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61 - 72 of 965 for "Gruffydd ap Gwenwynwyn"

61 - 72 of 965 for "Gruffydd ap Gwenwynwyn"

  • CARTER family Kinmel, Kinmel, near Abergele, once the property of a Lloyd family (Yorke, Royal Tribes, 2nd edn., 113), changed hands when Alice, heiress of Gruffudd Lloyd, married Richard ap Dafydd ab Ithel Fychan, of Plas Llaneurgain (Northop). Their daughter and heiress, Catherine, married Pyrs Holland (died 1552), of Faerdref (see Holland families, No. 5); thus was founded the house of Holland of Kinmel (ibid., No
  • CASNODYN (fl. 1320-40), poet Aberconwy, which the Red Book gives as the work of Riserdyn. Iolo Morganwg states that Casnodyn was a native of Kilvey, and it would appear that Hywel Ystorym, who was the poet's contemporary, refers to the same fact in a satiric poem: ' Pryf waeth waeth ei faeth o fythau Cilfai ' - R.B. Poetry, 1342. Casnodyn sang to Gwenllian, wife of Sir Gruffydd Llwyd, who was a prisoner in 1322, and to Ieuan Llwyd ap
  • CATRIN ferch GRUFFUDD ap HYWEL (fl. c. 1555), poet
  • CATRIN ferch GRUFFYDD ap IEUAN [ap LLYWELYN?] FYCHAN (fl. 16th century), poet Daughter, it appears, of the poet Gruffydd ap Ieuan ap Llywelyn Fychan of Llannerch in the Vale of Clwyd. One poem only of her work remains, a religious poem in NLW MS 722B (155). It appears that the poem in Cardiff MS. 19 (742), Cwrtmawr MS 14C (72), and NLW MS 6681B (404) was composed by her sister, Alice.
  • CHERLETON family JOHN CHERLETON (1268 - 1353) Son of Robert, lord of Cherleton in Wrockwardine, Salop. In 1309 he married Hawise Gadarn ('the Hardy'), sister and heir of Gruffydd ab Owain (died 1309 - see under Gruffydd ap Gwenwynwyn), lord of Powys; thus the Cherletons were lords of this part of Wales in the 14th and early 15th century. The occupation of Powys by John Cherleton was opposed by Gruffydd ap
  • CLARE family II, earl of Hertford, died without a son in 1152, and his lands passed to his brother ROGER (died 1173). Roger strove with little success to withstand the ' Lord ' Rhys ap Gruffydd (1132 - 1197) in Ceredigion. His marriage is of great importance. His daughter-in-law was Amicia, daughter and co-heiress of William earl of Gloucester and lord of Glamorgan, and thus the house of Clare became involved
  • CLYDOG (fl. 500?), saint and martyr was the son of Clydwyn ap Brychan, and ruled over Ewias, now for the most part in the county of Hereford. He is known only from the account given of him in Liber Landavensis. According to this, he was a prince of pious habits, who loved peace and justice, and who was slain while hunting on the banks of the Monnow by a jealous follower. The occasion was the declaration of a maiden, courted by the
  • CLYNNOG, MORYS (c. 1525 - 1581), Roman Catholic theologian to the see of Bangor but, before he was consecrated, queen Mary died and he went into voluntary exile rather than conform with the new dispensation under Elizabeth. In 1561 he, bishop Goldwell, and Gruffydd Robert, archdeacon of Anglesey, arrived in Rome. Goldwell was appointed warden of the English Hospital in that city, Gruffydd Robert became chaplain in 1564, and Morys Clynnog ' Camerarius ' in
  • CNEPPYN GWERTHRYNION (fl. 13th century), poet and grammarian gather that he hailed from Gwerthryniawn (now part of Radnorshire), and that his verse was 'correct by Latin standards' or by the rhetorical standards of his period. In some manuscripts ' Cneppyn Gwerthryniawn ' is given as one of several nicknames borne by Sypyn Cyfeiliog or Dafydd Bach ap Madog Wladaidd, but as this Dafydd sang late in the 14th century he could not have been the original Cneppyn (see
  • CONWAY family Botryddan, Bodrhyddan, predecessors, JENKYN CONWAY (died about 19 September 1432), grandson of Richard, married a Welshwoman, Marsli, daughter of Maredudd ap Hywel ap Dafydd of Cefn-y-fan, ancestor of the Wynn family of Gwydir, and the accession of Elizabeth I found the family firmly established as an integral part of Flintshire society. JOHN CONWAY (died 1578), grandson of Thomas Conway (died before 1526), and great-great
  • COPPACK, MAIR HAFINA (1936 - 2011), author and columnist team, published in 201l. She twice came close to winning the Prose Medal at the National Eisteddfod. Her entry for the Abergwaun National Eisteddfod in 1986 was published under the title Merch Morfydd. According to R. Geraint Gruffydd, one of the adjudicators, the work is 'an excellent autobiography … the writing is consistently lively and interesting and often thrilling.' Rhiannon Davies Jones
  • CRADOCK, Sir MATHEW (1468? - 1531), royal official in South Wales Descended from Einion ap Collwyn, he was the son of Richard ap Gwilim ap Evan ap Cradock Vreichfras, and Jennet Horton of Cantelupeston (Candleston) castle near Newton, Glamorganshire. In his official capacity he is said to have wielded tremendous power in South Wales. On his tombstone he is described as deputy to Charles, earl of Worcester, in the county of ' Glamorgan and Morgannwg', as