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61 - 72 of 877 for "richard burton"

61 - 72 of 877 for "richard burton"

  • CLOUGH, Sir RICHARD (d. 1570), merchant, and (for a period) 'factor' for Sir Thomas Gresham in Antwerp Fifth son of Richard Clough, glover, Denbigh. Fairly full details of the career of Richard Clough are given in D.N.B.; in this article the Welsh associations only will be particularized. As a boy he became a chorister in Chester cathedral, and thence went to London. He was still young when he made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land and there was created a 'Knight of the Holy Sepulchre' - hence the
  • COBB, JOSEPH RICHARD (1821 - 1897), antiquary
  • COFFIN, WALTER (1784 - 1867), colliery pioneer Born 1784, the second son of Walter Coffin, tanner, of Bridgend, Glamorganshire. While prospecting in the Rhondda valley for bark, he became interested in coal, and in 1806 bought Dinas Rhondda farm, opening a coal level there in 1807, which he connected with Gyfeillon (see Griffiths, Richard) by tramroad, thus enabling his coal to reach the canal at Treforest. In 1810 he took a mining lease on
  • COLEMAN, DONALD RICHARD (1925 - 1991), Labour politician
  • CONWAY family Botryddan, Bodrhyddan, The Conways were of English origin, descended from Sir William Coniers, ' Knight of War ', high constable of England under William the Conqueror. Sir HENRY CONWAY, son of Sir Hugh Conway, who married Ellen (or Angharad), daughter of Sir Hugh Crevecoer, lord of Prestatyn, was the first known to have settled in Wales, and his son, Richard, succeeded as lord of Prestatyn. In contrast to his
  • CORBET, Sir RICHARD (1640 - 1683), baronet and member of parliament Richard's death. He was a Fellow of the Royal Society but this was in the period when the majority of Fellows were elected on social or political grounds. He married Victoria, daughter of Sir William Uvedale in 1663 and they had nine children. She died in 1679 and Sir Richard on 1 August 1683.
  • CORY family RICHARD CORY I (1799-1882), by Sarah (died 5 October 1868), daughter of John Woollacott, both of Bideford. The father, RICHARD CORY I, was the owner and master of a small vessel and traded between Cardiff, Bristol, and Ireland. About 1838 he opened a ship-chandler's store and also traded as a provision merchant, etc., near the Custom House, Cardiff, and brought over his wife and three young sons - JOHN
  • CORY family Two distinct families of industrialists in South Wales have borne this surname. This family, John Cory and Sons, Ltd. is to be differentiated from the family of Richard Cory I and his sons who founded the business Cory Brothers Ltd. JOHN CORY I (died 1891), Business and Industry of S. Julian's, near Newport, Monmouth, head of the firm of 'John Cory, Sons and Co.', was born at Padstow, Cornwall
  • CRADOC, WALTER (1610? - 1659), Puritan theologian was revoked. He now moved to Wrexham, where he created such an impression that the North Wales Puritans became known as the ' Cradockians.' The next five years found him working hard in the Marches. In 1635-6 he spent some time with Richard Symonds and Richard Baxter at Shrewsbury. On 8 May 1638 he was arrested while attending divine service at the house of Mrs. De Lamars Veasy in London and, with
  • CRADOCK, Sir MATHEW (1468? - 1531), royal official in South Wales Descended from Einion ap Collwyn, he was the son of Richard ap Gwilim ap Evan ap Cradock Vreichfras, and Jennet Horton of Cantelupeston (Candleston) castle near Newton, Glamorganshire. In his official capacity he is said to have wielded tremendous power in South Wales. On his tombstone he is described as deputy to Charles, earl of Worcester, in the county of ' Glamorgan and Morgannwg', as
  • CRADOCK, RICHARD (fl. 1660-90), Nonconformist preacher, of the Independent persuasion , presumably, being son or brother to Richard. He had been teaching elder in the Cilfwnwr congregation (later Tirdoncyn) since March 1666; this is supported by the report of the Glamorgan churches sent by Henry Maurice to Broadmead in 1675, and by the entry in the Tirdoncyn register recording Cradock's death on 6 July 1690.
  • CRAWLEY, RICHARD (1840 - 1893), scholar