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217 - 228 of 965 for "Gruffydd ap Gwenwynwyn"

217 - 228 of 965 for "Gruffydd ap Gwenwynwyn"

  • ELSTAN (or ELYSTAN) GLODRYDD, founder of the fifth of the 'royal tribes' of Wales Henry II; but Einion escaped from custody. In 1163 both brothers rallied to the banner of Owain Gwynedd at Corwen, and later both were homagers of the ' lord ' Rhys ap Gruffydd; both, again, co-operated in the re-establishment of Cwm Hir abbey, 1176. Of Cadwallon's three sons, Maelgwn (who took the cross in 1188) died in 1197; his son Cadwallon died in 1234. Einion Clud had two sons: the elder, EINION
  • EUTUN, OWAIN (fl. c. 15th century), bard A cywydd by him to Siôn ap Roesser of Llanfrynach is preserved in Peniarth MS 55 (154), and there are other poems in Cwrtmawr MS 23B (153) and Cardiff MS. 7 (368-9).
  • EVAN AB EDNYVED AP HOWELL (d. 1403) - see WYNN
  • EVAN(S), EDWARD (1716 - 1798), Presbyterian minister and poet Born March 1716 (possibly 1717) at Llwydcoed, Aberdare, son of Ifan ap Shôn ap Rhys, a weaver and smallholder. After a few years as a weaver he was apprenticed to carpentry under Lewis Hopkin, who also instructed him in the practice of the strict metres in poetry. In 1749 he took the farm of Ton Coch, above Dyffryn House, Mountain Ash. He had joined (c. 1748) the Nonconformist congregation at Cwm
  • EVANS family Tan-y-bwlch, Maentwrog The family of Tan-y-bwlch (or Bwlch Coed y Dyffryn), Maentwrog, Meironnydd, claimed descent from Collwyn ap Tangno. According to the pedigrees, ROBERT AB IFAN, whose will was dated 24 August 1541, was twelfth in descent from Collwyn. As with other families in west Merioneth there was a connection with Osbwrn Wyddel - through the marriage of Robert ab Ifan with Annes, daughter of Nicholas ap
  • EVANS, Ap Rhys - see EVANS, ARISE
  • EVANS, ARISE (fl. 1607-1660), prognosticator
  • EVANS, DAVID THOMAS GRUFFYDD (Baron Evans of Claughton), (1928 - 1992), solicitor and politician Presbyterian Chapel in Laird Street, Birkenhead, where the family worshipped. His mother's family came from Llangrannog where he spent many holidays. Gruffydd Evans was brought up in a Welsh-speaking family. He was educated privately at Birkenhead Preparatory School, Birkenhead School and Friars School, Bangor. Although offered a place at Oxford University, he decided to study law at Liverpool University
  • EVANS, GRUFFYDD (1866 - 1930), cleric and antiquary Born 18 September 1866 at Pontardawe, son of John Gruffydd, works manager, and his wife Elizabeth (née Griffiths). After a brief period as pupil-teacher at Clydach (Swansea valley) he went to Lampeter, graduating in 1891 (B.D. 1902). Ordained deacon 1892 and priest 1894, he held curacies at Swansea, Llansadwrn, and Llandingad (Llandovery). He became vicar of Kidwelly, 1908, in 1913 vicar of
  • EVANS, HARRY (1873 - 1914), musician St. Garmon ' and ' Dafydd ap Gwilym '; he also wrote several anthems and hymn-tunes, and arranged Welsh folk-songs and airs for choirs. A little before he died he had been selected as one of the three music editors of Y Caniedydd Cynulleidfaol, but he was unable to do any work in connection with that hymnal. His main ambition in life was to found a music college in Wales; had he lived he might have