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553 - 564 of 1116 for "maredudd ap rhys"

553 - 564 of 1116 for "maredudd ap rhys"

  • JONES, JOHN RICHARD (1765 - 1822), Sandemanian Baptist minister melodious voice and of his ability as a singer, and he was acquainted with the rudiments of music. At least one of his hymn-tunes, ' Ramoth ', is still familiar. He delighted in the art of poetry and was the religious teacher of the poets Robert ap Gwilym Ddu and Dewi Wyn. To convince, to argue, to expound the Scriptures, to discipline the will - these were the outstanding characteristics of his teaching
  • JONES, JOHN WILLIAM (1883 - 1954), author, collector of letters and papers, publisher, antiquary and folk poet reading. He was generally known as 'Joni Bardd' in his neighbourhood and he fulfilled the function of folk poet conscientiously. He had a burning interest in Welsh and English poetry, and particularly in collecting and publishing the work of some of the poets of his own and neighbouring areas. He edited some of the works of Ap Alun Mabon, Gwrid y Machlud (Blaenau Ffestiniog, 1941); Ioan Brothen, Llinell
  • JONES, JOSIAH THOMAS (1799 - 1873), publisher and Independent minister offices; Iago ap Dewi and Cawrdaf may serve as examples. David Griffiths (1756 - 1834) of Nevern was J. T. Jones's uncle.
  • JONES, LEWIS (1837 - 1904), pioneer in Patagonia, and writer and started two newspapers - Ein Breiniad, 1878, and Y Dravod, 1891; the latter is still being published. A lecture given before the Cymmrodorion in 1885, when he was visiting Wales, was subsequently published, and his book Y Wladfa Gymreig was published in 1898. He had two daughters - Eluned Morgan and another who married Llwyd ap Iwan, son of Michael D. Jones. Lewis Jones was a gallant leader in
  • JONES, MICHAEL (d. 1649), soldier Of Irish birth but Welsh family, being sixth in descent from Gruffydd Derwas, lord of Nannau and ancestor of the family of Nannau as well as (on the female side) of John Jones the regicide. His father, Welsh-born LEWIS JONES (son of John Wynn ap John) went from Merioneth to Brasenose College, Oxford, c. 1562, proceeding straight from B.A. to a Fellowship of All Souls (1569), thence to Ireland
  • JONES, MICHAEL DANIEL (1822 - 1898), Independent minister and principal of the Independent College at Bala opposition. He was also an out-and-out nationalist, the father of the nationalist renaissance in Wales; he loathed the English -worshipping Welshman, and it has been said that ' the credit should be given chiefly to him and to Emrys ap Iwan for transforming Welsh patriotism into a vigorous practical nationalism. ' He died 2 December 1898 and was buried in the Old Chapel burial ground at Llanuwchllyn.
  • JONES, MORGAN GLYNDWR (1905 - 1995), poet, novelist and short story writer achieved when incongruous words were allowed to flash together in unexpected and unconventional ways. 'I fancy words' Jones writes in one of his best known poems 'Merthyr'. Jones's circle of literary connections widened still further when he became associated with Keidrych Rhys's founding of Wales (1937). Jones advised Rhys as to the necessity for the new journal to be experimental and assisted with the
  • JONES, OWEN (Owain Myfyr; 1741 - 1814), a skinner in London and one of the most prominent figures in the literary life of Wales at the end of the 18th cent, and the beginning of the next in the history of the literature of Wales and in the literary life of the period. At this time he called himself ' Owain ap Huw.' With his friend, Robin Ddu o Fôn (Robert Hughes, 1744 - 1785), he is found in 1768 copying from the manuscripts of the Morris brothers the work of Dafydd ap Gwilym, together with all kinds of other material which they saw in the old manuscripts. This was one of his main
  • JONES, REES JENKIN (1835 - 1924), Unitarian minister, schoolmaster, historian, and hymn-writer Born 17 September 1835, eldest son of John Jones (1802 - 1863) of Aberdare. On his mother's side he was descended from the family of Jones of Llwyn-rhys, pioneers of Nonconformity in Cardiganshire. He was educated at his father's school, Carmarthen Presbyterian College (1855-9), and the University of Glasgow (1859-62), where he graduated M.A., 1863. His father having died 19 December 1863, he
  • JONES, RHYS (1713 - 1801), antiquary and poet . O Gasgliad Rhys Jones, o'r Tyddyn Mawr yn y Brinaich, ym mhlwyf Llanfachreth, yn Swydd Feirion … (Shrewsbury, printed by Stafford Prys, in the Year MDCC. LXXIII); Can neu Fyfyrdod ar Ddaioni yr Arglwydd yn anfon yd i'n Gwlad er ein Hachub Rhag Y Newyn a'i Ganlyniadau etc., ar fesur 'Old Darby' (Denbigh, 1817). In 1864, another edition of the Gorchestion was published, revised, and annotated with
  • JONES, RHYS GWESYN (1826 - 1901), Congregational minister in Wales and the U.S.A., and author
  • JONES, RICHARD (1603 - 1655/6?), cleric and author Born 1603; son of John Pew of Henllan, Denbighshire, according to A. Wood, Athenae Oxonienses, and Foster, Alumni Oxonienses, but John ap Hugh of Hendre Caerwys in Northop, Flint, according to Thomas, A History of the Diocese of St. Asaph. Educated at Jesus College, Oxford, he graduated B.A. in February 1625-6, and M.A. in July 1628. He was appointed vicar of Llanfair Caereinion, Montgomeryshire