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1873 - 1884 of 2552 for "samuel Thomas evans"

1873 - 1884 of 2552 for "samuel Thomas evans"

  • RHYS family, rhymesters and minstrels DAVID (1742? - 1824) was a carpenter. He composed popular carols and songs. He was a good musician and led the church choir. He died at Penygeulan. THOMAS (1750/51 - 1828) was noted for his wit and pungent songs. He died at Bont. MARY (1744? - 1842) also composed songs, but she was better known for her singing. They were about the last of the wandering minstrels and carol-singers in
  • RHYS ap GRUFFYDD (d. 1356), nobleman Carmarthen and Cardigan, passed to his son, Sir RHYS THE YOUNGER (born 1325). These unusually large Welsh estates for the period in which Sir Rhys flourished, and indeed the first of their kind in Wales, continued in the hands of his male descendants until the marriage towards the close of the 15th century of a sole remaining female descendant with Thomas ap Gruffudd ap Nicolas of Dinefwr; the eldest son
  • RHYS ap THOMAS Sir (1449 - 1525), chief Welsh supporter of Henry VII was the third son of Thomas ap Gruffudd ap Nicolas. His grandfather, Gruffudd ap Nicolas, had in 1440 leased the lordship of Dinefwr for a period of sixty years and thus laid the foundation of the family fortunes. His father, Thomas ap Gruffudd, had strengthened the position of the family by his marriage to Elizabeth, daughter and heiress of Sir John Gruffydd of Abermarlais, who could claim
  • RHYS CAIN (d. 1614), herald bard The older biographical dictionaries make him a native of Trawsfynydd, but it is more probable that he took his bardic name from another river Cain, in Mechain Iscoed. His pedigree is traced from Edwin, king of Tegeingl. His father was Rheinallt ap John Wynn, and his paternal grandmother was a daughter of Thomas Ireland of Oswestry, in which town he also resided for the greater part of his life
  • RHYS GOCH ERYRI (fl. early 15th century), poet was as follows - 'ap Dafydd ab Ieuan Llwyd.' His cywyddau to Gwilym ap Gruffydd of Penrhyn, Sir William Thomas of Raglan, and William Fychan ap Gwilym of Penrhyn, can be dated fairly easily. No poem by him to Owain Glyn Dŵr has been preserved, although there are suggestions in his poems to members of the Penrhyn family that his sympathies were with the adherents of Glyn Dŵr. Even if he did sing to
  • RHYS GOGH ap RHICCERT MSS. C21 (134), C30 (121), C36 (246), and that Rhys Goch was thus a forerunner of Dafydd ap Gwilym. Doubts have been cast on this account by a number of Welsh scholars in turn, from Thomas Stephens to J. H. Davies, J. Glyn Davies, and Sir Ifor Williams, and it was completely disproved by G. J. Williams in Y Beirniad, viii, 211-26, where it is revealed that Iolo had refurbished five old poems, and
  • RHYS NANMOR (fl. 1480-1513), poet ap Thomas, and wrote in his honour between 1485 and 1513. There is no evidence of any composition of his after 1513. He wrote an elegy on prince Arthur, the eldest son of Henry VII, in 1502, and an awdl to welcome Henry VIII to the throne in 1509. Lewis Môn (died 1527) wrote an elegy on him. It is said that Rhys Nanmor lived at Maenor Fynyw, that is, S. Davids. There is no record of his living in
  • RHYS WYN ap CADWALADR (fl. c. 1600) Giler,, poet second son of Cadwaladr ap Morris Gethin of Foelas. Some of his englynion and cywyddau are preserved in manuscript, among them an elegy to his son (Llanstephan MS 54 (259)), and a cywydd ymryson with Thomas Prys in Jes. Coll. MS. 12 (319), and NLW MS 3047C (84), and, in the same manuscripts, two cywyddau in reply to him by Thomas Prys and a satirical cywydd to him by Huw Machno. In Llanstephan MS
  • RHYS, IFAN THOMAS (fl. mid 18th century), poet Born at Llwyndafydd, in the parish of Llandysilio, Cardiganshire, son of Thomas Rees James. Moving from Llwyndafydd he settled at Llanarth in the same county, and became a shoemaker. He composed an elegy on the death of Jenkin Jones (1700? - 1742), of Llwyn-rhydowen. This was published in Hymnau … o waith y Diweddar Barchedig Mr. Jenkin Jones, 1768. His poem, called Y Maen Tramguydd, was
  • RHYS, Sir JOHN (1840 - 1915), Celtic scholar research is that the marks of his axe are to be found in every part of the forest. He was ahead of every one in the exploration of all this territory. Then, with the help of J. Gwenogvryn Evans, he began the work of preparing accurate texts of the early manuscripts in order to provide a strong foundation for succeeding scholars. Here are his principal works from 1877 on: Celtic Britain, 1882; 'Notes on
  • RHYS, JOHN DAVID (1534 - 1609?), physician and grammarian manuscript Peniarth MS 118 contains a long treatise by him on early British history, an attempt to refute the arguments of Polydore Vergil and others against the validity as history of Geoffrey of Monmouth's Historia Regum Britanniae. The same manuscript contains a Welsh translation, probably incomplete, of a Latin poem by Thomas Leyshon on S. Donats castle and its gardens. Everything considered, Rhys can
  • RHYS, MORGAN (1716 - 1779), circulating schoolmaster, and hymn-writer Hymnau, etc. (R. Thomas, Carmarthen, 1760); Golwg o Ben Nebo (2nd imp., Thomas, Carmarthen, 1764); Golwg ar Ddull y Byd, etc., 1767; Golwg ar Ddinas Noddfa (which includes an elegy on the death of Ester Siôn of Llansawel), 1770; Griddfanau'r Credadyn, 1772; Griddfanau Credadyn (a different book) c. 1774; Y Frwydr Ysprydol (jointly with Thomas Dafydd), c. 1772-4; and Golwg o Ben Nebo (3rd imp., Ross