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493 - 504 of 906 for "Rhydderch ap Iestyn"

493 - 504 of 906 for "Rhydderch ap Iestyn"

  • LESTRANGE family Great Ness, Cheswardine, Knockin, JOHN LESTRANGE (died c. 1269) witnessed the treaty between Dafydd ap Gruffydd and Henry III in May 1240, was appointed in March 1241 to try Dafydd, and in January 1245 was a commissioner to make peace with him. HAWISE, daughter of this John Lestrange, married Gruffydd ap Gwenwynwyn. In the years 1244-5 John Lestrange wrote to Henry III telling of Gruffydd's support for the English cause; he aided
  • LEWES, EVELYN ANNA (c. 1873 - 1961), author are Picturesque Aberayron (1899), and A guide to Aberaeron and Aeron valley (1922). She taught herself Welsh and was a diligent reader (1924-33) of Lewis Glyn Cothi's works for a dictionary of the Welsh language, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru. Her translation of portions of the poems of Dafydd ap Gwilym appeared in The life and poems of Dafydd ap Gwilym (1915). Essays on ' Theatres of West Wales ' and
  • LEWIS family Llwyn-du, Llangelynnin Two linked families which were very prominent in the history of Quakerism in Merioneth. I. Lewis, son of John Gruffydd ap Hywel ap Gruffydd of Derwas, died 8 August 1598, was married to Elin, daughter of Hywel ap Gruffydd; from these were descended four brothers, ELLIS, OWEN, GRUFFYDD, and RHYS. The remainder of this paragraph is concerned with the second of these, Owen Lewis I (died 1658?), and
  • LEWIS ab EDWARD (fl. c. 1560), poet the wedding feast of Wiliam Llwyd ab Elisau of Rhiwaedog and Elizabeth, daughter of Owain ap Siôn of Llwydiarth, at Rhiwaedog, 20 October 1555, where, together with Simwnt Fychan and Siôn Tudur, he composed mocking englynion to Gruffudd Hiraethog who was the victim of buffoonery at the feast. He graduated as a pencerdd at the Caerwys eisteddfod of 1568 and thus belongs to the last generation of the
  • LEWIS ap GWATCYN, landowner - see VAUGHAN
  • LEWIS ap WATKIN, landowner - see VAUGHAN
  • LEWIS GLYN COTHI (fl. 1447-1486), one of the greatest of the 15th century Welsh bards He took his bardic name from that of the forest of Glyn Cothi, within the confines of which, probably, he was born, perhaps at Pwllcynbyd in the parish of Llanybydder. Early in life he became an outlaw in North Wales in company with Owen ap Gruffudd ap Nicholas. This may have been as early as 1443. The earliest certainly datable of his poems is his elegy upon the death of Sir Griffith Vychan of
  • LEWIS HUDOL (fl. 16th century), poet The cywydd 'Y ddyn winfaeth ddynionfawr' is attributed to him in four manuscripts (Cwrtmawr MS 5B (i-ii) (386), Cwrtmawr MS 27E (329); NLW MS 1246D (42), NLW MS 5269B (2586), but it is also attributed to Ieuan ap Gronwy (Peniarth MS 99 (57), NLW MS 3056D (383)), and Ieuan ab Huw (Jesus College MS. 17 (675), whilst in two manuscripts the name of the author is not given (NLW MS 3057D (292
  • LEWIS MON (fl. c. 1480-1527) Llifon, Anglesey, a poet In his elegy to Tudur Aled he calls the latter his teacher, and the two poets are also grouped together in Ieuan ap Madog ap Dafydd's elegy on Syr Dafydd Trefor, the Anglesey poet and cleric. Many of his compositions are addressed to the Penrhyn family. It would appear that he died at Valle Crucis abbey, where he was buried. An elegy on his death was written by Dafydd Alaw. His will was proved 28
  • LEWIS, DAVID (Ap Ceredigion; 1870 - 1948), cleric, poet, and hymn-writer
  • LEWIS, ELLIS (fl. 1640-1661), translator Born at Llwyn-gwern, Llanuwchllyn, Meironnydd, son of Cadwaladr Lewis ap Howel ap John and his wife Elizabeth, daughter of Ellis Fychan, Brynllech, also in Llanuwchllyn. Little is known of Ellis Lewis except for references to him (and to his father) in Subsidy Rolls, etc. There exists a document of 16 August 1641 which shows that he possessed much land in the parishes of Llanuwchllyn and Llanycil
  • LEWIS, HUGH (1562 - 1634), cleric, author, poet His forbears were bondsmen of the township of Bodellog near Caernarvon. His great-grandfather was known as William of Bodellog whose son William ap William married Margaret Bennett and had three sons - Ieuan, Rhys, and Lewis. This Lewis married Agnes, daughter of William Foxwist of Prysgol, a member of the lower gentry. Of this marriage four sons were born - Hugh, Griffith, Richard and John. Hugh