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577 - 588 of 965 for "Gruffydd ap Gwenwynwyn"

577 - 588 of 965 for "Gruffydd ap Gwenwynwyn"

  • LLYWARCH LLAETY (fl. c. 1140-1160), one of the poets of the period of the Welsh Princes A series of englynion in praise of Llywelyn ap Madog ap Maredudd of Powys remain in MSS. It is also probable that he was the same person as the poet Llywarch y Nam, of whose work another series of englynion to the same prince is found.
  • LLYWELYN ab EDNYFED (fl. c. 1400-1460?), poet the same person, apparently, as one called Llywelyn ap Maredudd ab Ednyfed in some MSS. All his extant work is vaticinatory poetry. The date 1400 is given, together with one copy of a poem by him, in NLW MS 6499B; another poem, definitely composed in 1460, is attributed to him (amongst various other poets) in some MSS. Apart from the above no other dates are available.
  • LLYWELYN ab OWAIN ap CYNFRIG MOEL (fl. c. 1480?), poet
  • LLYWELYN ap CYNFRIG DDU (fl. c. 1460-1500?), poet
  • LLYWELYN ap GRUFFYDD (d. 1317), nobleman, soldier and rebel martyr contemporary chronicle has it. All this suggests that he was the son of Gruffydd ap Rhys, a native vassal of the honour of Glamorgan, and a great-grandson of Ifor Bach, lord of Senghenydd, and Nest, granddaughter of Rhys ap Tewdwr. Since 1256 Senghenydd had been fully absorbed into the feudal organisation of the honour, and Llywelyn appears to have been on excellent terms with the young earl, Gilbert de
  • LLYWELYN ap GRUFFYDD (d. 1282), Prince of Wales almost unbroken military success: helped by the weakness of the crown and the disunity of the marcher lords, he reunited North Wales from the Dovey to the Dee, and annexed extensive territories in the middle march as far as the borders of Gwent, meanwhile protecting his conquests by a succession of merciless raids into South Wales. In 1258 the other native princes (except Gruffydd ap Gwenwynwyn, who
  • LLYWELYN ap GUTUN (fl. c. 1480), poet Pennardd, Hywel ap Rheinallt, and Lewis Môn. Ymrysonau, or bardic controversies, occurred between him and the following poets : D. Llwyd of Mathafarn, Guto'r Glyn, Lewys Môn, and Gruffudd ab Ieuan ap Rhys Llwyd.
  • LLYWELYN ap GWILYM ap RHYS (fl. 16th century), poet
  • LLYWELYN ap HYWEL ap IEUAN ap GRONW (fl. c. 1480?), poet concerning whom no details are available. Some examples of his work remain in MSS., including a number of religious poems, an elegy to Tomas ap Gruffudd of Abermarlais, and a 'begging' poem.
  • LLYWELYN ap IORWERTH (fl. 1173-1240), prince Son of Iorwerth Drwyndwn by Margaret, daughter of Madog ap Maredudd. He may have been born at Dolwyddelan, the royal manor of Nantconwy, over which his father had exercised a brief lordship which ended with his death at about the time of Llywelyn's birth. The infant prince, being a potential menace to the power of his father's half-brothers in Gwynedd, probably grew up in Powys under the