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421 - 432 of 869 for "howell elvet lewis"

421 - 432 of 869 for "howell elvet lewis"

  • LEWIS, GEORGE (1763 - 1822), theologian and Independent minister Llanuwchllyn and decided to stay on in Wales. He remained at Llanuwchllyn for eighteen years as minister and supervisor of a number of circulating schools in North Wales. His two-fold labours were crowned with brilliant success and he left an indelible mark on the life of the district. In 1812 Jenkin Lewis, head of the Independent Academy at Wrexham, moved to Manchester to take charge of a similar academy
  • LEWIS, Sir GEORGE CORNEWALL (1806 - 1863), statesman Born in London, 21 April 1806, the elder son of Sir Thomas Frankland Lewis. He was educated at Eton and Christ Church, Oxford, and was called to the Bar in 1831. He acted on various Government commissions of enquiry, and, in 1839, succeeded his father as Poor Law commissioner. He was largely responsible for the Poor Law Amendment Act of 1841. When the Poor Law Board was established in 1847 (a
  • LEWIS, GRUFFYDD THOMAS (1873 - 1964), schoolmaster and a leading layman in the Presbyterian Church of Wales Born 3 February 1873 at Pil-rhoth, Llan-gain, Carmarthenshire, the only son of David Watts Lewis, Presbyterian minister known generally as David Lewis, Llanstephan, and Elizabeth (née Harries) his wife. David Lewis was a native of Aberystwyth, son of Thomas Lewis who hailed from Llanrhystud. His mother's maiden surname was Watts, believed to be from the same stock as Isaac Watts (1674 - 1784
  • LEWIS, Sir HENRY (1847 - 1923) North Wales, Calvinistic Methodist elder The son of THOMAS LEWIS (1821 - 1897), of Llanwenllwyfo, Anglesey (J. E. Griffith, Pedigrees, 257), founder (1840) of a flourishing corn and flour business at Bangor, who was M.P. for Anglesey 1886-94, following Richard Davies (1818 - 1896), and lectured so frequently on his travels in Palestine and elsewhere that he was universally known as 'Thomas Palestina Lewis' - he died 2 December 1897
  • LEWIS, HENRY (1889 - 1968), Welsh and Celtic scholar, university professor Born 21 August 1889, youngest son of William Lewis and his wife, in Ynystawe, Glamorganshire. He proceeded from Ystalyfera county school to university college Cardiff where he graduated in Welsh, and then to Jesus College, Oxford to study under Sir John Rhys. He gained the degrees of M.A. and D.Litt. (Wales). He began his career as a teacher at his old school in Ystalyfera and then at Llanelli
  • LEWIS, HENRY GETHIN (1872 - 1945), merchant and financier Born 5 April 1872 at Pontlotyn, Glamorganshire, son of James and Margaret Lewis. He went to Lewis School, Pengam, and later entered the office of an uncle who was at the head of the Bute Works Supply Co., Cardiff. He served here for 21 years, becoming a partner and, when the business was formed into a limited liability company, a director and its secretary. He compiled a series of tables which
  • LEWIS, HOWELL ELVET (ELFED; 1860 - 1953), Independent minister, hymn-writer, poet Born 14 April 1860, the oldest son of the twelve children of James and Anna Lewis, at Y Gangell, near Blaen-y-coed, Carmarthenshire. Thomas Lewis (1868 - 1953) was one of his brothers. His father's wage as a foreman farm-worker at Pencraig-fawr was small and was supplemented by keeping a shop in the home at Pant-y-Waun. Howell's opportunities for learning were restricted. He learnt the alphabet
  • LEWIS, HUBERT (1825 - 1884), jurist second son of Edward Clapham Lewis of Ripon, Yorkshire. Educated at Emmanuel College, Cambridge, he was called to the Bar from the Middle Temple in May 1854. He had an extensive practice as a conveyancer but his reputation was largely based on his legal writings. These included Principles of Conveyancing, 1863; Principles of Equity Drafting, 1865; preceded by an edition of Goldsmith's Equity in
  • LEWIS, HUGH (1562 - 1634), cleric, author, poet His forbears were bondsmen of the township of Bodellog near Caernarvon. His great-grandfather was known as William of Bodellog whose son William ap William married Margaret Bennett and had three sons - Ieuan, Rhys, and Lewis. This Lewis married Agnes, daughter of William Foxwist of Prysgol, a member of the lower gentry. Of this marriage four sons were born - Hugh, Griffith, Richard and John. Hugh
  • LEWIS, HUGH DAVIES (1866 - 1937), prominent in the world of insurance - see LEWIS, Sir ALFRED EDWARD
  • LEWIS, HYWEL DAVID (1910 - 1992), university professor and philosopher Hywel D. Lewis was born in Llandudno 21 May 1910 and brought up in Waunfawr, Caernarfon, the son of David John Lewis, a minister in the Presbyterian Church of Wales, and his wife Rebecca (née Davies). He was educated at Caernarfon Grammar School where he showed no great distinction and afterwards at the University College of North Wales (as it then was) at Bangor where he studied Philosophy, a
  • LEWIS, IDRIS (1889 - 1952), musician for that company (1931-35) he was responsible for arranging music for a number of well-known films, Blossom Time ' being among them, with Richard Tauber as soloist. One of those impressed by that film was Sam Jones, who was at the time producer of Welsh programmes with the B.B.C., and after realising that Idris Lewis was a Welshman he succeeded in persuading him to join the B.B.C. in Cardiff, where