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85 - 96 of 821 for "evans"

85 - 96 of 821 for "evans"

  • EDWARDS, JOHN KELT (1875 - 1934), artist . Hughes (Elfyn), Ellis H. Evans (Hedd Wyn), and others. After the war of 1914-18 he designed the banner and the badge of the 'Comrades of the Great War' and the roll of honour of the Royal Welch Fusiliers; he had also produced some war cartoons. He was known in his native country as a book-illustrator also. He died 11 October 1934 at Ceinewydd, which is on the road between Maentwrog and Talsarnau, and
  • EDWARDS, JOSEPH (1814 - 1882), sculptor Born 5 March 1814 at Ynys-gau, Merthyr Tydfil, son of James Edwards, a stone-cutter. He attended a school kept by J. B. Evans, pastor of Ynys-gau chapel, and later a school kept by George Williams, and evening classes held by David Williams at Georgetown. His love of drawing, painting, and carving, showed itself at an early age, and he had already executed a headstone in Merthyr churchyard, when
  • EDWARDS, LEWIS (1809 - 1887), principal of Bala Calvinistic Methodist College, teacher and theologian Born 27 October 1809 at Pwllcenawon, Pen-llwyn, Cardiganshire, the eldest son of Lewis and Margaret Edward. He attended the local schools at Glanrafon, Pen-y-banc, and the Calvinistic Methodist chapel, Pen-llwyn. He was also educated at the Llanfihangel-genau'r-glyn schools, at the school kept at Aberystwyth by John Evans (1796 - 1861), and at Llangeitho. In 1827 he opened a small school of his
  • EDWARDS, THOMAS (Caerfallwch; 1779? - 1858), lexicographer Chymraeg, An English and Welsh Dictionary (Holywell, printed and published by P. M. Evans, 1850). In this dictionary will be found a host of words invented by himself to correspond to new English words appearing in the various spheres of knowledge. Now, a century after his death, committees are engaged in trying to do the same thing. Incidentally, it would appear that Caerfallwch himself invented the
  • EDWARDS, THOMAS (Twm o'r Nant; 1739 - 1810), poet and writer of interludes was 12. At his marriage in 1763 to Elizabeth Hughes of Pont-y-garreg, Llanfair Talhaearn, Evan Evans (Ieuan Fardd), the renowned poet and antiquary, officiated. Twm and his wife made their home at Denbigh, and he earned his living by hauling timber. Owing to certain misfortunes he soon became involved in heavy debts, with the result that he had to turn for a while to writing interludes and acting in
  • EDWARDS, WILLIAM (1773 - 1853), hymnwriter A nephew and bardic disciple of Robert Williams (1744 - 1815). Little is known of his life, except that he was a weaver, married a daughter of John Evans of Bala (1723 - 1817), and was living with his father-in-law at the time of the latter's death. He was not a preacher, but became in later life an elder in the Calvinistic Methodist church at Bala. He was a warm supporter of Sunday schools, and
  • ELLIS family Bron y Foel, Ystumllyn, Ynyscynhaearn Evans family of Tan-y-bwlch, Maentwrog; Ieuan, brother of Sir Hywel y Fwyall, was ancestor of the Madryn family. HYWEL AP MEREDYDD, of Bron y Foel, whose wife was Gwenllian, daughter of Gruffydd ap Ednyfed Fychan, had a son, GRUFFYDD AP HYWEL, who, by his wife Angharad, was the father of EINION AP GRUFFYDD, sheriff of Caernarvonshire 1354-6, and Sir Hywel y Fwyall. Einion ap Gruffydd was succeeded by
  • ELLIS, DAVID (1736 - 1795), cleric, poet, translator, and transcriber of manuscripts , Caernarfonshire, Llangeinwen, Anglesey, Derwen, Denbighshire, and Amlwch, Anglesey, before he was appointed vicar of Llanberis, 9 October 1788. He became vicar of Criccieth on 19 July 1789, and there he remained until his death. He was buried at Criccieth, 11 May 1795. A versatile poet, Ellis wrote elegies on Evan Evans (Ieuan Brydydd Hir) and on his old schoolmaster Edward Richard. Probably his greatest
  • ELLIS, EDWARD (1842? - 1892), Baptist minister, soldier, and editor of a Baptist newspaper in U.S.A. Born at Werngrug in the parish of Llanuwchllyn, Meironnydd - his father a brother to Ellis Evans, Cefn-mawr. He emigrated to U.S.A. with his parents in 1850 and lived at Remsen (N.Y.), Waukesha (Wisconsin), Berlin (Wisconsin), etc. He began to preach with the Baptists c. 1866 in the Welsh circles of Waukesha. He was educated at Beaver Dam Academy, Wisconsin. He joined the 22nd battalion of the
  • ELLIS, EDWARD LEWIS (1922 - 2008), historian and biographer appealed to a large numbers of undergraduates, attracted by the unfailing lucidity of his lectures, and his appealing style as a teacher. In his last years, he suffered from a particularly distressing and progressive lung condition which saw him become increasingly dependent upon the devoted care and support of his second wife Pamela Maureen (Evans) whom he married 30 October 1998 after the death of his
  • ELLIS, ROBERT (1808 - 1881), Calvinistic Methodist minister Born 12 December 1808 at Celyn Isaf, Llanddeiniolen, Caernarfonshire, son of Ellis Evans and his wife Jane Williams. The father had to decamp to Merthyr Tydfil in consequence of the ' enclosure riots ' at Llanddeiniolen in 1809, but returned to live at Garnedd, a squatter's cottage which he had erected on the common. At 18, Robert Ellis went to work at Cae-braichy-cafn quarry, but when about 20
  • ELLIS, ROBERT (Cynddelw; 1812 - 1875), Baptist minister, preacher, poet, antiquary, and commentator linked up with his genius for rummaging in the past. He was a great benefactor to the press of his denomination: he edited Y Tyst Apostolaidd, 1846-50; Y Tyst, 1851; Y Greal, 1852-3; and continued to edit the poetry which appeared in Y Greal until the end of his life; he also edited the poetry column in Seren Gomer, 1854-9. He wrote biographies of his teacher John Williams and of Ellis Evans of Cefn