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913 - 924 of 1116 for "maredudd ap rhys"

913 - 924 of 1116 for "maredudd ap rhys"

  • RHYS-WILLIAMS, BRANDON MEREDITH (1927 - 1988), Conservative politician He was born on 14 November 1927, the son of Sir Rhys Rhys Williams, Bart., (1865-1955) DSO, QC, who had served as the Liberal MP for the Banbury division from the general election of 1918 until the general election of 1922. He inherited his father's estate Miskin Manor in Glamorgan, which ran to some 800 acres, after which the baronetcy was named. His mother, Juliet Rhys-Williams (1898-1964), was
  • RHYS-WILLIAMS, Sir RHYS (1865 - 1955), first Baronet created 1918, and a judge effects of unemployment. He married 24 February 1921, and had two sons and two daughters, but the eldest son was killed in action in World War II and he himself died 29 January 1955. He appended Rhys to his surname in 1938. His wife was JULIET EVANGELINE RHYS-WILLIAMS (1898 - 1964), author Literature and Writing Born in Eastbourne 17 December 1898, daughter of Clayton Glyn and his wife the novelist
  • RICE family Newton, Dynevor, Descended from Gruffudd ap Nicolas, the family, later known as the Rices, reached their highest point of wealth and influence in the person of Sir Rhys ap Thomas. His grandson, Sir RHYS AP GRUFFYDD, who married, in 1524, lady Catherine Howard, daughter of the 2nd duke of Norfolk, was executed for treason in 1531. The evidence for his guilt was slight and his real offence was probably his
  • RICHARD ap JOHN (fl. 1578-1611) Scorlegan, Llangynhafal, gentleman, poet, patron of bards, and copyist He traced his pedigree through Edwin ap Grono to Hywel Dda and Rhodri Mawr. His father, John Wyn ap Robert ap Griffith, was a waiter in the queen's ewry, but he died of the plague before the children, Richard, John Wyn, and Catherine, had reached their majority. Lewis ab Edward and Gruffudd Hiraethog wrote elegies on his death. The children and their mother, Margaret, daughter of Griffith ab
  • RICHARDS family Coed, Caerynwch, deputy-herald by TUDOR VYCHAN (Tuder Vaughan ap David Lloyd in Caerynwch document 996, dated 23 September 1588). ROBERT VAUGHAN, of Caerynwch, third in descent from Tudor Vychan, was buried at Dolgelley on 30 July 1693. His wife, Margaret, was one of the daughters of Robert Vaughan of Hengwrt, the antiquary. GRACE VAUGHAN, daughter and heiress of Robert Vaughan, of Caerynwch, married (9 November 1698
  • RICHARDS, ALUN MORGAN (1929 - 2004), screenwriter, playwright, and author Penguin Book of Welsh Short Stories, which appeared in 1993, pushed even further. 'The place is Wales', he wrote, 'and the time is this century' - but it was not a stereotyped view. On 8 May 2004, Alun Richards unveiled a blue plaque to his friend Ron Berry in Blaencwm, Rhondda, on behalf of the Rhys Davies Trust. A few weeks later, he suffered a heart attack and died at Singleton Hospital, Swansea, on
  • RICHARDS, THOMAS (1710 - 1790), cleric and lexicographer the parish of Coychurch. What became of them is not known, but Iolo maintained that it was in those manuscripts that he 'discovered' many of his fictions, such as the 'Aberpergwm Brut' and some of the cywyddau which he said were written by Dafydd ap Gwilym. According to William Thomas's diary, as printed in Cylchgrawn Cymdeithas Hanes y Methodistiaid Calfinaidd, 1949 (48), Richards died 20 March
  • RICHARDS, WILLIAM (1749 - 1818), General Baptist minister, theological and political controversialist, and antiquary .' Richards's political views resembled those of his friend M. J. Rhys. He greatly admired America, and left his library to Rhode Island University, which in its turn conferred a LL.D. degree upon him; he was a firm believer in the 'Madoc' legend. Though a hater of Popery, he pleaded for Catholic Emancipation. He welcomed the French Revolution, and defended it; hence his Reflections on French Atheism and
  • ROBERT (fl. 1099-1147), earl of Gloucester Natural son of king Henry I of England; born before his father's accession to the throne. The legend (found in the 'Gwentian Brut,' The Myvyrian Archaiology of Wales, ii, 540) that his mother was Nest, daughter of Rhys ap Tewdwr, is one of Iolo Morganwg's fabrications, though Henry did, indeed, have a son by Nest later on. Robert has a great and honourable place in English history (see D.N.B
  • ROBERT ap HARRY (fl. c. 1580), poet
  • ROBERT ap MAREDUDD ap HYWEL ap DAFYDD ap GRUFFYDD (fl. early 15th century) - see WYNN