Search results

1141 - 1152 of 1770 for "Mary Williams"

1141 - 1152 of 1770 for "Mary Williams"

  • PRYSE, ROBERT JOHN (Gweirydd ap Rhys; 1807 - 1889), man of letters , Llan-rhyddlad, Gerlan, Llanfairpwll, and Tan-y-fron, Llansannan. He became such a master of the art of weaving the herring-bone pattern that he was asked to supply the mantle material presented to princess Victoria at the Beaumaris eisteddfod, 1832. He married Grace Williams of Ynys-y-gwyddyl, Llanfflewin, 21 November 1828, and from that time on until 1857 lived at Llanrhyddlad, where he kept a shop
  • PUGH family Mathafarn, of the manor of Cyfeiliog. He represented the borough of Montgomery in Parliament from 1708 to 1727. When the male line became extinct, the Mathafarn estate was sold in 1752 to Sir Watkin Williams Wynn.
  • PUGH, DAVID (1739 - 1816), cleric Born at Dolgelley, the son of Hugh and Jane Pugh. He went to Hertford College, Oxford, 1758, and graduated in 1762. He became rector of S. Mary, Newport, Pembrokeshire, in 1770, and held the living until his death - this living had been offered to Daniel Rowland in 1769. He visited Llwyn-gwair, the home of the Bowen family, frequently; it was there, possibly, that he first met John Wesley. He was
  • PUGH, EDWARD CYNOLWYN (1883 - 1962), minister (Presb.), author and musician Born 21 June 1883 at Abergynolwyn, Merionethshire, son of William and Mary Pugh. His parents moved to Trehafod, Rhondda Valley, Glamorganshire, in 1888. He was brought up there and became a coal miner after leaving school. Interested in music, he became a conductor of brass bands, and became an accomplished cornet player (in his day he was cornet player for the Gorsedd of Bards). During the 1904
  • PUGH, FRANCIS (1720 - 1811), early Welsh Methodist and Moravian Born 10 September 1720 'in Brecknockshire ' according to Moravian records; it would be interesting to know precisely where, for it is clear that Pugh was a neighbour and friend of Howel Harris at a very early date - so confidential a friend that Harris used him as a go-between when he was courting Anne Williams. He appears to have been in 1741 teacher of a Griffith Jones school at Trevecka itself
  • PUGH, JOHN (Ieuan Awst; 1783 - 1839), lawyer and poet Born August 1783 in Melinfraenen, Llangelynnin, Meironnydd, the fifth child of David and Catherine Pugh. He only received nine months' schooling, but, despite this lack of education, he gained a local reputation for scholarship in his later years. He moved to Dolgelley when he was 13 years old and became a clerk in a solicitor's office. He was later apprenticed to Thomas Williams, a printer at
  • PUGH, LEWIS HENRY OWAIN (1907 - 1981), soldier Major-General Lewis Pugh, son of Major H.O. Pugh (1874-1954) and his wife Edith Mary née Smith, was born at the family home, Cymerau, Glandyfi, Ceredigion, 18 May 1907. He was educated at Wellington College and Woolwich Royal Military Academy and was commissioned into the Royal Artillery in 1927. After a period with the Army of Occupation on the Rhine he was posted to India where he fulfilled a
  • PUGH, PHILIP (1679 - 1760), Independent minister Llwynpiod chapel at his own cost, and paid Morgan Williams of Rhydlydan out of his own pocket for working as schoolmaster at Llangwyryfon and other places. He supported Daniel Rowland of Llangeitho and the revivalists, and was sent for by Howel Harris and Rowland to prepare the latter's defence against bishop Claggett's accusation that his preaching was irregular. He was grieved to see Arminianism
  • PUGH, WILLIAM (1783 - 1842) Bryn-llywarch, Radical landlord and entrepreneur more direct access to South Wales via Newtown and Builth. As a magistrate he was popular and helped to prevent the outbreak of serious food riots in the hard winter of 1830. He organized local support for the Reform Bill, but declined to stand for Parliament and failed to break the fifty years' monopoly of the county seat by C. W. Williams Wynn, in whose eyes Pugh was one of the ' new race of
  • PUGHE, JOHN (Ioan ab Hu Feddyg; 1814 - 1874), physician and littérateur a close friend of Eben Fardd. In Eben's Cyff Beuno there are many notes by Pughe. He published an entertaining biography of the bard: Eben Fardd: ei nodion a'i hynodion. He also translated Meddygon Myddfai, the Physicians of Myddfai, edited by John Williams, Ab Ithel, and published by the Welsh MSS. Society, 1864. He married Catherine Samuel, daughter of Samuel Samuel, Caernarfon, 21 February 1839
  • PULESTON, Sir JOHN HENRY (1829 - 1908), banker and Member of Parliament was interested in every Welsh national movement. He had acted as vice-president of the Hon. Society of Cymmrodorion, treasurer of the National Eisteddfod Association, 1880-1907, and first chairman of the committee of the London Welsh club. He died 19 October 1908. His sister, Mary Ann Puleston (Mair Clwyd) was the mother of John Puleston Jones.