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1981 - 1992 of 2436 for "John Trevor"

1981 - 1992 of 2436 for "John Trevor"

  • RUSSON, Sir WILLIAM CLAYTON (1895 - 1968), industrialist Phostrogen company in Corwen. From 1960 onwards he served as an officer of the Order of St. John, becoming Commander in 1962 and Knight in 1968. He was also a Freeman of the City of London. In 1931 he married Gwladys Nellie, the daughter of Henry Markham of Dulwich and they made their home at Glanymawddach near Barmouth. He died on 16 April 1968 and was buried at Caerdeon church cemetery.
  • SALESBURY, HENRY (1561 - 1637?), grammarian Born in Henllan parish, Denbighshire, his family being a branch of the old Lleweni family. He graduated in Oxford University (S. Alban Hall), studied medicine, and followed the profession of a physician. Dr. John Davies of Mallwyd refers to him as ' medicus doctis annumerandus.' In 1593 he published his Welsh grammar, Grammatica Britannica (London). It is also recorded that he had begun another
  • SALESBURY, WILLIAM (1520? - 1584?), scholar and chief translator of the first Welsh New Testament Llwyd, sister of Dr. Elis Prys of Plas Iolyn. Although Sir John Wynn of Gwydir and others suggest that he lived to about the end of the century, it is practically certain that he died about 1584 or shortly before that. William Salesbury's industry was actuated mainly by two motives: a desire to make the Holy Scriptures available to the Welsh, and a desire to impart knowledge and learning to them in
  • SALISBURY, JOHN (fl. 1695), printer - see SALISBURY, THOMAS
  • SALISBURY, THOMAS (1567? - 1620), publisher ' Registers in 1597 was a Welsh version of A godly meditation of the soule concerninge a love towards Christ our Lord, but there is no evidence that this was ever published. In a letter written to Sir John Wynn of Gwydir c. 1610 (Ballinger and Jones, The Bible in Wales and Calendar of the Wynn of Gwydir Papers) Salisbury refers to several books in Welsh lost through the untimely death of Edward Kyffin, the
  • SALUSBURY, Sir CHARLES JOHN (1792 - 1868), cleric and antiquary a man of letters and antiquary who took a particular interest in the history of Monmouthshire. There are letters to him from Richard Llwyd ('Bard of Snowdon'), John Montgomery Traherne, and others, in N.L.W. MS. B.R.A. 328.
  • SALUSBURY, JOHN (1575 - 1625), Jesuit and scholar
  • SALUSBURY family Rug, Bachymbyd, This family was founded at Bachymbyd, between Ruthin and Denbigh, at the close of the 15th century by JOHN SALUSBURY, fourth son of Thomas Salusbury of Lleweni (died 1471). It acquired Rug by the marriage of John's eldest son PIERS SALUSBURY to Margaret Wen, daughter and heiress of Ieuan ap Hywel ap Rhys, lord of Rug, near Corwen, Meironnydd. Rug became the more important of the two seats, though
  • SALUSBURY family Lleweni, Bachygraig, abandoned when Sir John and his party had come within an ace of fighting a pitched battle at Wrexham with his enemies, Sir Richard Trevor of Trefalun, Sir John Lloyd of Llanrhaeadr, and captain John Salusbury of Rug. Sir John was something of a poet; he wrote in English, and in the manner of his time, a number of sonnets and love lyrics which have little literary merit but throw light on the works of
  • SALUSBURY, THOMAS (1561 - 1586), conspirator Born 1561, elder son and heir of John Salusbury the younger and Katheryn of Berain. His year of birth is found in an englyn by William Cynwal, NLW MS 1553A. His brother (Sir) John was born in 1566 (englyn by William Cynwal in NLW MS 6495D, facing p. 1); in the same MS., englynion by various poets name five of his children. He was admitted to Trinity College, Oxford, 29 January 1579/80 at the age
  • SAMUEL, EDWARD (1674 - 1748), cleric, poet, and author Ddyledswydd Dyn (Shrewsbury, 1718); (c) Prif ddledswyddau Christion : sef angenrhaid a mawrlles gweddi gyffredin a mynych gymmuno (Shrewsbury, John Rhydderch, 1722/3; 1793 ed. printed at Chester) - from the original by William Beveridge, bishop of St Asaph; the first of the two works, published together, was dedicated to judge Robert Price, Giler, Denbighshire, and the second to Watkin Williams Wynne [sic
  • SANDBROOK, JOHN ARTHUR (1876 - 1942), journalist