He was educated at Ystrad Wallter or at Swansea and ordained at Llan-y-bri, 1688. He was given £2 by the Presbyterian Board, 16 January 1690, to encourage him in his work at Crug-glas (Pantêg); it is confirmed, in the minutes of the ' Common Fund ' or the Presbyterian Fund Board, 1690-2, that he was at Crug-glas, that he was a freeholder, and that he had received £1 from his congregation in acknowledgement of his services. He was present at Tirdoncyn, 17 November 1697, on the day that Llewelyn Bevan was instituted to Cwmllynfell and Gellionnen. According to a report by the churchwardens of Henllan Amgoed, 4 September 1705, he used to preach to Lewis Thomas's congregation, a body of Calvinists [see under Jeremy Owen ]. He died during that year.
Published date: 1959
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