Search results

49 - 60 of 1267 for "Sir Joseph Bradney"

49 - 60 of 1267 for "Sir Joseph Bradney"

  • BODWRDA family Bodwrda, An old Caernarvonshire family, descended from Trahaearn Goch, lord of Cymydmaen. The surname was adopted by HUGH GWYN, sheriff of Caernarvonshire, 1605 (son of John Wyn, sheriff 1584). Of his twelve children, the eldest, JOHN BODWRDA (died 1648?), was sheriff in 1629, and may have been the John Bodwrda 'secured' by the then sheriff (Sir T. Cheadle) for supposed Roundhead sympathies on the
  • BOSANQUET family Professor Henry Lewis in 1942 under the title Brut Dingestow. The collection had been originally formed by Sir JOHN BERNARD BOSANQUET (1773 - 1847), judge and man of letters, but passed to his nephew; it was acquired in 1916 by the N.L.W. One of the sons of S. R. Bosanquet (1800 - 1882) was Sir FREDERICK ALBERT BOSANQUET (1837 - 1923), judge of the Central Criminal Court from 1917. A member of the
  • BOSSE-GRIFFITHS, KATE (1910 - 1998), Egyptologist and author in 1936. Her journey led her to Scotland, where she became assistant to the famous biologist, mathematician and classical scholar, Sir D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson, then to the Petrie Museum, London, and from there to the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, where she became a Senior Fellow of Somerville College. It was here that she met her husband, John Gwynedd Griffiths (1911-2004) who shared her interests in
  • BOWDEN, HERBERT WILLIAM (BARON AYLESTONE), (1905 - 1994), politician was cited as a co-respondent when Joseph Clayton, his next-door neighbour, divorced his wife, Vera Clayton. Neither Lord Aylestone nor Mrs Clayton defended this petition and Lord Aylestone was ordered to pay costs. The case achieved wide publicity and Lord Aylestone retired from public life for a time. He caused some surprise when he joined the Social Democrat Party in 1981 and held the post of
  • BOWEN family Llwyn-gwair, John Griffith, son of Sir William Griffith, Penrhyn, Caernarfonshire. Thomas Nicholas gives some details of the pedigree of the family in his Annals of the…County Families of Wales, 1872, see also similar works on ancient families of Wales, etc. GEORGE BOWEN (1722 - 1810) comes into the pages of Methodist history because of his friendship with John Wesley, David Jones (Llan-gan), and others. He was
  • BOWEN, DAVID (Myfyr Hefin; 1874 - 1955), minister (B) and editor Born 20 July 1874, son of Thomas and Dinah Bowen of Treorchy, Glamorganshire, elder brother of Ben Bowen and Thomas (Orchwy) Bowen (father of the archdruid Geraint Bowen and the poet Euros Bowen), and of the mother of Sir Ben Bowen Thomas. Both parents had moved from Carmarthenshire to the coal industry in the Rhondda. The family's Welsh culture was safeguarded and fostered by the chapel life in
  • BOWEN, EVAN RODERIC (1913 - 2001), Liberal politician and lawyer attained the rank of captain. He served as an officer on the staff of the Judge Advocate-General. He was elected the Liberal MP for Cardiganshire in the general election of July 1945 as the successor to the recently deceased Sir David Owen Evans, and was re-elected there in five successive general elections, but was defeated by D. Elystan Morgan (Labour) in the general election of 1966. Bowen - 'the
  • BOYDELL, JOSIAH (1752 - 1817), painter and illustrator Born at the Manor House, Hawarden, Flintshire, 18 January 1752, nephew of John Boydell, engraver and printseller, London. Josiah was taken to London by his uncle and received training from him and Richard Earlom; afterwards young Boydell and Joseph Farrington were engaged by the uncle to make drawings for the engravers from pictures in the Houghton Collection before they were removed to the
  • BRADNEY, Sir JOSEPH ALFRED (Achydd Glan Troddi; 1859 - 1933), historian Born 11 January 1859, only son of Joseph C. Bradney, rector of Greete, Salop; educated at Harrow and Trinity College, Cambridge, where he graduated in 1881. He was connected with the militia and with the army from 1882 - when he was a captain in the Monmouthshire Militia - until after the war of 1914-18. Bradney served his country and his county in many capacities: on the county council, as a
  • BRANGWYN, Sir FRANK FRANCOIS GUILLAUME (1867 - 1956), painter
  • BRAZELL, DAVID (1875 - 1959), singer States for seven months with the Llanelli choir in 1909-10; John died on the ship Mauretania whilst returning to Britain from New York. After leaving the elementary school at Pwll, he worked in the tinplate industry and studied music in Llanelli in his spare time, firstly with Maggie Aubrey and later with R.C. Jenkins, conductor of the Llanelli Choral Society who had been taught by Joseph Parry. He
  • BRIDGEMAN, GEORGE THOMAS ORLANDO (1823 - 1895), cleric, antiquary and genealogist Born 21 August 1823, second son of the 2nd earl of Bradford, a descendant of Sir Orlando Bridgeman (see in D.N.B.), keeper of the seal under Charles II; the family were connected by marriage with Shropshire, and with the Myddelton family of Chirk. Educated at Harrow, and Trinity (Cantab.), where he graduated in 1845, he took orders, became rector in Shropshire, and in 1864 received the family