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2113 - 2124 of 2435 for "John Trevor"

2113 - 2124 of 2435 for "John Trevor"

  • THOMAS, RACHEL (1905 - 1995), actress Howell 'Hywel' John Thomas (1901-1964), a farmer's son from Crai in Breconshire, who trained as a teacher and was the first headmaster of Whitchurch School, Cardiff. They settled in Tyle Coch, Y Goedwig, Rhiwbina, in 1933 and had one daughter, Delyth Mariel (1937-2006). Rachel Thomas was a faithful member, and deacon for a time, of Minny Street Independent Chapel in Cardiff, and it was there that she
  • THOMAS, RHYS (1720? - 1790), printer Printer at Carmarthen, Llandovery, and Cowbridge. Rhys Thomas is included in this work as being one of the best Welsh printers of the 18th century, and because of the connection of his press (at Cowbridge) with the publication of the English-Welsh dictionary of John Walters. He was established at Carmarthen in 1760; two small books of hymns by Morgan Rhys (Cascljad o Hymnau) and Dafydd William
  • THOMAS, RICHARD (1753 - 1780), cleric, transcriber and collector of manuscripts, and genealogist younger brother of John Thomas (1736 - 1769). The older brother died in 1769, leaving his manuscripts, so it is said, to the younger brother. It is not surprising, therefore, to find that Richard Thomas refers in his letters from Oxford to his interest in manuscripts. Thomas met Evan Evans (Ieuan Fardd, alias Ieuan Brydydd Hir) at Peniarth, in April 1775, at a time, be it noted, when the Society of
  • THOMAS, ROBERT (d. 2 April 1692), Puritan preacher the preachers of John Miles, baptized at Ilston in November 1650.
  • THOMAS, ROBERT (1782 - 1860), printer and publisher Robert Thomas, the son of John and Mary Thomas, was born at Rhandregynwen, on 16 November 1782 (Rhandregynwen, Llanymynech, Montgomeryshire, OS Map 118, SJ 2819; various spellings, was and still is a substantial farm on the banks of the river Vyrnwy). He married Mary Harris of Southampton at the Church of the Holy Rood, 8 January 1818 and they had two sons (William Kyffin and Robert George) and
  • THOMAS, ROBERT (1796 - 1866), Calvinistic Methodist preacher, a 'character' preaching in 1820. In 1823 he spent some months in John Hughes's school at Wrexham. After that, he himself kept a school at Bodfari and Trelogan, while continuing to work as a stone-mason. In 1826 he married Sara Roberts of Cae'r-lion, Llanycil, and they lived for two years at Bala where, for part of the time, he kept a school. From 1828 to 1834 he farmed Ty-nant in Llanycil, and from 1834 to 1840 rented
  • THOMAS, Sir ROBERT JOHN (1873 - 1951), politician and shipowner
  • THOMAS, RONALD STUART (1913 - 2000), poet and clergyman 'mainstream' press, was singled out for praise on the influential BBC radio programme The Critics. He also received the Royal Society of Literature's Heinemann Award. The process of stereotyping him as a rural, typically 'retiring', 'English' poet-parson had already been begun by John Betjeman in his generous foreword to that volume. English critics were long to find it difficult to shed this distorting
  • THOMAS, SIENCYN (1690 - 1762), boot-maker, Dissenting preacher, and poet The son of Thomas Morgan, miller, of Tre Wen, Brongwyn, Cardiganshire. He lived at Cwm Du. According to the evidence of the elegy written upon him by his son, John Jenkin, he was born in 1690. He began his career as a Dissenting preacher in 1716 and attended to the spiritual needs of the congregations at Tre-wen and Llechryd. His englynion ' In Laudem Authoris ' in Drych y Prif Oesoedd, 1716, and
  • THOMAS, SIMON (d. 1743?), Presbyterian minister and author ministers) of the local congregation, for in that month he was one of the witnesses to the will of his senior co-minister, John Weaver (Cylchgrawn Cymdeithas Hanes y Methodistiaid Calfinaidd, 1943, 105). His first and best-known book was Hanes y Byd a'r Amseroedd, 1718, a kind of encyclopaedia with a distinct anti-Papal bias, which was very popular, being reprinted three times (1721, 1724, 1728) in his
  • THOMAS, THOMAS (1776 - 1847), cleric and historian son of John Thomas (1721 - 1795), rector of Aberporth, curate of Llandygwydd, Blaenporth and Llechryd, and schoolmaster at Llechryd. He was born at Tre-wen, Blaenporth, in 1776, but the family moved to Henbant, Llandygwydd, about 1785. Educated by his father and at the Carmarthen grammar school under Barker, he was ordained curate, 21 September 1788, and priest, 10 October 1789. He served a cure
  • THOMAS, THOMAS (1804 - 1877), cleric Born 7 September 1804, son of John Thomas of Llanfihangel-y-Creuddyn, Cardiganshire. He was educated at Ystrad Meurig and matriculated in the University of Oxford from Jesus College, 29 March 1824. He took his B.A. in 1827, and after a year's teaching in Liverpool was ordained deacon by bishop Luxmoore of S. Asaph, 20 July 1828, and licensed to Llanfair Caer Einion. He received priest ' orders