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2425 - 2427 of 2427 for "john"

2425 - 2427 of 2427 for "john"

  • YOUNG, GRUFFYDD (c. 1370 - c. 1435), cleric, and supporter of Owain Glyndŵr -general of S. Davids (Regg. St. Davids, 18-22) and archdeacon of Merioneth (Willis, Bangor, 140). About 1403, he allied himself with Owain Glyndŵr, became his chancellor, and was in Paris in 1404 with John Trevor negotiating a treaty of alliance with Charles VI. He was probably responsible for the ' Pennal policy,' whereby Glyndŵr agreed to transfer the allegiance of the Welsh church from Rome to
  • YSTUMLLYN, JOHN (d. 1786), gardener and land steward What is known of John Ystumllyn derives for the most part from the work of Robert Isaac Jones (Alltud Eifion), who published an account of his life in 1888, later translated as John Ystumllyn or 'Jack Black': the history of his life and traditions about him since his capture in the wilds of Africa until his death; his descendants, etc. etc., together with a picture of him in the year 1754. In the