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1129 - 1140 of 2428 for "john"

1129 - 1140 of 2428 for "john"

  • JONES, JOHN OWEN (Ap Ffarmwr; 1861 - 1899), journalist
  • JONES, JOHN OWEN (OWEN BRYNGWYN; 1884 - 1972), singer conductor of the Llanegryn choir and his mother was an excellent pianist. He was educated at Llanegryn primary school and at Tywyn grammar school. He won a scholarship in 1903 to study at the University College of North Wales, Bangor, and graduated BSc in 1907. At Bangor he was greatly influenced by John Lloyd Williams and he became a member of the Welsh Folksong Society in its early days. From 1907 to
  • JONES, JOHN PULESTON (1862 - 1925), Calvinistic Methodist minister, writer, and theologian Born at Berth, Llanbedr Dyffryn Clwyd, 26 February 1862, son of Evan Jones, carpenter and builder, and Mary Ann Puleston (Mair Clwyd), sister of Sir John Puleston. The family moved to Bala, and when the boy was 18 months old he met with an accident which resulted in total blindness. His mother set to work and taught him to do everything possible for himself without expecting, or getting, help
  • JONES, JOHN RICE (1759 - 1824), lawyer and settler in the American mid-west was the eldest of fourteen children of John Jones, excise officer, Mallwyd, Meironnydd, born in February 1759. Family tradition attributes to him an Oxford education, but this is unconfirmed. In January 1781 he married, at Brecon, Eliza, daughter of Richard and Mary Powell of that town, where he was in practice as a solicitor in 1782, with London chambers in Thanet Place, Strand. In 1784 he
  • JONES, JOHN RICHARD (1765 - 1822), Sandemanian Baptist minister
  • JONES, JOHN ROBERT (Alltud Glyn Maelor; 1800 - 1881), poet and hymn-writer John Williams (1806 - 1856), besides many carols and a great quantity of light verse on humorous subjects. He had the quaint habit of publishing his hymns in the form of printed cards, which he sold for a penny or two. One of his sons was William Jones (1834 - 1895) of Fishguard.
  • JONES, JOHN ROBERT (1911 - 1970), philosopher and patriot
  • JONES, JOHN SHARE (1873 - 1950), veterinary surgeon
  • JONES, JOHN THOMAS (1889 - 1952), missionary Born at a farm called Ffos y Gaseg, in Llanegwad parish, near Carmarthen, 28 February 1889, son of Thomas and Anna Jones. He was educated at Ysbyty national school. His father died when John was 15 years old, and after leaving school he worked on the farm for several years. He began preaching in 1913, intending to offer himself for missionary work. To prepare himself he went to the Old College
  • JONES, JOHN THOMAS ALUN (1851 - 1929), Calvinistic Methodist minister - see JONES, THOMAS
  • JONES, JOHN TYWI (1870 - 1948), Baptist minister and journalist college where Gwili (John Jenkins, and E Cefni Jones were his contemporaries. He was ordained at Llanfair and Pentraeth, Anglesey, in 1897 and remained there until 1906 when he received a call to Peniel, Glais, Swansea Valley. He ministered there energetically until the beginning of 1935. From an early age he had contributed occassionally to Tarian y Gweithiwr published in Aberdare and in some sense a
  • JONES, JOHN VIRIAMU (1856 - 1901), first principal of the University College, Cardiff Born 2 January 1856, at Pentre-poeth, Swansea, one of several distinguished sons of the then famous Congregational preacher Thomas Jones (1819 - 1882); his middle name - the Erromanga pronunciation of 'William' - reflects his father's admiration of the famous missionary, John Williams. His university career was a brilliant one. He obtained his London B.Sc. degree (at 19) with the University