn ap Tomas of Ynys Dawy (Ynystawe) in Glamorgan.
  • MEYRICK family Bodorgan, This family is descended from Cadafael, lord of Cedewain in Powys, but it was in the Tudor period that it first came into prominence. LLEWELYN AP HEILYN fought under Henry Tudor at the battle of Bosworth; his son MEURIG AP LLEWELYN served under Henry VIII, was promoted to be captain of the bodyguard, and was given the Crown Lease of the manor of Aberffraw. Meurig was succeeded at Bodorgan by five
  • MILLS, RICHARD (Rhydderch Hael; 1809 - 1844), musician
  • MORGAN (fl. 1294), rebel He was the leader of the Glamorgan insurgents during the rising of Madog ap Llywelyn in 1294-5. Owing to personal grievances against the De Clares, he claimed to be at war only against the lords of Glamorgan. He may, therefore, have been Morgan ap Maredudd, a direct descendant of Rhydderch ap Iestyn; his father, Maredudd, the last native lord of Caerleon, had been deprived twenty years earlier by
  • MORGAN family Tredegar Park, from Bledri was LLYWELYN AB IFOR, lord of S. Clears and Gwynfe, who married Angharad, the daughter and sole heir of Sir Morgan ap Maredydd, said to be descended from the Welsh lords of Caerleon and, in her right, acquired the estates of Tredegar and Cyfoeth Feredydd. Of this union there were three children, MORGAN of Tredegar and S. Clears, Ifor Hael, the ancestor of the branch of the family at Gwern
  • MORGAN, JOHN (d. 1504), clerk of parliament, and bishop , who was the son of Morgan ap Jenkin ap Philip, grandson of Llywelyn ap Morgan of Tredegar (Dwnn, Heraldic Visitations, I, 21; H. T. Evans, Wales and Wars of Roses, 216-8). He was sometimes called 'Young' to distinguish him from another brother called John (Catal. MSS. in B.M. 248). If John Morgan the bishop was indeed the son of Morgan ap Jenkin he was linked through his mother, Joan, daughter of