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433 - 444 of 2552 for "samuel Thomas evans"

433 - 444 of 2552 for "samuel Thomas evans"

  • EVANS, ADAM, printer - see EVANS, WILLIAM
  • EVANS, ALBERT OWEN (1864 - 1937), archdeacon of Bangor Born 20 February 1864, son of captain Henry Evans, Caernarvon. A scholar of S. David's College, Lampeter, he graduated B.A. in 1898. Ordained in that year, his first curacy was Connah's Quay, which he resigned in the following year on being appointed inspector of Church schools in the diocese of Bangor, a diocese of which he was to become one of the leading figures. In 1909 he was preferred to
  • EVANS, ALCWYN CARYNI (1828 - 1902), antiquary nephew of Thomas Charles of Bala. They had two daughters, Marian Sophia (born 1872) and Eleonora Imogen (born 1874). Alcwyn Evans died on the 11th March 1902 at his home in Carmarthen. His collections were dispersed after his death. His “beautifully written and carefully indexed volumes of manuscripts” passed into the library of Sir Evan Davies Jones of Pentower, Fishguard and in July 1939 were
  • EVANS, ALFRED THOMAS (Fred, Menai; 1914 - 1987), Labour politician He was born at Aberfan, Glamorganshire, on 24 February 1914, the son of Alfred Evans, a miner, and Sarah Jane, a midwife. He received his education at Bargoed Grammar School and the University College of South Wales, Cardiff. Evans earned his living as head of the English Department at Bargoed Grammar School, 1937-49, and subsequently as headmaster of Bedlinog Secondary School, 1949-66, and later
  • EVANS, ANNIE FLORENCE (1884 - 1967), revivalist and missionary Florrie Evans was born on 15 December 1884 in New Quay, Cardiganshire, the second of the four children of David Owen Evans (1853-1918), a mariner, and his wife Margaret (née Jones, 1853-1929), who were living at 5 Marine Terrace in 1881, and at 4 Lewis Terrace ten years later. By 1901, following her father's promotion to captain, the family moved to 12 Marine Terrace which remained their home
  • EVANS, Ap Rhys - see EVANS, ARISE
  • EVANS, ARISE (fl. 1607-1660), prognosticator
  • EVANS, ARTHUR (1755 - 1837), Calvinistic Methodist minister Born at Felindre, Penboyr, Carmarthenshire, 2 September 1755, son of Thomas Evans. Left an orphan, he was brought up as a weaver by an uncle. In 1773 he joined the C.M. society then held at Gwern-yr-hafod and later at Conwil. Intending to take orders, he went to Carmarthen Academy, but failed to obtain orders. In 1782 he began preaching, and about the same time married (he had four children
  • EVANS, ARTHUR BENONI (1781 - 1854), schoolmaster - see EVANS, LEWIS
  • EVANS, Sir ARTHUR JOHN (1851 - 1941), keeper of the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford - see EVANS, LEWIS