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325 - 336 of 1116 for "maredudd ap rhys"

325 - 336 of 1116 for "maredudd ap rhys"

  • GRUFFUDD GRYG (fl. second half of the 14th century), bard wrote the elegy to Rhys ap Tudur, ' chief of Anglesey,' who was honoured by king Richard and appointed ' keeper of the stags of Snowdonia,' we must believe that the poet lived until the beginning of the next century, because Rhys died in 1412, at Arddreiniog, according to Rowlands (Archæologia Cambrensis, iv, 267) [but according to Panton MS. 23, he was executed at Chester; Lloyd, Owen Glendower, 154
  • GRUFFUDD HIRAETHOG (d. 1564), bard and herald the 16th century, such as Simwnt Fychan, Wiliam Llŷn, Wiliam Cynwal, Siôn Tudur and Raff ap Robert having been his disciples. Some of these men came into possession of his manuscripts after his death. Gruffudd Hiraethog best exemplifies the interest in heraldry which was characteristic of the bards of his period, and extensive collections of pedigrees made by him still remain such as Peniarth MS 132
  • GRUFFUDD LEIAF (fl. 15th century), poet A native of Denbighshire, son of Gruffudd Fychan ap Gruffudd ap Dafydd Goch, who traced his descent from Owain Gwynedd. (Peniarth MS 127 (17)). An englyn written by him is found in Cwrtmawr MS 242B (1) and NLW MS 6499B (1). A cywydd to the owl is also attributed to him in some manuscripts, e.g. Cardiff MS. 64 (552), and Esgair MS. 1 (37); but the same poem bears the name of Dafydd ap Gwilym, and
  • GRUFFUDD LLWYD ab IFAN (fl. 1564), poet nothing is known about his life, but it appears from one of his poems that he lived in Anglesey. Some of his work remains in manuscripts, and this includes cywyddau to Elis Prys of Plas Iolyn (NLW MS 1247D (22)), Ieuan ap Siôn ap Maredudd of Bryncyr (NLW MS 5282B (49)), and Tudur ap Rhobert of Berain (NLW MS 6495D (118b, 120 - in the poet's hand apparently)). In addition to his poetry of praise
  • GRUFFUDD LLWYD ap DAFYDD ab EINION LLYGLIW (fl. c. 1380-1410), a poet with Welsh literature and folklore, he was entertained at some of the famous courts of his period. His work includes poems to Owain Glyndŵr, Sir David Hanmer, Owain ap Maredudd of Neuadd Wen, and Hywel and Meurig Llwyd of Nannau, love and religious poetry, and it is now certain that he is the author of the poem to send the sun to greet Glamorgan, which has also been attributed to Iolo Goch and Dafydd
  • GRUFFUDD LLWYD ap DAFYDD GAPLAN (fl. c. 1400?), poet Nothing is known about him, but at least two examples of his poetry, one being a cywydd in the form of a religious confession, and the other an elegy to Sir Rhys Ifanc ap Syr Rhys Hen, great-grandfather, on the maternal side, of Sir Rhys ap Thomas of Dynevor.
  • GRUFFUDD NANNAU (fl. c. 1460), poet A member apparently of the Nannau family. He was contemporary with Dafydd ap Maredudd ap Tudur, fl. 1460. Some examples of his work exist in manuscript, and these include an englyn written to the poet Gruffudd Phylip (NLW MS 643B (39b)), a cywydd to the sons of Ieuan Fychan of Pengwern (died c. 1458) (Cardiff MS. 83 (28b)); NLW MS 3049D (500)), and another to Dafydd Llwyd ap Gruffudd Deuddwr
  • GRUFFUDD, RHISIART (fl. c. 1569), poet seeking the reconciliation of Sir Richard Bulkeley with William Lewis, also of Anglesey (NLW MS 3047C (508)). It is not certain whether he is the Rhisiart Gruffudd ap Huw whose poetry is found in Llanstephan MS 49 (93); NLW MS 5283B (51, 122), and NLW MS 9166B (251).
  • GRUFFYDD ap GWENWYNWYN (d. 1286), lord of Upper Powys