Search results

1261 - 1272 of 1665 for "jones"

1261 - 1272 of 1665 for "jones"

  • PHILLIPS, THOMAS (1868 - 1936), Baptist minister Jones 's, and graduated with honours in philosophy in the University of London in 1890. He was successively minister at Kettering and Norwich, until he took charge of the Baptist Institutional church at Bloomsbury, in London, in 1905. Here his social work attracted wide attention, and he proved to be a preacher of outstanding gifts. The acme of his preaching career was his sermon to the Baptist World
  • PHILLIPS, THOMAS (1772 - 1842), Congregational minister, and master of Neuadd-lwyd school, Cardiganshire . Among his pupils were J. Rhys Kilsby Jones, and the two first missionaries who went to Madagascar - David Jones and Thomas Bevan. Sermons by Phillips were published in 1803, 1808, 1811. Besides these he published a Catechism, 1812; Natur Cyfamod Eglwys, 1815; Sypiau Grawnwin …, 1818; Ychydig o Hymnau Efengylaidd, 1821 (2nd ed., 1842); and - his more important work - a short commentary (in Welsh) on
  • PHILLIPS, THOMAS BEVAN (1898 - 1991), minister, missionary and college principal , Seth Joshua, R. B. Jones and Joseph Jenkins. At the Davies Colliery School he gained a prize from the hands of the schoolmaster R. J. Jones for an essay on South Africa. The prize was a biography of the missionary David Livingstone, and the story of his African endeavours made a huge impact on him. When he was ten years of age he succeeded in an examination for admission to the Higher National School
  • PHYLIP family, poets Ardudwy 'miscellaneous' poems some three or four are political, e.g. one on the coming of Charles II in 1660, and another in praise of Sir John Owen of Clenennau. Thomas Jones in Carolau a Dyriau Duwiol included four poems by William Phylip, whilst Dafydd Jones o Drefriw in the first edition (1759) of Blodeu-Gerdd prints five, although one of these, 'Carol i'r Gwirod,' is probably not by William Phylip. Besides these
  • PIERCE, ELLIS (Elis o'r Nant; 1841 - 1912), author of historical romances and bookseller guardians and rural district council, and represented his district for many years on the Arfon Liberal Association, being a staunch supporter of William Rathbone and William Jones. W. J. Roberts (Gwilym Cowlyd) appointed him recorder of ' Arwest Glan Geirionnydd.' About 1891 he married Gwen, daughter of Owen Jones, Hafodfraith, Penmachno. He died at his home, Willoughby House, Dolwyddelan, 31 July 1912
  • PIERCE, THOMAS JONES (1905 - 1964), historian Crematorium, Liverpool. T. Jones Pierce had been a pupil of William Garmon Jones at Liverpool but he was greatly influenced by John Edward Lloyd whose colleague he was at Bangor. In turn he himself inspired generations of young Welsh historians and was acknowledged to be one of the most creative Welsh historians of his day. He was a pioneer in the study of the problems associated with the decay of tribalism
  • POPKIN, JOHN (fl. 1759-1824), Methodist and Sandemanian exhorter Dynol yn nghylch Ffydd, 1797; Llythyr oddi wrth John Popkin at y Parch. David Jones … yngylch Natur Crefydd, 1801. In 1812 he published a book attacking the bishop of S. Davids, Traethawd yn nghylch Natur 'Ty Dduw' neu 'Eglwys Crist,' and another similar one in 1813. [In 1816 he published Caniadau Cristionogol, a collection of his hymns.] Later on, two English books appeared: Further Remarks on the
  • POWEL, JOHN (d. 1767), weaver-poet ., these being ten cywyddau and one awdl. They include a poem on Christ's passion, one complaining of the contemporary neglect of old poetry, an elegy to a greyhound, poems addressed to Siôn ap Rhisiart of Bryniog, Ieuan Owain of Dyffryn Aur, Rhobert Burchinshaw, two to Ieuan Brydydd Hir, and one to Dafydd Jones, Trefriw, requesting a copy of Y Cydymaith Diddan. This last cywydd and the letter, written
  • POWEL, THOMAS (1845 - 1922), Celtic scholar mediaeval Welsh texts - in particular, Ystorya de Carolo Magno (1883). In 1888 he edited, on behalf of the Society of Cymmrodorion, Thomas Stephens's version of The Gododin of Aneurin Gwawdrydd, In 1896 he published a facsimile reproduction of bishop Morgan's Psalmau Dafydd, 1588, with copious notes. In 1890 he married Gwenny Elizabeth, daughter of the Rev. Samuel Jones of Neath and Penarth, by whom he
  • POWELL family Nanteos, Llechwedd-dyrus, the Exchequer, and 'Judge of the King's Bench in Kg. James the Second's time' (Peniarth MS 156), married Elizabeth, daughter and heiress of David Lloyd (Gwyn) of Aberbrwynen, and was the father of WILLIAM POWELL. The latter married Avarina, daughter of Cornelius le Brun by his wife, Ann, daughter and co-heiress of John Jones of Nanteos. William Powell's eldest son THOMAS POWELL (died 1752) was
  • POWELL, JOHN (Edmund Jones, Hist. of Aberystruth, 103, 131) from March 1736 till 3 October 1742. In the meantime (19 February 1739/40), he had become rector of Llanmartin and Wilcrick near Newport; he died there 25 March 1795. He was one of the earliest Methodist clerics, and was one of the three Welsh clergymen present at the Watford Association of January 1743. In 1778, we find him offering a curacy to Thomas