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145 - 156 of 965 for "Gruffydd ap Gwenwynwyn"

145 - 156 of 965 for "Gruffydd ap Gwenwynwyn"

  • DAVID ap HOELL ap IEUAN ap IORWERTH cleric - see , DAFYDD TREFOR, Sir
  • DEWI Saint , founder and abbot-bishop of S. Davids, and patron saint of Wales Rhygyfarch's work; so also is his 'Life' by John of Tynemouth (c. 1290 - 1350). The Welsh 'Life' also is a translation and an adaptation of Rhygyfarch's work: the earliest version is found in 'The Book of the Anchorite of Llanddewi-frefi' (1346). Odes to David were composed by many later poets, e.g. Iolo Goch, Ieuan Rhydderch ap Ieuan Llwyd, Dafydd Llwyd ap Llywelyn, Rhisiart ap Rhys, Lewis Glyn Cothi. In
  • DAVIES, ALUN TALFAN (1913 - 2000), barrister, judge, politician, publisher and businessman candidate in the 1943 University of Wales parliamentary by-election, coming third behind the successful Liberal candidate W. J. Gruffydd and Saunders Lewis. He tried unsuccessfully to get the Liberal nomination for Cardiganshire in the general election of July 1945. In the October 1959 and 1964 general elections he was the Liberal candidate for Carmarthenshire, but the sitting Labour MP Lady Megan Lloyd
  • DAVIES, ALUN HERBERT (CREUNANT) (1927 - 2005), the first director of the Welsh Books Council Concordance to the Welsh Bible (Mynegair i'r Beibl Cymraeg Newydd) in 1998 and the interdenominational Welsh hymn-book (Caneuon Ffydd) in 2001. He received an honorary MA from the University of Wales in 1987 and was made a Fellow of the University of Wales Aberystwyth in 2004. In presenting him for the degree of MA, R. Geraint Gruffydd noted his substantial physical stature and cited the satirical magazine
  • DAVIES, ANEIRIN TALFAN (1909 - 1980), poet, literary critic, broadcaster and publisher Parry and Waldo Williams. On 1 June 1936 he married Mary Anne Evans (1912-1971), a teacher from Barry, and they had two sons, Owen (born 1938) and Geraint (born 1943), and one daughter, Elinor (born 1946). He left London in 1937, and opened a pharmacist's shop at 9 Heathfield Road, Swansea. His name, Aneirin Davies, was prominent on the shop-front, with 'Aneirin ap Talfan' in brackets below, and the
  • DAVIES, BRYAN MARTIN (1933 - 2015), teacher and poet the future of Wales's culture only seemed to intensify his love for it. He transferred his passion to the two poets to whom he was a mentor, Elin ap Hywel and the present author, who were both pupils of his at different times at Yale College. His literary reticence and social reclusiveness in his last thirty years were regretted by his many friends. Looking back at his life in his final years, he
  • DAVIES, DAVID STEPHEN (1841 - 1898), preacher, temperance reformer, man of letters, and colonist , penniless. It was rumoured in the U.S.A. that they had all been drowned, and a memorial service was held for D. S. Davies, and obituary notices were published. Four months later he returned from the colony to Wales and, in 1875, was invited to become minister of Ebenezer, Bangor, in succession to Robert Thomas (Ap Vychan, 1809 - 1880). He went to New York to fetch his family and there arranged for a third
  • DAVIES, DAVID THOMAS (1876 - 1962), dramatist and the new generation of Welsh dramatists like Robert Griffith Berry, J.O. Francis and William John Gruffydd. He wrote a number of full-length plays and many short plays : among his most important works are Ble ma fa? (1913), Ephraim Harris (1914), Y Pwyllgor (1920), Castell Martin (1920) and Pelenni Pitar (1925). He broke fresh ground with these plays by presenting a faithful portrayal and an
  • DAVIES, THOMAS (1512? - 1573), bishop of St Asaph The son of Dafydd ap Robert of Caerhun, a descendant, through Sir Gruffydd Llwyd (lord of Dinorwig), of Ednyfed Fychan. The date of his birth is variously given as 1512 (Strype, Ann., I, i, 371), 1515 (Griffith, Pedigrees), and 1537 (Browne Willis, A Survey of the Cathedral-Church of St. Asaph, 1801 ed., i, 104). The first is the probable date, the last impossible. He was educated at Oxford and
  • DAVIES, ELLIS THOMAS (1822 - 1895), Independent minister Born March 1822 at Tŷ Mawr, Pennantlliw Bach, Llanuwchllyn, a home celebrated in the history of the local Independent connexion. His father was an elder in the 'Old Chapel,' and Ap Vychan (Robert Thomas, 1809 - 1880) lived with him as a shepherd boy for seven years, a period which, as he acknowledged, had a lasting influence on him. E. T. Davies began to preach about 1842 at the same time as
  • DAVIES, HENRY (1696? - 1766), Independent minister amusing stories of his warm but good-humoured theological disputations with the colliers. Styling himself ' Ieuan ap Dewi,' he wrote much on theology to Seren Gomer, published a book Rhifedi ac Undod Duw (Cardiff, 1846), and started in 1827 a serial Family Doctor, which fell flat. He died 22 October 1850 (Enw. F.). His wife, CATHERINE NAUNTON, was a daughter of David Naunton (1777 - 1849), Baptist
  • DAVIES, HUMPHREY (d. 1635), vicar of Darowen, and transcriber of Welsh manuscripts Son of David ap Griffith, a cleric hailing from the Harlech district, and Jonet, daughter of David ap Thomas of Maes-y-neuadd. He is said to have been rector of Llanfyllin for a few months in 1571 and to have left to study at Cambridge. His career at Cambridge appears to have been confused in the reference books with that of a native of Leamington Hastings who bore the same name. Judging by the