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97 - 108 of 821 for "evans"

97 - 108 of 821 for "evans"

  • ELLIS, ROWLAND (1650 - 1731), Welsh-American Quaker -in-law, John Evans, in Gwynedd, and was buried in the Friends' burial ground at Plymouth. Bryn Mawr College (now University) for women is a reminder of the Bryn Mawr in Wales where Rowland Ellis was born. On Rowland Ellis's antecedents and connections see further the article on the Lewis and Owen families of Tyddyn-y-garreg.
  • ELLIS, THOMAS (1711/12 - 1792), cleric minister, of a rather strict and puritanical type, and a warm supporter of Griffith Jones's schools; there are many letters of his in Welch Piety, including a sharp condemnation of John Evans of Eglwys Cymyn (1702 - 1782); he seems to have acted as a sort of supervisor of the schools in Anglesey, and was one of the half-dozen Welsh clerics appointed by Griffith Jones to receive contributions towards the
  • ELLIS, WILLIAM (Gwilym ab Elis; 1752 - 1810), hymn-writer and balladist Born at Ty-nant in the parish of Llanycil, Meironnydd, son of Ellis and Jane William. His wife's name was Ellen and in 1780 they were living in the township of Ismynydd; between 1780 and 1790 they had four children. He died December 1810 and was buried at Llanycil. It was for his benefit that Ychydig o Hymnau, etc. (undated), written by Edward Parry (1723 - 1786) of Llansannan, William Evans
  • ELWYN-EDWARDS, DILYS (1918 - 2012), composer Turle Scholarship at Girton College, Cambridge and a Joseph Parry Scholarship at the University College in Cardiff, and chose the latter, studying under David Evans. Her compositional gifts were developed during her time at Cardiff and some of her songs were broadcast by the BBC. After taking her B.Mus. she taught for three years at Dr Williams School before gaining an open scholarship in composition
  • EMANUEL, HYWEL DAVID (1921 - 1970), librarian and Medieval Latin scholar studies. He also published articles on the Welsh laws and on other topics of medieval interest and made many contributions to the Jnl. of the Nat. Lib. of Wales. His appreciation of A.W. Wade-Evans was read to the Society of Cymmrodorion and published in The Transactions of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion, 1965, 257-71. He married in 1947 Florence Mary Roberts of Burry Port, and they had a son
  • EMRYS-ROBERTS, EDWARD (1878 - 1924), first professor of pathology and bacteriology at the Welsh National School of Medicine Edward Emrys-Roberts was born 14 May, 1878 in Liverpool, the eldest son of E. S. Roberts of Dawlish, Devon and Mary Evans, youngest daughter of Emrys Evans of Cotton Hall, Denbigh. Educated at Liverpool College between 1890 and 1895 he became a medical student at University College, Liverpool, gaining the MB ChB qualification of what was then Victoria University in 1902. In 1900, while still a
  • EVAN(S), JAMES (Carneinion; 1814 - 1842) Trefgarn, Congregationalist lay preacher, and author of Y Cristion Dyddorgar; neu, Lawlyfr i Broffeswyr Crefydd (Llanelly, 1839); born at Tre-aser-fach in the parish of Brawdy, Pembrokeshire, 28 June 1814, son of John and Martha Evans. He became completely blind when he was only 13 years old, but despite this handicap began to preach in 1832. He travelled about considerably; NLW MS 3091B contains an account of a journey which he and Thomas Nicholas
  • EVANS family Tan-y-bwlch, Maentwrog Thomas ap Dafydd ab Ifan ab Einion ab Osbwrn. The wife of his son, EVAN AP ROBERT, was Gwen, daughter of Humphrey ap Maredudd ab Evan ap Robert, Cesail-gyfarch, Caernarfonshire, and it was their son, ROBERT AB EVAN, who first stabilized the surname and became known as ROBERT EVANS. Robert Evans married Elizabeth, daughter of John Wynn ap Cadwaladr, Rhiwlas, Meironnydd, their heir being EVAN EVANS
  • EVANS family, printers TITUS EVANS (fl. 1760-1800), printer Printing and Publishing Titus Evans was living at Machynlleth some years before he started printing there c. 1789; e.g. his name appears in the imprint to John Prys's Welsh almanack, 1778 (for 1779), as a seller of that publication in Machynlleth. He was an excise officer and, to judge by information given by Ifano Jones (Hist. of Printing and Printers in
  • EVANS, A-Rice - see EVANS, ARISE
  • EVANS, ADAM, printer - see EVANS, WILLIAM
  • EVANS, ALBERT OWEN (1864 - 1937), archdeacon of Bangor Born 20 February 1864, son of captain Henry Evans, Caernarvon. A scholar of S. David's College, Lampeter, he graduated B.A. in 1898. Ordained in that year, his first curacy was Connah's Quay, which he resigned in the following year on being appointed inspector of Church schools in the diocese of Bangor, a diocese of which he was to become one of the leading figures. In 1909 he was preferred to