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229 - 240 of 2016 for "thomas"

229 - 240 of 2016 for "thomas"

  • DAVIES, ROBERT (Bardd Nantglyn; 1769 - 1835), poet and grammarian the influence on the author of the grammars used by the bards of the 15th and 16th century, the works of William Owen Pughe, and the Egluryn Phraethineb of Henry Perri but there is also abundant evidence of Bardd Nantglyn's own study of the subject. At the end of the book the author printed the rules of Welsh prosody, which had been formulated by Dafydd Ddu Eryri (David Thomas, 1759 - 1822) and
  • DAVIES, ROBERT (1790 - 1841), Calvinistic Methodist elder noticed; ANNIE JANE (1873 - 1942) married (1) Thomas Edward Ellis and (2) the Rev. Peter Hughes Griffiths; WALTER ERNEST LLEWELLYN (1874 - 1941) was a physician; and ELIZA (Lily) (1876 - 1939) married J. E. Hughes (1865 - 1932).
  • DAVIES, SAMUEL (1818 - 1891), Wesleyan minister ; he also published a memoir of Thomas Aubrey, 1887. In 1875 he was elected a member of the ' Legal Hundred.' He was a profoundly serious evangelical preacher and an admirable organizer both by temperament and training. In consequence of his strong common sense, his balanced judgment, his culture, and his unsparing industry, he became one of the outstanding Welsh Wesleyan leaders of his time. His
  • DAVIES, STEPHEN (d. 1794), revived the defunct 17th century Baptist church at Carmarthen town, and came to live there - in Lammas Street; and in 1768 (Joshua Thomas, Hist. Bapt. Assoc., 62) Ffynnonhenry and Priory Street were incorporated as a single church. In 1775 some members wished to have Stephen Davies ordained co-pastor, but there was so much opposition that a schism arose. Davies's opponents removed to the old Priory - this was the congregation which afterwards became the Dark
  • DAVIES, STEPHEN OWEN (1886? - 1972), miners' leader and Labour politician He was born at 39 John Street, Abercwmboi, Aberdare, probably (or officially) on 8 or 9 November 1886. Some sources place his birth in 1883 or even earlier. According to the 1891 census, he was nine years of age at that time. He was the fourth of the six children of Thomas Davies, farm labourer, coalminer and trades union officer (died 1909), who had been excommunicated from Soar chapel, Mountain
  • DAVIES, THOMAS (1837 - 1892), mineralogist
  • DAVIES, THOMAS (1812 - 1895), Baptist minister and principal of Haverfordwest Baptist College
  • DAVIES, THOMAS (Trithyd; 1810? - 1873?), musician and composer
  • DAVIES, THOMAS (1820 - 1873), Independent minister
  • DAVIES, THOMAS (TEGWYN; 1851 - 1924), tailor, book-collector and writer
  • DAVIES, THOMAS (fl. 1700), poet He is referred to as ' Thomas Davies from Montgomeryshire ' ('o Sir Drefaldwyn'), but nothing more is known about him. Some of his poems are to be found in 18th century anthologies. A copy of his best-known poem 'Histori dduwiol sef Cerdd y Crys Gwaedlyd ar "loath to depart",' is to be found in NLW MS 700A (16) and also in Cwrtmawr MS 222D (22b).
  • DAVIES, THOMAS (1851 - 1892), musician