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1189 - 1200 of 1267 for "Sir Joseph Bradney"

1189 - 1200 of 1267 for "Sir Joseph Bradney"

  • WILLIAMS, FRANCES (FANNY) (?1760 - c.1801), convict and Australian settler in securing the original verdict, felt a particular interest in seeing the back of Frances: the 'precious cargo' among 'the Fflint convicts' whom his acquaintance, judge Daines Barrington mentioned in a letter dated 25 January 1786 was no doubt a reference to her. Eventually, the time came for Frances to be conveyed to Portsmouth, bound in irons and escorted by guards Joseph Simon and Daniel Jones
  • WILLIAMS, Sir GEORGE CLARK (1878 - 1958), BARONET and county court judge
  • WILLIAMS, Sir GLANMOR (1920 - 2005), historian education, but he had for some years an ambition to enter the Welsh Baptist ministry, and so studied Welsh in the sixth form, in addition to English and History. A brilliant student, he was given a State Scholarship, a Merthyr Scholarship, and a Sir Owen M. Edwards Scholarship to study at the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth in 1937. In Aberystwyth, where he played a prominent part in student life
  • WILLIAMS, GRIFFITH (1587? - 1673), bishop and author rector of S. Bennet Sherhog, 1612-6. At this time he aroused opposition by preaching against the Puritans. When he published his book, The Resolutions of Pilate, the bishop of London inhibited him from preaching but through the intervention of the archbishop of Canterbury he was appointed to the living of Llanllechid, Caernarfonshire. It was he who preached the funeral sermon at the burial of Sir
  • WILLIAMS, GRIFFITH JOHN (1892 - 1963), University professor and Welsh scholar field. He worked under the supervision of Sir John Morris-Jones at Bangor during the 1919-20 academic year and spent periods studying manuscripts at the British Museum in London, the Bodleian Library, Oxford and the Free Library, Cardiff, as well as parish records of the Vale of Glamorgan. During this period he also had to defend his scholarship in the public press in the face of fierce attacks by
  • WILLIAMS, Sir HUGH (1718 - 1794), soldier and Member of Parliament Born in 1718, the son of Griffith Williams of Ariannws (Llangelynnin, Conway valley) and grandson of Edmund Williams, brother of Sir Hugh Williams of Marl; when his kinsman Sir Robert Williams of Marl died (1745), he succeeded as 8th baronet 'of Penrhyn' (J. E. Griffith Pedigrees, 186 and 43). He married, in 1761, Emma, widow of lord James Bulkeley and heiress of Caerau and Castellior (see under
  • WILLIAMS, Sir IFOR (1881 - 1965), Welsh scholar ). Sir Ifor's aim in publishing his early books - Breuddwyd Maxen (1908) and Cyfranc Lludd a Llevelys (1909) - was a purely practical one, namely the provision of texts for the use of schools and colleges and similarly at a later date Chwedlau Odo (1926) and Pedeir Keinc y Mabinogi (1930). Casgliad o waith Ieuan Deulwyn (1909), which he edited for the Bangor Welsh MSS Society and which appeared in a
  • WILLIAMS, JAMES (1790 - 1872), cleric was interested in agriculture, and contributed notes to John Owen (1808 - 1876) of Tyn-llwyn's book on cattle breeding (1869). He was a zealous and generous supporter of the national eisteddfod which he rarely failed to attend. Moreover, it was he who prepared the way for (Sir) John Rhys - at that time a schoolmaster in Anglesey - to go to Oxford. His daughter, Louisa Mary, married Sir Andrew
  • WILLIAMS, JANE (Ysgafell; 1806 - 1885), Welsh historian and miscellaneous writer ); Celtic Fables, Fairy Tales and Legends versified (London, 1862), reprinted from Ainsworth's Magazine, 1849-50, and A History of Wales derived from Authentic Sources down to the end of the Tudor period (London, 1869). The lastnamed was her most ambitious work and in spite of its defects was not superseded until the publication of Sir John E. Lloyd's researches on the subject. She also wrote 'A History
  • WILLIAMS, JOHN (1582 - 1650), dean of Westminster, lord keeper of the great seal, archbishop of York . At his own cost he repaired and fortified Conway castle, holding the king's written assurance that it should remain in his custody until his outlay was repaid. But owing to his unpalatable advice his influence with the king was waning; and in May 1645 he was unceremoniously turned out of Conway castle by the Royalist, Sir John Owen of Clenennau. Convinced that the king's cause was lost, and nursing
  • WILLIAMS, JOHN (fl. 1739-1779), Methodist exhorter and hymn-writer Harris was godfather to John Williams's son, but in 1750 the Erwood family, acting under the influence of Thomas James, deserted Harris and by 1751 had joined Thomas Bowen's independent party. John Williams is believed to have been the author of a little collection of hymns published at Brecon in 1779, Ychydig Hymnau: O waith John Williams o Sir Frecheiniog. The collection comprises four very mediocre
  • WILLIAMS, JOHN (1757 - 1810), barrister of the 10th (1787), and 11th (1791) editions of Blackstone's Commentaries, and he furnished valuable additional notes to the 3rd ed. (1799-1802) of the Reports of Cases … in the King's Bench in the Reign of Charles II. He died 27 September 1810; see also the D.N.B. One of his sons was Sir EDWARD VAUGHAN WILLIAMS (1797 - 1875), barrister and scholar LawScholarship and Languages, who practised on the