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889 - 900 of 906 for "Rhydderch ap Iestyn"

889 - 900 of 906 for "Rhydderch ap Iestyn"

  • WILLIAMS, WILLIAM (Ap Caledfryn; 1837 - 1915), portrait painter his friends were Dr. Joseph Parry, T. H. Thomas (Arlunydd Penygarn), and Owen Morgan (Morien). Ap Caledfryn painted landscapes in water-colour, but is better known for his portraits in oils, many of which are to be found in private hands in South Wales. Two portraits of his father are to be found, at Groes-wen, Caerphilly, and the Welsh Folk Museum, St. Fagans. He died at Groes-wen in 1915, and was
  • WILLIAMS, WILLIAM (Caledfryn; 1801 - 1869), Congregational minister, poet, and critic churches at Peniel (Llannerch-y-medd) and Maenaddwyn on 2 June 1829. He later held pastorates at Pendref (Caernarvon), 1832-48; Aldersgate-street, London, 1848-50; Llanrwst, 1850-56; Beulah near Bangor, 1856-7; and Groes-wen, Glamorganshire from 1857 till his death on 23 March 1869. He was thrice married and had one son, William (Ap Caledfryn), and a daughter, Margaret Mary. Caledfryn was admitted a bard
  • WILLIAMS, WILLIAM (Myfyr Wyn; 1849 - 1900), blacksmith, poet and local historian blacksmith in the smithy of the Sirhowy iron-works, where he also moved among several local poets, such as Joseph Bevan (Gwentydd), and Ezechiel Davies (Gwentwyson); but his chief teacher in the art of poetry was Evan Powell (Ap Hywel). Towards the middle of his life he moved to Glamorgan, and pursued his trade at Porth, and elsewhere, and finally at Aberdare. His health weakened, and in his latter years
  • WOGAN family The progenitor of the many branches of the Wogan family (there were branches at Boulston, Wiston, Picton, Llanstinan, Stonehall, and elsewhere in Pembrokeshire, as well as in Ireland and England) is supposed to have been GWGAN AP BLEDDYN, lord of Brecknock, one of whose descendants married the heiress of Wiston, who was a descendant of Wizo the Fleming, lord of Daugleddy. (1) Picton. The first
  • WYNN family Cesail Gyfarch, Penmorfa This family numbered some well-known men among its members and was connected by marriage with many other influential North Wales families. To it belonged MEREDYDD ab EVAN (died 1525), of Gwydir, descended from Owain Gwynedd; he married Margaret, daughter of Morris ap John ap Meredydd, of Clenennau, Penmorfa, and by her (she was his third wife), was the father of HUMPHREY WYNN of Cesail Gyfarch
  • WYNN family Glyn (Glyn Cywarch), Brogyntyn, This family traces its descent from Osbwrn Wyddel, a member of the Geraldine clan. EINION, living 16 October 1380, and fifth in descent from Osbwrn, married Tanglwst, daughter of Rhydderch ap Ieuan Llwyd, of Gogerddan, Cardiganshire. He was succeeded by IFAN (living 6 October 1427), RHYS, and IFAN (living 4 March 1513), who married Laurea, daughter of Richard Bamville, of the Wirral, Cheshire
  • WYNN family Maesyneuadd, Llandecwyn This family, like others in western Merioneth, traced its descent from Osbwrn Wyddel, in this instance through Dafydd ap Ieuan ab Einion, constable of Harlech castle, and his wife, Margaret (Puleston). THOMAS, the son of Dafydd and Margaret, married Gwerfyl, daughter of HOWEL AP RHYS, of Bron-y-foel - see Ellis family of Bron-y-foel and Ystumllyn - and had a son, DAFYDD, who married Lowry
  • WYNN family Gwydir, The Wynn family of Gwydir belonged to a stock which was engaged during the 14th and 15th cents, in establishing the nuclei of small estates in the free townships of Penyfed and Pennant in Eifionydd. About the beginning of the 14th century, Dafydd ap Gruffydd of Nantconwy (claiming descent from Owain Gwynedd) married Eva, daughter and heiress of Gruffydd Fychan, one of the coheirs of ' Gwely
  • WYNN family Bodewryd, The Wynns of Bodewryd in Twrcelyn, Anglesey, were descended from GWEIRYDD AP RHYS who is reputed to have fl. in the commote of Talybolion about 1170 and is considered to have been the father of one of the Fifteen Tribes. His eldest son was TRAHAEARN, who was also called Cadhaearn, after whom an ancient mill in Caerdegog, ' Melin Cathayran,' is supposed to have been called. His son, MEYRICK, gave
  • WYNN family Ynysmaengwyn, Dolau Gwyn, This is another Merioneth family claiming descent from Osbwrn Wyddel. Osbwrn's son Kenric (Cynwrig) had a son LLYWELYN, who married Nest, daughter and heiress of Gruffydd ab Adda of Dôl Goch and Ynysmaengwyn. The descendants of Llywelyn and Nest, in direct line (as far as Ynysmaengwyn was concerned), were GRUFFYDD, EINION (who married Tanglwst, daughter of Rhydderch ab Ieuan Llwyd, Gogerddan
  • WYNN family Berth-ddu, Bodysgallen, This family was a younger branch of the Wynn family of Gwydir, founded through the marriage of Griffith Wynn (son of John Wynn ap Meredydd, died 1559, and uncle of Sir John Wynn of Gwydir) with the heiress of Robert Salusbury of Berth-ddu. OWEN GWYNN (GWYNNE, GWYN or WYN) (died 1633), Master of S. John's, Cambridge Education, was the third son of this Griffith Wynn. Nominated in 1584 to one of
  • WYNN, EDWARD (1618 - 1669), chancellor of Bangor cathedral , Jane, daughter of John ap Rhys Wyn. According to Moses Williams, F.R.S., Dr. John Davies left his lady in very good circumstances, but her second husband squandered her riches and abused her sufficiently besides. He was confirmed in the rectory of Llan-ym-Mawddwy by the Committee for the Propagation of the Gospel in Wales, 27 November 1649, but in 1650 he was ejected for some irregularity. He seems