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181 - 192 of 319 for "humphrey llwyd"

181 - 192 of 319 for "humphrey llwyd"

  • LLWYD, HARRI (d. 1799), Wesleyan lay preacher permitted to preach up and down, chiefly in Welsh, at the discretion of the Assistant.' He remained on friendly terms with Howel Harris all his life, and preached at Trevecka in 1771 and 1772. He wrote Profiad Tufewnol o Nefoedd ac Uffern, 1750; Hymnau ar Amryw Ystyriaethau, 1752; Pregeth ar Farwolaeth y Parchedig G. Whitefield … gan J. Wesley (trans. by Llwyd, 1771); Marwnad … Howell Harris, 1773.
  • LLWYD, HUMPHREY (1527 - 1568), physician and antiquary Born 1527 at Denbigh, son of Robert Llwyd (or Lloyd) and Joan, daughter of Lewis Pigott. He was educated at Oxford; B.A. 1547, M.A. 1551. He studied medicine and became private physician to lord Arundel, chancellor of the University at Oxford, but returned to Denbigh in 1563. Although a practising physician Llwyd was interested in music and arts, and was described by Anthony à Wood as ' a person
  • LLWYD, HUW (Huw Llwyd o Gynfal; 1568? - 1630?), soldier and bard His home was Cynfal Fawr, in the parish of Maentwrog, Merioneth. His father was Dafydd Llwyd ap Howel ap Rhys. It is known that Huw Llwyd and his brother Owen bought much land in that neighbourhood. He fought in France and Holland in a Welsh regiment raised to fight the armies of Spain in the Low Countries. It is thought that he built the present Cynfal house; the poet Huw Machno has a cywydd c
  • LLWYD, HWLCYN, harpist graded as disgybl penceirddaidd at the Caerwys eisteddfod of 1523, and as athro cerdd dant telyn, again at Caerwys, 26 May 1568 - not to be confused with Hwlcyn Llwyd of Glynllifon (died 1403).
  • LLWYD, MORGAN (1619 - 1659), littérateur, poet, mystic
  • LLWYD, RICHARD (Bard of Snowdon; 1752 - 1835), poet and authority on Welsh heraldry and genealogy Born at the King's Head, Beaumaris, son of John and Alice Llwyd. The father, a coast trader, died at Warrington, of smallpox, when Richard was quite young. After nine months at the Beaumaris Free School, Llwyd entered the domestic service of a local gentleman; by 1870 he had become steward and secretary to a Mr. Griffith, Caerhun, near Conway. Later he retired to Beaumaris where he was
  • LLWYD, ROBERT (1565 - 1655), cleric and writer
  • LLWYD, STEPHEN (1794 - 1854), musician
  • LLWYD, HUMPHREY (c. 1527 - 1568), antiquary and map-maker Humphrey Llwyd was born in about 1527 at Denbigh, the only child of Robert Llwyd, Clerk of Works at Denbigh Castle, and Joan (born 1507), daughter of Lewis Piggott. A member of a cadet branch of the Llwyd-Rossendale family of Foxhall, Henllan, Denbighshire, he could trace his ancestry back to Henry (Harri) Rossendale of Rossendale, Lancashire, a liege of Henry de Lacy, Earl of Lincoln and Lord of
  • LLYWELYN ap GUTUN (fl. c. 1480), poet Pennardd, Hywel ap Rheinallt, and Lewis Môn. Ymrysonau, or bardic controversies, occurred between him and the following poets : D. Llwyd of Mathafarn, Guto'r Glyn, Lewys Môn, and Gruffudd ab Ieuan ap Rhys Llwyd.