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13 - 24 of 1289 for "Alice Matilda Langland Williams"

13 - 24 of 1289 for "Alice Matilda Langland Williams"

  • BAKER, DAVID (1575 - 1641), Benedictine scholar and mystic J. McCann) and as 'the last Welsh Catholic who played a large part in the history of Catholicism in England ' (W. Ll. Williams).
  • BARKER family, artists pictures. Among his portraits are those of Benjamin Disraeli and General Nelson. He also painted 'General Williams and staff leaving Kass,' 'Napoleon at Bassano,' 'The intellect and valour of Great Britain,' 'Lord Clive's relief of Lucknow,' and 'The Allied generals before Sebastopol.' He exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1845-76, and at other galleries. He died in London, 27 March 1882.
  • BARNWELL, EDWARD LOWRY (1813 - 1887), antiquary and schoolmaster , October 1887, also in Williams, Llyfryddiaeth Sir Ddinbych, part 3). After retiring from Ruthin in 1865, he lived at Melksham House, Wiltshire, where he died 9 August 1887; he was married, and had a son and a daughter.
  • BARRETT, JOHN HENRY (1913 - 1999), naturalist and conservationist renowned keeper at Hickling Broad. On leaving Cambridge Barrett was asked by the University Appointments Board if he had ever considered looking after elephants in the jungles of Upper Burma. An hour later he was signed on with a sailing date. He served with J. H. Williams ('Elephant Bill') but sadly his adventure came to an abrupt end when he caught cerebral malaria. After a ten day journey to hospital
  • BARRETT, RACHEL (1874 - 1953), suffragette movement. As Rachel became established in London, she spoke alongside the Pankhursts, Annie Kenney and other leading suffragettes at venues such as The London Pavilion, Piccadilly Circus, The Steinway Hall and the Grand Theatre, Manchester. In July 1912, she shared a speaking platform with the suffragist Alice Abadam, also of Carmarthen, at the Hyde Park demonstration where they were both speaking on
  • BASSETT, CHRISTOPHER (1753 - 1784), Methodist cleric Born at Aberthaw, Penmark, Glamorganshire, son of Christopher and Alice Bassett, both of whom were disciples of Howel Harris. He was educated at Cowbridge grammar school and Jesus College, Oxford, where he graduated B.A. in 1772 (M.A. 1775). He was ordained by the bishop of London and was a curate under the famous William Romaine at S. Anne's, Blackfriars; he was also appointed ' lecturer ' at S
  • BASSETT, HULDAH CHARLES (1901 - 1982), teacher, musician and broadcaster reputation for the school. She also endeavoured to retain its Welsh character: the school was, for instance, a subscriber to the recordings of Welsh music issued by the Welsh Recorded Music Society at the end of the 1940s. It was also during the 1940s that she began broadcasting alongside Stephen J. Williams in a series for Welsh learners, 'Dysgu Cymraeg'; she later hosted her own programme, 'Rhigwm a Chân
  • BATTRICK, GERALD (1947 - 1998), tennis player Grammar School Gerald Battrick showed considerable promise as a junior tennis player, and in 1962 aged 15 years he was awarded a scholarship to Millfield School, Somerset. Among his fellow pupils was the future rugby international J. P. R. Williams (born 1949), also a Bridgend boy and a junior tennis champion who described Battrick as his role model. In 1965 Battrick had his first major successes
  • BAXTER, WILLIAM (1650 - 1723), antiquary edition in 1752. Baxter's dictionary of antiquities, Glossarium Antiquitatum Britannicarum, was published in 1719. He also worked on a dictionary of Roman antiquities; this incomplete work was edited by Moses Williams after Baxter's death, and it appeared in 1726 as Reliquiae Baxterianae sive W. Baxteri opera posthuma (2nd ed. 1731 as Glossarium Antiquitatum Romanarum). He contributed articles to
  • BAYLY, LEWIS (d. 1631), bishop and devotional writer , but soon found he had been too precipitate in his opposition, for Wynn's hostility meant the disfavour of (the later) archbishop John Williams and the detective reports of Griffith Williams (1587? - 1673), rector of Llanllechid, to whom the bishop sarcastically refers as 'your honest parson Williams.' Before long he adopted quite a different policy by becoming one of Sir John's greatest friends
  • BEBB, WILLIAM AMBROSE (1894 - 1955), historian, prose writer and politician articles for publication in Welsh periodicals such as Y Geninen, Y Llenor, Y Faner, Cymru and Y Tyst. In these he discussed the future of the Welsh language, and as early as 1923 he argued the case for Welsh self-government. These articles played a significant part in creating an atmosphere conducive to the establishment of an independent Welsh political party. In January 1924 he and G.J. Williams (1892
  • BERNARD (d. 1148), bishop of S. Davids A Norman cleric of unknown origin, who began life as a chaplain of queen Matilda and later became her chancellor. On the death of bishop Wilfre or Wilfrid in 1115, Henry I determined to end the succession of Welsh bishops in this diocese and to complete his subjugation of South Wales by the appointment of an outsider. Representatives of the ' clas ' of S. Davids were summoned to London and there