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1549 - 1560 of 2552 for "samuel Thomas evans"

1549 - 1560 of 2552 for "samuel Thomas evans"

  • MORGAN, WILLIAM (1801 - 1872), Baptist minister Cardigan. He then spent two years at Abergavenny College. Towards the end of 1824 he received a call to Holyhead and was ordained 18 April 1825 - the first Baptist to be ordained in Anglesey; there, he was unequalled except by Christmas Evans. He was, says Robert Jones (1806 - 1896) of Llanllyfni, as able as John Elias, but not as lucid. He joined issue with other able men in Y Bedyddiwr, wrote an elegy
  • MORGAN, WILLIAM (1750 - 1833), actuary and scientist beliefs which 'on all the great points' concurred with Price's philosophy and Unitarian creed. He admits rather coyly 'some doubts' but does not give any details. Through Price, Morgan met a number of the leading intellectuals of the day including Joseph Priestley, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Paine, John Howard and John Horne Tooke, and he shared many of their radical views. He was sympathetic to the
  • MORGAN, WILLIAM GERAINT OLIVER (1920 - 1995), Conservative politician matters. He held regular constituency surgeries, usually in Denbigh's historic eighteenth-century town hall. In the general election of 1983, he lent support to the Plaid Cymru candidate. In 1984, deprived of his seat, he resigned from the Conservatives and joined the Liberal Party. In the 1989 European elections Morgan urged support for Dafydd Elis Thomas, the Plaid Cymru candidate. Yet he never
  • MORRICE, JAMES CORNELIUS (1874 - 1953), priest and Welsh scholar Born 10 December 1874 at Porthmadog, Caernarfonshire, son of James Cornelius Morrice, engine driver, and his wife Margaret (née Thomas). He was educated at Porthmadog county school and University College Bangor (1897) where he graduated with first-class hon. in Welsh in 1900, the first to do so, it is claimed: he gained his M.A. with a dissertation on ' The poems of William Lleyn ' in 1902
  • MORRIS, DAVID (1744 - 1791), Calvinistic Methodist exhorter, and hymn-writer ; his second wife is called 'Betti' in the elegy written upon him by Thomas Jones. The celebrated Ebenezer Morris was his son by his first wife. He died 17 September 1791, and was buried in Tredreyr churchyard. David Morris was a hymn-writer of some distinction. In 1773 a collection of his hymns was published by J. Ross of Carmarthen under the title Can y Pererinion Cystuddiedig ar eu Taith tu a Seion
  • MORRIS, EBENEZER (1790 - 1867), cleric was already curate - the patron both of Llan-nonn and Llanelly was Rees Goring Thomas, one of the promoters of the Society of National Schools (A History of Carmarthenshire, ii, index). He married (at Llandyfaelog, 2 September 1813), Sarah, daughter of John Williams of Carmarthen, fifth son of the commentator, Peter Williams; there were two daughters of the marriage, and the daughter of one of these
  • MORRIS, EDWARD (1607 - 1689) Perthi Llwydion, Cerrig-y-drudion, poet and drover . He refers to himself as the family bard of Thomas Mostyn of Gloddaeth and on festive occasions he was certain of a welcome from the Mostyns and from the Wynn family of Bodysgallen. He was a master of cynghanedd, an able descriptive writer who was acquainted with the essentials of the old bardic fraternity, and a writer of cywyddau in the manner of the master poets. He learned the four and twenty
  • MORRIS, HAYDN (1891 - 1965), musician first under local teachers, and then under D. Vaughan Thomas at Swansea. After becoming A.R.C.M. in 1918 a concert was arranged to assist him to further his education. He went to the Royal Academy of Music in London later that year where he studied till 1922, gaining the Oliveria Prescott prize for composition and receiving the special commendation of Edward Elgar. He graduated Mus.Bac. in 1923, and
  • MORRIS, JAMES (1853 - 1914), Calvinistic Methodist minister, and author interested in the history of his connexion in Carmarthenshire, and produced four books on that subject: Cofiant Dafi Dafis, Rhydcymerau (1907), Cofiant Thomas Jones, Conwyl (1899), Efengylwyr Seion (1905 -biographical sketches), and Hanes Methodistiaeth Sir Gaerfyrddin (1911). They are somewhat uncritical, but interesting and very useful.
  • MORRIS, LEWIS (Llewelyn Ddu o Fôn; 1701 - 1765), poet and scholar Meyricks upon Thomas Corbett of the navy office, he was, from 1737, employed to make a survey of some of the Welsh ports, and though this project was temporarily suspended, it was resumed in 1741 - it was in 1748 that his Plans of Harbours, Bays, and Roads in St. George's and the Bristol Channels was published (2nd ed. by his son William in 1801). Meanwhile, Morris had visited Cardiganshire (as early as
  • MORRIS, PERCY (1893 - 1967), politician and trade unionist Born 6 October 1893 at Swansea, the son of Thomas and Emma Morris. He was educated at Manselton elementary school and Dynevor secondary school, Swansea. He became involved in Labour politics in his youth, and was much sought after as an eloquent public speaker even during his schooldays. In 1908 he was appointed to an administrative post on the Great Western Railway and immediately became a
  • MORRIS, Sir RHYS HOPKIN (1888 - 1956), politician, stipendiary magistrate, first director of the Welsh Region B.B.C. practised in the South Wales circuit. He assisted W. Llewelyn Williams in his election campaign in Cardiganshire, upon whose death in 1922 he was invited to fight the seat for the Asquithian Liberals (the Wee Frees). He was not elected, but dented Ernest Evans ' vote, was eventually returned for Cardiganshire in 1923 and remained as member until 1932 when he applied for the Chiltern Hundreds on being