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1381 - 1392 of 1867 for "William Glyn"

1381 - 1392 of 1867 for "William Glyn"

  • REES-DAVIES, IEUAN (1894 - 1967), musician and author of his works is his setting for male choir of a nursery song which is attributed to Charles I, ' Close thine eyes ', and which was rendered into Welsh ('Cyn cau llygaid') by William Evans ('Wil Ifan ') and published by Curwen Press in 1938. He published also a bilingual anthology of poetry from his native district, Caniadau Cwm Rhondda (1928) which includes two of his own compositions, ' Y garreg
  • RHISIART OWEN (ap RHISIART) (fl. c. 1622) Y Lasynys,, poet Some of his work remains in manuscripts. This includes an elegy to Sir William Maurice of Clenennau, in Brogyntyn MS. 3 (175), cywyddau in praise of Humphrey Jones of Craflwyn, in Brogyntyn MS. 3 (204) and Llanstephan MS 125 (716), various englynion in NLW MS 566B (93b) and NLW MS 643B (78), and a poem in free metre which is found in NLW MS 566B (125). (It is not clear whether he is the poet
  • RHOBERT AP DAFYDD LLWYD (fl. c. 1550-1590), poet Sir William Gruffydd of Penrhyn), to Elis Prys of Plas Iolyn, and to Siôn Conwy. Gutun Tomas and he composed satires upon each other.
  • RHYDDERCH AB IEUAN LLWYD (c. 1325 - before 1399?), lawman and literary patron Rhydderch was the son of Ieuan Llwyd ab Ieuan ap Gruffudd Foel of Glyn Aeron, near Llangeitho, and Angharad Hael, daughter of Richard ab Einion of Buellt (Builth). His family were descended from the royal line of Ceredigion and, through his paternal grandmother and her mother, from Rhys ap Gruffydd (died 1197), Lord of Deheubarth and chief patron of Strata Florida Abbey. The family had long been
  • RHYS AP TEWDWR (d. 1093), king of Deheubarth (1078-1093) King William I of England in that year. Modern opinion believes that Rhys submitted to William, but no medieval record is aware of it, although the statement in the Herefordshire Domesday that Rhys rendered £40 in tax to William argues for some acquiescence. Challenges to Rhys's rule revived following William's death. He was temporarily expelled from his kingdom in 1088 by three nobles from Powys
  • RHYS ap TEWDWR (d. 1093) Grandson of Cadell ab Einion ab Owain ap Hywel Dda. In 1075 he took possession of Deheubarth on the death of his second-cousin, Rhys ab Owain ab Edwin. In 1081 he was dislodged by Caradog ap Gruffydd, but later in the year, with the help of Gruffudd ap Cynan, he was firmly reinstated after the historic battle of Mynydd Carn. In the same year William the Conqueror made a demonstration of power in
  • RHYS BRYCHAN (fl. c. 1500), poet Twenty-seven of his poems are preserved in manuscript. Among them are an awdl and an elegy to Rosser Fychan of Talgarth, a laudatory poem to Lewis ap Risiart Gwyn of Fan, and poems to Einion Fychan of Tywyn, Watkin Fychan of Treffylip, Sir Morgan ap Sir Siôn Farchog of Tredeigr, William Herbert, and others. Most of his work is found in the following manuscripts: NLW MS 970E (177, 184), NLW MS
  • RHYS DEGANWY (fl. c. 1480), a poet who took his name, obviously, from the Creuddyn district of Caernarvonshire. No details are known concerning his life, but a number of his poems remain in manuscript; they include poems to Dafydd Gethin ap Gruffudd Goch of Llanwnnog and William Herbert of Raglan.
  • RHYS GOCH ERYRI (fl. early 15th century), poet was as follows - 'ap Dafydd ab Ieuan Llwyd.' His cywyddau to Gwilym ap Gruffydd of Penrhyn, Sir William Thomas of Raglan, and William Fychan ap Gwilym of Penrhyn, can be dated fairly easily. No poem by him to Owain Glyn Dŵr has been preserved, although there are suggestions in his poems to members of the Penrhyn family that his sympathies were with the adherents of Glyn Dŵr. Even if he did sing to
  • RHYS GOCH GLYNDYFRDWY (fl. c. 1460), poet Like Guto'r Glyn he too sang the praises of the five sons of Llywelyn ab Hwlcyn of Anglesey, generous patrons of the bardic order. There were family ties between Llywelyn's descendants and the Pulestons, and Rhys Goch wrote an elegy on the death of John Puleston, heir of Emral. His elegy on the death of Rosier ap Siôn is interesting in that it refers to the celebrated cywydd by Gruffudd Llwyd ap
  • RHYS GOGH ap RHICCERT MSS. C21 (134), C30 (121), C36 (246), and that Rhys Goch was thus a forerunner of Dafydd ap Gwilym. Doubts have been cast on this account by a number of Welsh scholars in turn, from Thomas Stephens to J. H. Davies, J. Glyn Davies, and Sir Ifor Williams, and it was completely disproved by G. J. Williams in Y Beirniad, viii, 211-26, where it is revealed that Iolo had refurbished five old poems, and
  • RHYS PENNARDD (fl. c. 1480), a poet it is said that he lived either at Conway or at Clynnog, Caernarfonshire, and that he was buried at Llandrillo, Meironnydd. A number of his poems remain in manuscript, including cywyddau addressed to Elisau ap Gruffudd ab Einion of Plas yn Iâl, Gruffudd Fychan ap Hywel ap Madog, and Rhys ap Hywel ap Madog of Talhenbont, Hywel Ddu of Anglesey and his wife Mallt, and also to William, constable of