Search results

1705 - 1716 of 6870 for "*"

1705 - 1716 of 6870 for "*"

  • EVANS, JOHN (1723 - 1817), Calvinistic Methodist exhorter
  • EVANS, JOHN (1815 - 1891), archdeacon of Merioneth
  • EVANS, JOHN (1858 - 1963), minister (Congl.) and professor at the Memorial College, Brecon
  • EVANS, JOHN (1840 - 1897), Wesleyan minister
  • EVANS, JOHN (1796 - 1861), schoolmaster
  • EVANS, JOHN (1737? - 1784), Methodist exhorter
  • EVANS, JOHN (1651? - 1724), bishop of Bangor and later of Meath
  • EVANS, JOHN (Y Bardd Cocos; 1827? - 1888), eccentric and poetaster
  • EVANS, JOHN (c. 1680 - 1730), Presbyterian minister and theologian
  • EVANS, JOHN (d. 1779), Evangelical cleric, translator, and commentator
  • EVANS, JOHN (1830 - 1917), Calvinistic Methodist minister, and biographer
  • EVANS, JOHN (1702 - 1782), cleric and anti-Methodist