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265 - 276 of 1514 for "david rees"

265 - 276 of 1514 for "david rees"

  • EDWARDS, Sir FRANCIS (1852 - 1927), baronet and M.P. Born 28 April 1852, fourth son of Edward Edwards of Llangollen. Educated at Shrewsbury School and Jesus College, Oxford, he graduated in 1875. In 1880 he married Catherine, daughter of David Davis, Maes-y-ffynnon, Aberdare; there was one daughter of the marriage. He served as J.P. and D.L. for Radnorshire, and in 1898 was high sheriff of the county. He represented Radnorshire in Parliament, 1892
  • EDWARDS, DAVID (1660 - 1716), Independent minister He lived at Abermeurig, in the vale of Ayron, and was a landed proprietor in the parishes of Nantcwnlle and Llanddewi-brefi. He was a friend and neighbour of John Jones, farmer, of Llwyn-rhys, the leading Independent in central Cardiganshire. Edwards was a competent scholar and was ordained assistant minister to David Jones (c. 1630 - 1704?), at Caeronnen, Cellan, and other churches in the
  • EDWARDS, DAVID (1858 - 1916), journalist
  • EDWARDS, DAVID, bridge-builder - see EDWARDS, WILLIAM
  • EDWARDS, DAVID MIALL (1873 - 1941), theologian and writer
  • EDWARDS, GWILYM ARTHUR (1881 - 1963), minister (Presb.), principal of the Theological College, Aberystwyth, and author appointed professor at Bala College, and worked there with Principal David Phillips until 1939. From 1939 to 1949 he was principal of the Theological College at Aberystwyth. He was awarded an honorary D.D. degree by the University of Edinburgh. In 1917 he married Mary Nesta, daughter of Richard Hughes, a veterinary surgeon in Oswestry; they had a son and two daughters. After retiring he returned to
  • EDWARDS, HENRY THOMAS (1837 - 1884), dean of Bangor by his own hand, at Ruabon. A selection of his addresses was published in 1889 under the title Wales and the Welsh Church, with a memoir by David Jones which has been the main source of the present notice. Edwards was twice married: first in 1867 to Mary, daughter of D. Davis of Aberdare (for whom see Davis family of Hirwaun, Aberdare, and Ferndale) - she died in August 1871; and second in 1873 to
  • EDWARDS, Sir JOHN (1770 - 1850), baronet and M.P. Act of 1832. At the election of 1832 (the first after the Reform Act) Edwards was defeated by the Tory David Pugh of Llanerchudol. Following a petition and a hearing by a committee of the House of Commons, the election was declared void, and at the consequent election of 1833 Edwards defeated the Tory candidate Panton Corbett of Longnor Hall, Salop. He was re-elected unopposed in 1835 and in 1837
  • EDWARDS, JOHN DAVID (1805 - 1885), cleric and musician
  • EDWARDS, JOHN HUGH (1869 - 1945), politician and writer to 1914 he edited Wales: A national magazine. He wrote much for the periodical press, particularly for the British Weekly. His published works are: From Village Green to Downing Street, Life of D. Lloyd George (London, 1908) - in collaboration with Spencer Leigh Hughes; Life of David Lloyd George, with a short history of the Welsh People, 4 vols. (London 1913-19); David Lloyd George, the man and
  • EDWARDS, JOHN KELT (1875 - 1934), artist Born 4 March 1875 at Blaenau Ffestiniog, Merionethshire, son of Jonathan Edwards, shop-keeper. After some years at Llandovery College and at a school at Beaumont, Jersey, he went to Rome and Paris. Some pictures by him were exhibited in the Paris Salon, in London (where he had a studio), and elsewhere. He made portraits of David Lloyd George, (lady) Megan Lloyd George, Sir Owen M. Edwards, R. O
  • EDWARDS, JOSEPH (1814 - 1882), sculptor Born 5 March 1814 at Ynys-gau, Merthyr Tydfil, son of James Edwards, a stone-cutter. He attended a school kept by J. B. Evans, pastor of Ynys-gau chapel, and later a school kept by George Williams, and evening classes held by David Williams at Georgetown. His love of drawing, painting, and carving, showed itself at an early age, and he had already executed a headstone in Merthyr churchyard, when