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2161 - 2172 of 2437 for "John Crichton-Stuart"

2161 - 2172 of 2437 for "John Crichton-Stuart"

  • TURBERVILLE family Coity, , son of Gilbert I, succeeded. He was alive in 1202, but died c. 1207. GILBERT II, son of Payn II, was granted seisin of the lordship in 1207. He married Matilda (or Agnes), daughter of Morgan Gam of Afan, and acquired through her the manor of Landymôr, in Gower. He seems to have joined in the baronial opposition to John, as he was regranted seisin of his lands in 1217 as ' he had returned to faith
  • TURBERVILLE family Crickhowell, The genealogies are confused and contradictory; that given in Theophilus Jones, History of the County of Brecknock, mixes them up with the Coity family in Glamorgan, and with some English branches. Sir John Edward Lloyd supports Theophilus Jones in the theory that there is no evidence for the statement that the Burghills preceded the Turbervilles at Crickhowell. ROBERT TURBERVILLE appears as a
  • TURNER, SHARON (1768 - 1847), solicitor and historian , in 1803, by publishing A Vindication of the Genuineness of the Ancient British Poems of Aneurin, Taliesin, Llywarch Hen, and Merdhin, with Specimens of the Poems. He was the first to discuss their antiquity, demonstrating the ignorance of the sceptics; see John Morris-Jones, Taliesin (= Cymm., xxviii). His letters to William Owen Pughe are in the National Library of Wales (NLW MS 13222C, NLW MS
  • TURNOR, DAVID (1751? - 1799), cleric and agriculturist son of John Turnor of Crug-mawr, Llangoedmor, Cardiganshire (died 1775), by his wife Margaret Gyon of Ffynnon Coranau, Pembrokeshire. He was educated at Oxford (matriculated from Christ Church, 22 May 1767, aged 16, B.A. 1771, M.A. of Cambridge), and ordained deacon, 7 March 1773, and priest, 21 September 1774. He served the curacy of Penrhyn and Betws Evan, Cardiganshire, and was chaplain to the
  • TWISLETON, GEORGE (1618 - 1667), officer in the parliamentary army third son of John Twisleton of Barley Hall, Yorkshire. He served under general Mytton; took part in the siege and capture of Denbigh castle, whereof he was made governor in 1647. Shortly afterwards he married Mary Glyn, daughter and heiress of William Glyn of Lleuar,, Caernarfonshire, and great-great-granddaughter of William Glyn ' the Sergeant ' (see the article Glyn of Glynllifon). Twisleton
  • VALENTINE, LEWIS EDWARD (1893 - 1986), Baptist minister, author and Welsh nationalist study Semitic languages under Professor Thomas Witton Davies (see the DWB article by Valentine himself), and Welsh under Professor John Morris-Jones. He had already begun preaching in 1912, and his intention was to become a minister after graduating. But his studies were interrupted by the First World War, and having joined the college OTC, in January 1916 he enlisted in the Royal Army Medical Corps
  • VAUGHAN family Clyro, This branch of the Vaughan family was founded by ROGER VAUGHAN I, third son of Thomas ap Roger Vaughan of Hergest. His wife was Jane, daughter of David ap Morgan ap John ap Philip. Their heir was ROGER VAUGHAN II, who married Margaret, daughter of Rhys ap Gwilym ap Llewelyn ap Meyrick. It is possible that he was the commissioner of tenths of spiritualties in Radnorshire in January 1535. He had at
  • VAUGHAN family Trawsgoed, Crosswood, . ' Plas Trawsgoed.' Thereafter the family muniments supply much material as to the succeeding members of the family and the estate (N.L.W. Calendar of Crosswood Deeds, 1927). The first Vaughan to marry a Stedman of Strata Florida appears to have been EDWARD VAUGHAN (died 1635), who married Lettice, daughter of John Stedman. (For the probate of the will of Edward Vaughan, see Crosswood Calendar, 59-60
  • VAUGHAN family Llwydiarth, from Edward de Charleton, lord of Powys, dated 7 Henry V. The family is not mentioned by Lewis Glyn Cothi, and presumably was not powerful before Tudor times. The Vaughans appear to have been constantly at feud with the Herberts, which may explain why they provided no members of parliament for Montgomeryshire, and only one sheriff, JOHN ab OWEN VAUGHAN (in 1583); he married Dorothy, daughter of
  • VAUGHAN family Courtfield, (afterwards Herbert) of Treowen and Llanarth, Powell of Perth-hir, Hughes of Cillwch, and Morgan of Arkstone. As the descent of the family is given in genealogical works, e.g. Burke's Landed Gentry, mention of some members only is called for in this account. In 1562 JOHN AP GWILYM of Gillow, Herefordshire, purchased the manor of Welsh Bicknor. His daughter and heiress, Sibylla, became the wife of JAMES
  • VAUGHAN family Pant Glas, VAUGHAN (II), who is mentioned in cywyddau written by his friend Thomas Prys of Plas Iolyn; he is said to have died in 1654, but this is very doubtful, for a will proved in 1640 suggests that he was already dead. He was succeeded by his eldest son, JOHN VAUGHAN, who was alive in 1640; he, too, is said to have died in 1654 but, again, this is very doubtful, for he is referred to in a document dating from
  • VAUGHAN family Golden Grove, The Vaughans of Golden Grove claimed descent from Bleddyn ap Cynfyn, prince of Powys. The first member of the family to settle at Golden Grove was JOHN VAUGHAN. His son, WALTER VAUGHAN married (1) Katherine, second daughter of Gruffydd ap Rhys of Dinefwr (see Rice family), and (2) Letitia, daughter of Sir John Perrot. He was succeeded by his eldest son JOHN VAUGHAN (1572 - 1634), M.P. Politics