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49 - 60 of 125 for "Iorwerth Iorwerth Drwyndwn"

49 - 60 of 125 for "Iorwerth Iorwerth Drwyndwn"

  • IEUAN GETHIN ap IEUAN ap LLEISION (fl. c. 1450) Baglan, poet and gentleman A descendant of the family of Caradog ap Iestyn ap Gwrgant. According to some genealogists (e.g. Gruffudd Hiraethog in Peniarth MS 178, i (43)) he married the daughter of Tomas ab Ifor Hael. Bards from North and South Wales were entertained at his court at Baglan, and two cywyddau addressed to him remain in manuscript, one by Ieuan Ddu ap Dafydd ab Owain, and the other by Iorwerth Fynglwyd. A
  • IEUAN LLWYD ab Y GARGAM (fl. 14th century), poet One of the last of the 'Gogynfeirdd.' No details of his career are known, but an awdl composed by him to Hopcyn ap Tomas of Ynysdawy, Glamorganshire, is preserved in the 'Red Book of Hergest' and some other manuscripts. It is also contained in The Myvyrian Archaiology of Wales, but there the poet's name is given as Iorwerth Llwyd ab y Gargam.
  • IOLO GOCH (c. 1320 - c. 1398), poet A native of the Vale of Clwyd, son of Ithel Goch ap Cynwrig ap Iorwerth Ddu ap Cynwrig Ddewis Herod ap Cywryd. According to Hugh de Beckele's Extent of Denbigh (1334), Ithel Goch rented a small portion of the family's ancient patrimony in the township of Llewenni where he possessed a dwelling house. He also rented from the lord small parcels of land in Llechryd and Berain. Of the works attributed
  • IOLO GOCH (c. 1325 - c. 1400), poet Iolo Goch was a poet from the Vale of Clwyd, son of Ithel Goch ap Cynwrig ab Iorwerth ap Cynwrig Ddewis Herod from the lineage of Hedd ab Alunog of Uwch Aled, one of the Fifteen Tribes of Gwynedd. His mother was Ithel Goch's second wife, and is not named in his genealogy [?]. The names of two brothers are recorded, Gruffudd and Tudur Goch. Iolo was originally a hypocoristic form of Iorwerth (the
  • IORWERTH, abbot of Talley and bishop of S. Davids him by his oaths to the Crown and Canterbury, being present at royal councils and mediating between Welsh and English even at the risk of incurring the displeasure of the chronicler of his old house at Talley. During the episcopate the abbey, however, added considerably to its wealth through appropriations conceded by Iorwerth. He also left a deep impression on his diocese by reforming the
  • IORWERTH ab OWAIN, Lord of Caerleon - see MORGAN ap HYWEL
  • IORWERTH ab Y CYRIOG (fl. c. 1380), poet
  • IORWERTH ap BLEDDYN (d. 1111), prince of Powys
  • IORWERTH ap MADOG (fl. 1240?-1268?), jurist repeatedly mentioned in various manuscripts of the ' Venedotian Code ' of the Welsh Laws, is more specifically designated in one of these as ' Iorwerth ap Madog ap Rhahawd '; this would make him a brother of the poet Einion ap Madog (fl. c. 1237) - the identification is accepted by Sir John Lloyd, A History of Wales, 355. This would make him a descendant of the 9th century Cilmin Droed-ddu, and a
  • IORWERTH BELI (fl. early in the 14th century) Gwynedd, poet He sang an awdl to the bishop of Bangor (The Myvyrian Archaiology of Wales, 317-8) reproaching him for neglecting poets and overesteeming musicians. This poem makes use of a metre which, according to Cerdd Dafod, 339, is not found in any poem before 1322 which can be precisely dated. In Iorwerth Beli's awdl we are given a glimpse of the position and outlook of the poets in the period after the
  • IORWERTH DRWYNDWN (d. c. 1174), prince of Gwynedd Elder son of Owain Gwynedd by Gwladus, daughter of Llywarch ap Trahaearn. He married a princess of Powys, namely Marared, daughter of Madog ap Maredudd, by whom he had one son, the future Llywelyn ap Iorwerth. In the partition of his father's territories he received Arfon and probably Nanconwy. Shortly afterwards he disappears from view, probably dying about the time of the usurpation of power in