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493 - 504 of 869 for "howell elvet lewis"

493 - 504 of 869 for "howell elvet lewis"

  • LEWIS, Sir WILLIAM THOMAS (first BARON MERTHYR of SENGHENYDD), (1837 - 1914), coal magnate Born 5 August 1837, son of Thomas William Lewis, engineer to the Plymouth iron-works (Merthyr Tydfil), was at school under Taliesin Williams, but at 13 was articled to his father. In 1855 he became assistant-engineer in the service of the Bute estate, and in 1864 mineral agent to that estate. In the same year he married Anne, daughter of WILLIAM REES, owner of Llety-Shenkin colliery, Aberdare
  • LEWIS, WYNDHAM (1780 - 1838), M.P. Born 7 Oct 1780, son of the Rev. Wyndham Lewis, Greenmeadow, Tongwynlais, Glamorganshire. He was M.P. for Cardiff, 1820-26; Aldeburgh (Suffolk), 1827-30; and Maidstone from 1835 until his death 14 March 1838. His widow, in 1839, became the wife of Benjamin Disraeli.
  • LEWYS, DAFYDD (d. 1727), cleric compositions may be found in Blodeu-gerdd Cymry, 1759. NLW MS 4563B: David Lewis: Golwg ar y Byd mawr... contains the original manuscript of Golwg ar y Byd.
  • LINDEN, DIEDERICH WESSEL (d. 1769), medical doctor and mineralogist first drew public notice - and ire - from among British contemporaries, such as Lewis Morris and Thomas Pennant. With support from Elizabeth Adams, a Chester printer, and Thomas Cotham, a personal friend who had translated the German manuscript, Linden presented his first English publication, A Letter to William Hooson, a Derbyshire Miner (1747). In this pamphlet, he chiefly attacked Hooson as a hack
  • LLEWELLYN, THOMAS (1720? - 1783), Baptist minister and tutor , and several nephews and nieces. There is now new information on the parentage and family of Dr Thomas Llewellyn. It appears from the will of Lewelin Jenkin of Gelligaer parish (buried 30 December 1729) that Thomas Llewelyn and Mary were his children by his second wife Anne Lewis James. She died while Thomas was under 10 years of age as a guardian, James Lewis, had been appointed. Lewelin's first
  • LLEWELYN, WILLIAM (1735 - 1803), Independent minister Born at Coity, Glamorganshire, in 1735 (christened 21 March in the parish church), eldest of the four children of a shoemaker Thomas Llewelyn and his wife Alice (Cox, of Gloucestershire), members of the congregation of Lewis Jones (1702? - 1772) at Bridgend. Apprenticed to a brewer in the town, he attended a night-school and began to preach; in January 1759 he went to Abergavenny Academy. He was
  • LLOYD family Peterwell, the subject of a Welsh play. In his younger days he was the leader of several riotous gatherings, including the attack on Lewis Morris when the latter was superintendent of the king's mines at Esgair-mwyn in 1753. He died by his own hand in London on 19 August 1769, his estates heavily encumbered by debt. With his death the Lloyd s of Peterwell, who had bid fair to become one of the most powerful
  • LLOYD family Bodidris, by Lewis Dwnn. EVAN LLOYD (died 1637), captain Military Sir John's grandson, was a captain in Ireland, with lands in Newry; the latter's son, Sir EVAN LLOYD, fought for Charles I and served him as sheriff of Denbighshire from 1644-6, for which he was fined £1,000 by parliament (16 June, 1646) but rewarded with a baronetcy by the king (21 June, 1647). The title lapsed on the death without heirs (6
  • LLOYD family Dolobran, there in 1747 or 1749. His son CHARLES LLOYD (IV), who was born in 1697, maintained connection with Dolobran, though the estate was heavily mortgaged, his father having lost thousands of pounds in his industrial ventures. His wife was Jane Wilkins. One of their daughters, Jane (born 1728), married Lewis Owen of Tyddyn-y-garreg, a member of an old Welsh Quaker family - see the article on the family
  • LLOYD family Rhiwaedog, Rhiwedog, ancestor MEREDYDD AB IEUAN AP MEREDYDD with MARGARET, eldest daughter and coheiress of EINION AB ITHEL of Rhiwaedog, Esquire of the Body of John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, in A.D. 1395, and high sheriff of Meirionydd for life. He was [according to Lloyd ] the son of ITHEL AB GWRGENEU FYCHAN AB GWRGENEU AP MADOG AP RHIRYD FLAIDD.' The deputy-herald Lewis Dwnn, when he visited Rhiwaedog on 1 August 1592
  • LLOYD GEORGE, DAVID (the first Earl Lloyd-George of Dwyfor), (1863 - 1945), statesman Liberal candidate for the Caern. Boroughs; he was returned by a majority of 18, at the general election, 1890 (10 April), taking his seat on 17 April and making his maiden speech on 13 June. During his first period in Parliament his interests were mainly Welsh, especially disestablishment and land reform, and in 1894 he led a revolt of four Welsh members (himself, D. A. Thomas, J. Herbert Lewis and