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637 - 648 of 1116 for "maredudd ap rhys"

637 - 648 of 1116 for "maredudd ap rhys"

  • LLYWARCH ap LLYWELYN (fl. 1173-1220) Gwynedd, court-poet is the pride, the unity, and the success of Wales. Llywarch also sang the praises of several princes subordinate to Llywelyn in Gwynedd and Powys, and likewise to Rhys Gryg in the South. The references to Wiston, Narberth, and Haverfordwest in the poem to Rhys suggest 1220 rather than 1215. As a result of the newly-found Welsh unity the poet finds a fresh delight in stringing together place-names
  • LLYWARCH HEN (fl. 6th century), British prince and a hero of a cycle of Welsh tales dating from the mid-9th century pedigrees of the princes of Gwynedd as contained in the 'Life of Gruffudd ap Cynan.' According to these, Llywarch was descended from Coel Gotebauc, his father was Elidyr Lledanwyn, and his mother was Gwawr, daughter of Brachan. He was, both on the paternal and the maternal side, a cousin of Urien of Rheged who fought against the sons of Ida in the latter half of the 6th century; and the princes of Gwynedd
  • LLYWARCH LLAETY (fl. c. 1140-1160), one of the poets of the period of the Welsh Princes A series of englynion in praise of Llywelyn ap Madog ap Maredudd of Powys remain in MSS. It is also probable that he was the same person as the poet Llywarch y Nam, of whose work another series of englynion to the same prince is found.
  • LLYWELYN ab EDNYFED (fl. c. 1400-1460?), poet the same person, apparently, as one called Llywelyn ap Maredudd ab Ednyfed in some MSS. All his extant work is vaticinatory poetry. The date 1400 is given, together with one copy of a poem by him, in NLW MS 6499B; another poem, definitely composed in 1460, is attributed to him (amongst various other poets) in some MSS. Apart from the above no other dates are available.
  • LLYWELYN ab OWAIN ap CYNFRIG MOEL (fl. c. 1480?), poet
  • LLYWELYN ap CYNFRIG DDU (fl. c. 1460-1500?), poet
  • LLYWELYN ap GRUFFYDD (d. 1317), nobleman, soldier and rebel martyr contemporary chronicle has it. All this suggests that he was the son of Gruffydd ap Rhys, a native vassal of the honour of Glamorgan, and a great-grandson of Ifor Bach, lord of Senghenydd, and Nest, granddaughter of Rhys ap Tewdwr. Since 1256 Senghenydd had been fully absorbed into the feudal organisation of the honour, and Llywelyn appears to have been on excellent terms with the young earl, Gilbert de
  • LLYWELYN ap GRUFFYDD (d. 1282), Prince of Wales Second son of Gruffydd ap Llywelyn by Senena, and grandson of Llywelyn ap Iorwerth. His career can be traced no further back than 1245 when he emerges as one of a group of magnates in the entourage of Dafydd II, a fact which suggests that, unlike his father and elder brother, Owain, he was favoured by his uncle, and was possibly regarded as Dafydd's destined heir. After the catastrophe of 1246
  • LLYWELYN ap GUTUN (fl. c. 1480), poet Pennardd, Hywel ap Rheinallt, and Lewis Môn. Ymrysonau, or bardic controversies, occurred between him and the following poets : D. Llwyd of Mathafarn, Guto'r Glyn, Lewys Môn, and Gruffudd ab Ieuan ap Rhys Llwyd.
  • LLYWELYN ap GWILYM ap RHYS (fl. 16th century), poet